Acceleration Velocity Sensor - 42
- Advanced Navigation Spatial ANPP (Velo, Acc, Rot) - 42
- CDL MiniPOS3 (Binary) Vel, Acc, Rot - 42
- iXBlue PHINS (Binary Nav message) Vel, Rot (UTC) - 42
- iXBlue PHINS (Binary Nav message) Vel, Rot - 42
- iXblue Std Bin (Vel/Acc/Rot) (UTC) - 42
- Network (TCP) - Advanced Navigation Spatial ANPP (Velo, Acc, RoT) - 42
- Network (TCP) - Advanced Navigation Subsonus ANPP (Velo, Acc, Rot) - 42
- Network (TCP) - iXblue Std Bin (Vel/Acc/Rot) (UTC) - 42
- Network (TCP) - Nortek Binary (Velo, Acc, RoT) (UTC) - 42
- Network (TCP) - Nortek Binary (Velo, Acc, RoT) - 42
- Network (TCP) - Seapath Binary Format 23 Vel, RoT (UTC) (NOCS) - 42
- Network (TCP) - Seapath Binary Format 23 Vel, RoT (UTC) - 42
- Network (TCP) - Seapath Binary Format 26 Vel, RoT (UTC) (NOCS) - 42
- Network (TCP) - Seapath Binary Format 26 Vel, RoT (UTC) - 42
- Network (TCP) - Trimble/Applanix GSOF (Velo, Acc, RoT) - 42
- Network (UDP) - iXblue Std Bin (Vel/Acc/Rot) (UTC) - 42
- Network (UDP) - Nortek Binary (Velo, Acc, RoT) (UTC) - 42
- Network (UDP) - Nortek Binary (Velo, Acc, RoT) - 42
- Network (UDP) - Seapath Binary Format 23 Vel, RoT (UTC) (NOCS) - 42
- Network (UDP) - Seapath Binary Format 23 Vel, RoT (UTC) - 42
- Network (UDP) - Seapath Binary Format 26 Vel, RoT (UTC) (NOCS) - 42
- Network (UDP) - Seapath Binary Format 26 Vel, RoT (UTC) - 42
- Network (UDP) - Trimble/Applanix GSOF (Velo, Acc, RoT) - 42
- Network - AD Navigation ADX-Series (Rot) - 42
- Network - iXBlue PHINS (Binary Nav message) Vel, Rot (UTC) - 42
- Network - Leica IPAS20 (Vel, Rot Rates) - 42
- Network - SBG Systems Vel, Acc, Rot (TCP) (UTC) - 42
- Network - SBG Systems Vel, Acc, Rot (TCP) - 42
- Network - SBG Systems Vel, Acc, Rot (UDP) (UTC) - 42
- Network - SBG Systems Vel, Acc, Rot (UDP) - 42
- Nortek Binary (Velo, Acc, RoT) - 42
- SBG Systems Vel, Acc, Rot (UTC) - 42
- SBG Systems Vel, Acc, Rot - 42
- Seapath Binary Format 23 Vel, RoT (UTC) (NOCS) - 42
- Seapath Binary Format 23 Vel, RoT (UTC) - 42
- Seapath Binary Format 26 Vel, RoT (UTC) (NOCS) - 42
- Seapath Binary Format 26 Vel, RoT (UTC) - 42
- Sonardyne LNAV Vel, Acc, Rot - 42
- Sonardyne SPRINT INS Vel, Acc, Rot - 42
- Trimble/Applanix GSOF (Velo, Acc, RoT) - 42
- XSens Motion Tracker MTi Acc, Rot (Active) - 42
- XSens Motion Tracker MTi Acc, Rot (Passive) - 42
Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler - 45
- Network (TCP) - Nortek Binary ADCP (UTC) - 45
- Network (TCP) - Nortek Binary ADCP - 45
- Network (UDP) - Nortek Binary ADCP (UTC) - 45
- Network (UDP) - Nortek Binary ADCP - 45
- Nortek Binary ADCP - 45
- Nortek Signature VM (UTC) - 45
- Nortek Signature VM - 45
- Teledyne RDI WorkHorse ADCP series (UTC) - 45
- Teledyne RDI WorkHorse ADCP series - 45
AIS System - 32
- AIS Standard VDO-VDM Messages - 32
- DSLR Camera - Basler - 32
- DSLR Camera - WIA Compatible - 32
- Event Markers - Imtech ECDIS 3500 (WinSocket) - 32
- Network - AIS Standard VDO-VDM Messages (TCP) - 32
- Network - AIS Standard VDO-VDM Messages (UDP) - 32
- NMEA Target Messages (TLL-TLB-TTM) - 32
- REMUS AUV (CARXD) CAD-CAC Targets - 32
ARPA System - 33
- FarSounder (Forward Looking Sonar) In-water Targets - 33
- Fugro UDI-ROV Header (dX dY dZ) - 33
- iXblue Std Bin (UTC) (LBL + USBL Targets) - 33
- Kongsberg RADius Range and Bearing (PSXRAD Message) - 33
- Nautronics ATS (ASCII) - 33
- Nautronics ATS (Binary) - 33
- Network (TCP) - Advanced Navigation Subsonus ANPP (USBL Targets) - 33
- Network (TCP) - iXblue Std Bin (UTC) (LBL + USBL Targets) - 33
- Network (UDP) - iXblue Std Bin (UTC) (LBL + USBL Targets) - 33
- Network - ARPA 3500 Targets (WinSocket) - 33
- Network - Kongsberg RADius Range and Bearing (PSXRAD Message) (UDP) - 33
- Network - NUWC TCT-TO - 33
- Network - Simrad HiPAP (NMEA PSIMSSB Format) (UTC) - 33
- NMEA Target Messages (TTM) - 33
- NUWC TCT-TO - 33
- Simrad HiPAP (400 Binary Format) - 33
- Simrad HiPAP (NMEA PSIMSSB Format) (UTC) - 33
- Simrad HiPAP (NMEA PSIMSSB Format) - 33
- Simrad HiPAP Raw (NMEA PSIMSSR Format) (UTC) - 33
- Simrad HiPAP Raw (NMEA PSIMSSR Format) - 33
- Simrad HPR300 (ASCII) - 33
- Simrad HPR - 33
- Sonardyne USBL (Surveyors Output) (UTC) - 33
- Sonardyne USBL (Surveyors Output) - 33
- Trackpoint II - 33
Dredging Sensor - 36
- Crane Tool vdLeun (QDREDGE) - 36
- Generic OpcUA Input - 36
- Generic Serial Input - 36
- Hitachi Sumitomo WireCrane (Grab Open-Close) - 36
- Honeywell PLC (Dredge Status) - 36
- IHC Dredge Monitoring (PIHC) - 36
- Liebherr WireCrane (Grab Open-Close) - 36
- Manual Dredge Sensor Input - 36
- Manual Switch (serial port) - 36
- Network - Crane Tool vdLeun (QDREDGE) - 36
- Network - IHC Dredging (ASCII) - 36
- Network - IHC Dredging (Binary) - 36
- Network - Praxis MEGA-GUARD - 36
- Network - VODAS Waypoint Control (Dredge Flag) (UDP) - 36
- OPC Interface - 36
Gyro Compass - 05
- AD Navigation DC-Series (Heading) - 05
- Advanced Navigation Spatial ANPP (Heading) - 05
- AIS Standard VDM Message (Others Ship's Message) - 05
- AIS Standard VDO Message (Ship's Own Message) - 05
- AOSI EZ-COMPASS-3 (Heading) - 05
- CDL MiniPOS3 (Binary) Heading - 05
- CDL Tokimec (PTVF) Heading - 05
- Crane Tool vdLeun (Heading) - 05
- Crane Tool vdLeun (QATT) - 05
- DeepC AUV (Heading) - 05
- Digilog (ASCII) - 05
- Digilog (Modified Anschutz) - 05
- EdgeTech DF-1000 Sidescan (Heading) - 05
- EdgeTech Heading - 05
- ENL WASSP 3250 (Heading) (UTC) - 05
- ENL WASSP F - 05
- ENL WASSP x230 (Heading) - 05
- FarSounder (Forward Looking Sonar) (Vessel Heading) - 05
- Generic - Applanix PASHR (Network) - 05
- Generic - KVH ROV GyroTrac - 05
- Generic OpcUA Input - 05
- Generic Serial Input - 05
- Geoconsult Vessel Gyrocompass 1 (ASCII) - 05
- Geoconsult Vessel Gyrocompass 2 (ASCII) - 05
- Geoteam Anchor Handling driver - 05
- Heading Simulator - 05
- Hippy Datawell Piro MRU (Heading) - 05
- Imagenex DeltaT Profiler (Heading) (UTC) - 05
- Imagenex DeltaT Profiler (Heading) - 05
- IMCA Generic Message (Heading) - 05
- Innomar SES2000 Heading - 05
- Innovatum SMARTRAK cable tracking (Heading) - 05
- ISIS (ROV Gyro) - 05
- iXBlue Octans MRU (HEHDT) (Heave Up O) - 05
- iXBlue Octans MRU (HEHDT) (Heave Up U) - 05
- iXBlue Octans TAH (PHOCT) (UTC) - 05
- iXBlue Octans TAH (PHOCT) - 05
- iXBlue PHINS (Binary Nav message) Heading (UTC) - 05
- iXBlue PHINS (Binary Nav message) Heading - 05
- iXBlue PHINS DVL Halliburton SAS (PIXSE HSATIT) - 05
- iXBlue PHINS Standard (HEHDT) - 05
- iXblue Std Bin (UTC) - 05
- Jan de Nul Eco Dredger (Horizontal Angle) - 05
- Klein2000 SSS Heading (With Annotation) - 05
- Klein Marine Systems 3000 (Heading) - 05
- Klein Marine Systems 3900 (Heading) - 05
- Klein Marine Systems 4000 (Heading) - 05
- Klein Marine Systems 4900 (Heading) - 05
- Klein Marine Systems 5000 (Heading) - 05
- Klein Marine Systems 5000 Version 2 (Heading) - 05
- Klein Marine Systems Hydrocharting 3500 Heading - 05
- Klein Marine Systems Ma-x View 600 (Heading) - 05
- Kongsberg Mesotech MS1000 Heading (Network) - 05
- KVH DGS-3 Digital Gyrocompass - 05
- Lehmkuhl (Binary) - 05
- Litef Gyro LFK95 (Binary) (Heading) - 05
- Manual Heading Input - 05
- Mikrofyn MikroDigger (Heading) - 05
- Naval GPS Data Link (PLO) Heading - 05
- Network (TCP) - Advanced Navigation Spatial ANPP (Heading) - 05
- Network (TCP) - Advanced Navigation Subsonus ANPP (Heading) - 05
- Network (TCP) - iXblue Std Bin (UTC) - 05
- Network (TCP) - Nortek Binary (Heading) (UTC) - 05
- Network (TCP) - Nortek Binary (Heading) - 05
- Network (TCP) - Seapath Binary Format 23 (heading) (UTC) (NOCS) - 05
- Network (TCP) - Seapath Binary Format 23 (heading) (UTC) - 05
- Network (TCP) - Seapath Binary Format 26 (heading) (UTC) (NOCS) - 05
- Network (TCP) - Seapath Binary Format 26 (heading) (UTC) - 05
- Network (TCP) - Septentrio SBF (UTC) (Passive) - 05
- Network (TCP) - Septentrio SBF (UTC) - 05
- Network (TCP) - Trimble/Applanix GSOF (Heading) - 05
- Network (UDP) - Forssea VLOC (Heading) - 05
- Network (UDP) - iXblue Std Bin (UTC) - 05
- Network (UDP) - Nortek Binary (Heading) (UTC) - 05
- Network (UDP) - Nortek Binary (Heading) - 05
- Network (UDP) - QPS Binary - Coverage Monitoring (UTC) - 05
- Network (UDP) - Seapath Binary Format 23 (heading) (UTC) (NOCS) - 05
- Network (UDP) - Seapath Binary Format 23 (heading) (UTC) - 05
- Network (UDP) - Seapath Binary Format 26 (heading) (UTC) (NOCS) - 05
- Network (UDP) - Seapath Binary Format 26 (heading) (UTC) - 05
- Network (UDP) - Septentrio SBF (UTC) (Passive) - 05
- Network (UDP) - Trimble/Applanix GSOF (Heading) - 05
- Network - AD Navigation ADX-Series (Heading) - 05
- Network - Coda Octopus F180 Heading (UTC) - 05
- Network - Crane Tool vdLeun (QATT) - 05
- Network - IHC Dredging (ASCII) - 05
- Network - IHC Dredging (Binary) - 05
- Network - iXBlue Octans MRU (HEHDT) (Heave Up O) - 05
- Network - iXBlue Octans MRU (HEHDT) (Heave Up U) - 05
- Network - iXBlue Octans TAH (PHOCT) (UTC) - 05
- Network - iXBlue Octans TAH (PHOCT) - 05
- Network - iXBlue PHINS (Binary Nav message) Heading (UTC) - 05
- Network - iXBlue PHINS DVL Halliburton SAS (PIXSE HSATIT) - 05
- Network - Javad AT4 or IMU Unit (Heading) - 05
- Network - Leica IPAS20 (Heading) - 05
- Network - Naval GPS Data Link (PLO) Heading - 05
- Network - NMEA Compass (HCC) - 05
- Network - NMEA Compass (HDT) - 05
- Network - NMEA Compass (HRC) (No CheckSum) - 05
- Network - NMEA Compass (INHDT) (No CheckSum) - 05
- Network - NMEA Magnetic Hdg (HDG-HDM-HCC-HCD-HSC) - 05
- Network - NMEA Position and Heading (CheckSum) - 05
- Network - NMEA Position and Heading (GGA-HDT-ROT) - 05
- Network - NMEA Position and Heading (No CheckSum) - 05
- Network - NMEA PRDID (Heading) - 05
- Network - NMEA True Heading Gyrocompass (HDG-HDT) - 05
- Network - OXTS Inertial+ Heading (with UTC) - 05
- Network - POS MV (NMEA HDT Heading and Position) - 05
- Network - POS MV V5 (Binary Group 1-102-103) - 05
- Network - Praxis MEGA-GUARD - 05
- Network - Qinsy Remote Control Telemetry Heading (UDP) - 05
- Network - Qinsy Remote Control Telemetry Heading (UTC)(UDP) - 05
- Network - SBG Systems Heading (TCP) - 05
- Network - SBG Systems Heading (UDP) - 05
- Network - SBG Systems Heading (UTC) (TCP) - 05
- Network - SBG Systems Heading (UTC) (UDP) - 05
- Network - Seapath Binary Format 11 (Heading) (UTC) - 05
- Network - Seapath MRU NMEA (PSXN) (TCP) - 05
- Network - Seapath MRU NMEA (PSXN) (UDP) - 05
- Network - Septentrio PolaRx2e - PolaRx2eH - 05
- Network - TSS1-TSS2 Format (Heading) - 05
- NMEA Compass (HCC) - 05
- NMEA Compass (HDT) - 05
- NMEA Compass (HRC) (No CheckSum) - 05
- NMEA Compass (INHDT) (No CheckSum) - 05
- NMEA Magnetic Heading (HDG-HDM-HCC-HCD-HSC) - 05
- NMEA Position and Heading (CheckSum) - 05
- NMEA Position and Heading (GGA-HDT-ROT) - 05
- NMEA Position and Heading (No CheckSum) - 05
- NMEA PRDID (Heading) - 05
- NMEA True Heading Gyrocompass (HDG-HDT) - 05
- Nortek Aquadopp Compass Heading - 05
- Nortek Binary (Heading) - 05
- NovAtel SPAN (INSPVA - HEAVEA Format) (Heading) - 05
- NovAtel SPAN (INSPVA Format) (Heading) - 05
- OPC Interface (Heading) - 05
- Optimal Ranging Orion - 05
- Ping DSP 3DSS-DX-450 Heading - 05
- POS MV (NMEA HDT Heading and Position) - 05
- QC Header - UDI-ROV (Heading) - 05
- Qinsy Remote Control Telemetry Heading (UTC) - 05
- Qinsy Remote Control Telemetry Heading - 05
- Racal FFROV (Heading) - 05
- Raytheon AST PROSAS (Heading) - 05
- RDI Doppler BottomTrack Heading (Binary PD) - 05
- REMUS AUV (CARXD) Heading - 05
- Reson Seabat 7K (TCP Network) Heading - 05
- Robertson (Binary) - 05
- Robertson (Reversed Binary) - 05
- SAPS (Heading) - 05
- SBG Systems Heading - 05
- SBG Systems Heading UTC - 05
- SeaEye Boxer ROV (Heading) - 05
- Seapath Binary Format 11 (Heading) (UTC) - 05
- Seapath Binary Format 11 (Heading) - 05
- Seapath Binary Format 23 (heading) (UTC) (NOCS) - 05
- Seapath Binary Format 23 (heading) (UTC) - 05
- Seapath Binary Format 26 (heading) (UTC) (NOCS) - 05
- Seapath Binary Format 26 (heading) (UTC) - 05
- Seapath Binary Standard Format (Heading) - 05
- Seapath MRU NMEA (PSXN) - 05
- Seateam MRU (Heading) - 05
- Seatec BokaWire (Vessel-ROV Gyro) - 05
- Septentrio PolaRx2e - PolaRx2eH - 05
- Septentrio SBF (UTC) - 05
- Sercel NR230 Heading (NMEA PSER - A) - 05
- SG-Brown (ASCII) - 05
- SG-Brown (Binary) - 05
- Simrad EM1000 (Heading) - 05
- Simrad EM3000 (Heading) - 05
- Simrad HiPAP 400 Binary (Heading) - 05
- Simrad HiPAP NMEA (PSIMSNS) (Heading) (UTC) - 05
- Simrad HiPAP NMEA (PSIMSNS) (Heading) - 05
- Simrad HPR300 (ASCII) (Heading) - 05
- Simrad HPR (Heading) - 05
- Simrad HPR LBL Raw Data (Heading) - 05
- SMD ROV (Gyro Heading) - 05
- Sonardyne APS3 Position Output (Age) (Heading) - 05
- Sonardyne APS3 Position Output (Heading) - 05
- Sonardyne APS3 Position Output (NAVCO) (Heading) - 05
- Sonardyne Fusion (PSONALL) - 05
- Sonardyne Heading (Surveyors Output) (UTC) -05
- Sonardyne Heading (Surveyors Output) - 05
- Sonardyne LNAV (Heading) - 05
- Sonardyne SPRINT INS (Heading) - 05
- Sperry (Binary) - 05
- Sub-Atlantic (Compass Telegram) (Heading) - 05
- Subsea Telemetry Heading (No CheckSum) - 05
- Subsea Telemetry Heading - 05
- System Cloner - 05
- Teledyne RDI WorkHorse ADCP series (UTC) - 05
- Teledyne RDI WorkHorse ADCP series - 05
- Trackpoint II - 05
- Tracs TDMA (Heading) - 05
- Trimble/Applanix GSOF (Heading) - 05
- Ulvertech Pipe-Cable Tracker Heading - 05
- WinSocket - Heading Input - 05
- XSens Motion Tracker MTi (Heading) (Active) - 05
- XSens Motion Tracker MTi (Heading) (Passive) - 05
Magnetometer - 35
- Generic - Geometrics G882 TVG Mag-1 - 35
- Generic - Geometrics G882 TVG Mag-2 (Network) - 35
- Generic - Geometrics G882 TVG Mag-1 (Network) - 35
- Generic - Geometrics G882 TVG Mag-2 - 35
- Innovatum Smartsearch Gradiometer - 35
- Innovatum SMARTRAK cable tracking (Magnetic) - 35
- Generic OpcUA Input - 35
- Magnetometer (Geometrics G882) - 35
- Generic Serial Input - 35
- Magnetometer (Geometrics G880) - 35
- SeaSPY-SeaLINK Standard Format (UTC) (4Hz) - 35
- SeaSPY-SeaLINK Standard Format (UTC) (1Hz) - 35
- SeaSPY-SeaLINK Standard Format (Passive) - 35
Miscellaneous System - 23
- AD Navigation DC-201 Controller - 23
- AD Navigation DC-Series (Quality) - 23
- Advanced Navigation Spatial ANPP (Metadata) - 23
- AIRMAR EchoRange (SDXDR) Water Temperature - 23
- Atlas Fansweep-Hydrosweep MD2 (Network Clock Sync Offset) - 23
- Bundle Results Telemetry Input - 23
- Cable Counter Tension - Speed (MD Totco) - 23
- Campbell Scientific CR10 Datalogger - 23
- CDL MiniPOS3 (Binary) Status Monitor - 23
- CEESCOPE Settings (UTC) - 23
- CEESCOPE Settings - 23
- CorrOcean CP - FG Input - 23
- Countdown Length (Cable Counter - Distance To Go) - 23
- Crane Tool vdLeun (QGENERIC) - 23
- Cygnus Thickness Gauge MK-2 - 23
- DeepC AUV AFS Control - 23
- Deso 25 DDV (Heave Draft SoundVelocity) - 23
- Draught Measurement System (Imtech DMS 3500) - 23
- Dredger Status - 23
- EdgeTech DF-1000 Sidescan Control - 23
- EdgeTech Miscellaneous - 23
- ENL WASSP S3 - 23
- Generic - Geometrics G882 TVG Mag-1 (Network) - 23
- Generic - Geometrics G882 TVG Mag-1 - 23
- Generic - Geometrics G882 TVG Mag-2 (Network) - 23
- Generic - Geometrics G882 TVG Mag-2 - 23
- Generic - Navitracker Density Probe - 23
- Generic - Valeport - MIDAS SVX2 - 23
- Generic OpcUA Input - 23
- Generic Serial Input - 23
- Height Offset - 23
- Hitachi Sumitomo WireCrane (Raw Values) - 23
- Honeywell PLC (Wire Payout-Wire Angle) - 23
- IHC Dredge Monitoring TDS (PIHC) - 23
- IMCA Anchor Spread Message - 23
- IMCA Generic Message (Burial-Tow-Auxiliary) - 23
- Innovatum SMARTRAK cable tracking (Metadata) - 23
- ISIS (Cable Out) - 23
- iXBlue Octans TAH (PHOCT) (UTC) - 23
- iXBlue Octans TAH (PHOCT) - 23
- iXBlue PHINS DVL Halliburton SAS (PIXSE HSSTAT) - 23
- iXblue Std Bin (Smart Heave) - 23
- iXblue Std Bin (UTC) - 23
- Javad NAVPOS (Quality) - 23
- Klein2000 SSS Info (With Annotation) - 23
- Kongsberg EM2040 (Single) Multibeam Controller - 23
- Kongsberg EM2040 Compact (Dual) Multibeam Controller - 23
- Kongsberg EM2040 Compact (Single) Multibeam Controller - 23
- Kongsberg EM2040D (Dual) Multibeam Controller - 23
- Kongsberg EM3002 (Single) Multibeam Controller - 23
- Kongsberg EM3002D (Dual) Multibeam Controller (Second PU) - 23
- Kongsberg EM3002D (Dual) Multibeam Controller - 23
- Kongsberg RADius Range and Bearing (PSXRAD Message) - 23
- Liebherr WireCrane (PLC Monitoring) - 23
- Magnetometer (Geometrics G880) - 23
- Magnetometer (Geometrics G882) - 23
- Manual Administration - 23
- Manual Miscellaneous Input - 23
- Mikrofyn MikroDigger - 23
- Network (TCP) - Advanced Navigation Spatial ANPP (Metadata) - 23
- Network (TCP) - Advanced Navigation Subsonus ANPP (Metadata) - 23
- Network (TCP) - iXblue Std Bin (Smart Heave) - 23
- Network (TCP) - iXblue Std Bin (UTC) - 23
- Network (TCP) - Nortek Binary (Metadata) (UTC) - 23
- Network (TCP) - Nortek Binary (Metadata) - 23
- Network (TCP) - NovAtel SPAN (BESTGNSSPOS Format) Status - 23
- Network (TCP) - NovAtel SPAN (INSPVA - HEAVEA) (Status and Velocity) - 23
- Network (TCP) - NovAtel SPAN (INSPVA Format) (Status and Velocity) - 23
- Network (TCP) - Seapath Binary Format 26 (Delayed Heave) - 23
- Network (TCP) - Trimble/Applanix GSOF (Metadata) - 23
- Network (UDP) - Forssea VLOC (standard deviation) - 23
- Network (UDP) - iXblue Std Bin (Smart Heave) - 23
- Network (UDP) - iXblue Std Bin (UTC) - 23
- Network (UDP) - Nortek Binary (Metadata) (UTC) - 23
- Network (UDP) - Nortek Binary (Metadata) - 23
- Network (UDP) - NovAtel OEM4 Family (BESTPOS Format) Status - 23
- Network (UDP) - NovAtel SPAN (BESTGNSSPOS Format) Status - 23
- Network (UDP) - NovAtel SPAN (INSPVA - HEAVEA) (Status and Velocity) - 23
- Network (UDP) - NovAtel SPAN (INSPVA Format) (Status and Velocity) - 23
- Network (UDP) - Seapath Binary Format 26 (Delayed Heave) - 23
- Network (UDP) - Trimble/Applanix GSOF (Metadata) - 23
- Network - AD Navigation ADX-Series (Quality) - 23
- Network - AIRMAR EchoRange (SDXDR) Water Temperature - 23
- Network - Anchor Input - 23
- Network - CEESCOPE Settings (UTC) - 23
- Network - CEESCOPE Settings - 23
- Network - Crane Tool vdLeun (QGENERIC) - 23
- Network - Data Logger (UDP Port) - 23
- Network - IHC Dredging (ASCII) - 23
- Network - IHC Dredging (Binary) - 23
- Network - iXBlue Octans TAH (PHOCT) (UTC) - 23
- Network - iXBlue Octans TAH (PHOCT) - 23
- Network - iXBlue PHINS DVL Halliburton SAS (PIXSE HSSTAT) - 23
- Network - Javad AT4 Event Marker (XA message) - 23
- Network - Javad IMU Unit (Sensor Data) - 23
- Network - Kongsberg RADius Range and Bearing (PSXRAD Message) (UDP) - 23
- Network - Leica IPAS20 (Status IMU GPS) - 23
- Network - OXTS Inertial+ (MCOM iHeave) - 23
- Network - POS MV V5 (Binary Group 3-10-11-20 - Status) - 23
- Network - POS MV V5 (Binary Group 111 True Heave) - 23
- Network - Praxis MEGA-GUARD - 23
- Network - SBG Systems Delayed Heave (TCP) - 23
- Network - SBG Systems Delayed Heave (TCP) UTC - 23
- Network - SBG Systems Delayed Heave (UDP) - 23
- Network - SBG Systems Delayed Heave (UDP) UTC - 23
- Network - Seatools (MROV - SROV) - 23
- Network - Teledyne RDI Citadel CTD (ex FSI) (UTC) - 23
- Network - Teledyne RDI Citadel CTD (ex FSI) - 23
- NMEA Miscellaneous (MTW) - 23
- NMEA Miscellaneous (ROT - MWD - MWV) - 23
- NMEA Miscellaneous (XDR - MTR) - 23
- NMEA Position and Heading (GGA-HDT-ROT) - 23
- Nortek Aquadopp 3D Velo - Pressure - Temp - 23
- Nortek Binary (Metadata) - 23
- Nortek Signature VM (UTC) - 23
- Nortek Signature VM - 23
- Nortek Vessel Mounted Current Profiler (ASCII) - 23
- Nortek Vessel Mounted Current Profiler (NMEA) - 23
- NovAtel OEM4 Family (BESTPOS Format) Status - 23
- NovAtel SPAN (BESTGNSSPOS Format) Status - 23
- NovAtel SPAN (INSPVA - HEAVEA Format) (Status and Velocity) - 23
- NovAtel SPAN (INSPVA Format) (Status and Velocity) - 23
- OPC Interface - 23
- Optimal Ranging Orion - 23
- Paroscientific SDI-12 Pressure TMitter - 23
- RDI Doppler BottomTrack Generic Data (Binary PD) - 23
- Redundancy Monitor - 23
- Remote Control - De Beers - 23
- Remote Control - TCP Server (Network) - 23
- Reson Seabat 8101 Control (Network) - 23
- Reson Seabat 8125 Control (Network) - 23
- RWS Directional Waverider - 23
- SBG Systems Delayed Heave - 23
- SBG Systems Delayed Heave UTC - 23
- SeaEye Boxer ROV (Cathode Protection) - 23
- Seapath Binary Format 26 (Delayed Heave) - 23
- Sense MARINE Pipe and Cable Tracker (Depth of Burial) - 23
- Simrad HiPAP Raw (NMEA PSIMSSR) (UTC) - 23
- Simrad HiPAP Raw (NMEA PSIMSSR) - 23
- SMD DVECS - Waypoint Request Code from FPROV - 23
- SMD ROV (Cable Data) - 23
- Sonar Research LPM23 (System Data) - 23
- Sonardyne Fusion (PSONALL) - 23
- Sonardyne LNAV (Info) - 23
- Sonardyne SPRINT INS (Info) - 23
- Standard RMI (1 Observation) - 23
- Stappenbaak (RWS) - 23
- Stappenbaak (RWS) User Interface - 23
- Stappenbaak (RWS) User NAP file - 23
- Subspection CP Input - 23
- Teledyne Odom ECHOTRAC E20 (Metadata) - 23
- Teledyne RDI Citadel CTD (ex FSI) - 23
- Teledyne RDI WorkHorse ADCP series (UTC) - 23
- Teledyne RDI WorkHorse ADCP series - 23
- Trackpoint II - 23
- Trimble/Applanix GSOF (Metadata) - 23
- Tritech SCU-3 Bathy Environmental Data (Passive) - 23
- Tritech SCU-3 Bathy Environmental Data (UTC) - 23
- TSS 340/440/350 Depth of Cover / Signal Strength (Ignore Quality) - 23
- TSS 340/440/350 Depth of Cover / Signal Strength - 23
- Ulvertech Bathy Environmental Data (Passive) - 23
- Ulvertech Pipe-Cable Tracker Deviation - 23
- Ulvertech Profiler (OSP Data) (Passive) - 23
- Wind Calculator - 23
Multibeam Echosounder - 20
- Atlas Fansweep Port (Network Clock Sync) - 20
- Atlas Fansweep Port (UTC) - 20
- Atlas Fansweep Starboard (Network Clock Sync) - 20
- Atlas Fansweep Starboard (UTC) - 20
- Atlas Hydrosweep MD2 Port (Network Clock Sync) - 20
- Atlas Hydrosweep MD2 Starboard (Network Clock Sync) - 20
- Benthos C3D (20 deg Down Look Angle) - 20
- Benthos C3D (30 deg Down Look Angle) - 20
- Benthos C3D (40 deg Down Look Angle) - 20
- Benthos C3D Head II (20 deg Down Look Angle) - 20
- Benthos C3D Head II (30 deg Down Look Angle) - 20
- Benthos C3D Head II (40 deg Down Look Angle) - 20
- CodaOctopus Echoscope - 20
- EdgeTech Bathy Port - 20
- EdgeTech Bathy Starboard - 20
- ENL WASSP 3250 - 20
- ENL WASSP F - 20
- ENL WASSP S3 - 20
- FarSounder (Forward Looking Sonar) Bottom Detection - 20
- FarSounder (Forward Looking Sonar) Object Detection - 20
- GeoSwath Sonar (125 KHz) Port Head - 20
- GeoSwath Sonar (125 KHz) Starboard Head - 20
- GeoSwath Sonar (250 KHz) Port Head - 20
- GeoSwath Sonar (250 KHz) Starboard Head - 20
- GeoSwath Sonar (500 KHz) Port Head - 20
- GeoSwath Sonar (500 KHz) Starboard Head - 20
- Hydro-Tech - MBES - 20
- Imagenex 881L Profiler (No Control) - 20
- Imagenex 881L Profiler - 20
- Imagenex 965 Profiler (UTC) - 20
- Imagenex 965 Profiler - 20
- Imagenex DeltaT Profiler (UTC) - 20
- Imagenex DeltaT Profiler - 20
- Imagenex DeltaT Profiler Head II (UTC) - 20
- Imagenex DeltaT Profiler Head II - 20
- Imagenex DT101Xi / DT102Xi Multibeam Profiling Sonar - 20
- Innovatum PipeTracker (Ignore Solution Mode) - 20
- Innovatum SMARTRAK cable tracking - 20
- Klein Marine Systems 5000 Port - 20
- Klein Marine Systems 5000 Starboard - 20
- Klein Marine Systems 5000 Version 2 Port - 20
- Klein Marine Systems 5000 Version 2 Starboard - 20
- Klein Marine Systems Hydrocharting 3500 Port - 20
- Klein Marine Systems Hydrocharting 3500 Starboard - 20
- Kongsberg ALL Head II (SIS 4) - 20
- Kongsberg ALL (SIS 4) - 20
- Kongsberg EM3002 (R-Theta Format) - 20
- Kongsberg EM3002D Head II (R-Theta Format) - 20
- Kongsberg KMALL (TCP) - 20
- Kongsberg KMALL (UDP multicast) - 20
- Kongsberg KMALL (UDP) - 20
- Kongsberg Mesotech M3 - 20
- Kongsberg Mesotech MS1000 (Network) - 20
- Kongsberg Mesotech MS1000 (UTC) - 20
- Kongsberg Mesotech MS1000 - 20
- L-3 ELAC Seabeam 1000 series Head I - 20
- L-3 ELAC Seabeam 1000 series Head II - 20
- L-3 ELAC Seabeam 3000 series - 20
- Laser Scanning - 2G Robotics ULS-500 PRO - 20
- Laser Scanning - 3D at Depth SL3 (Subsea LiDAR) - 20
- Laser Scanning - Applanix LANDMark Marine - 20
- Laser Scanning - Kraken SeaVision Subsea Scanner - 20
- Laser Scanning - LAS - 20
- Laser Scanning - LEICA HDS6000 HDS6100 50Hz - 20
- Laser Scanning - LEICA HDS7000 50Hz - 20
- Laser Scanning - LEICA P15 / P16 / P20 / P30 - 20
- Laser Scanning - LEICA P40 - 20
- Laser Scanning - LEICA P50 - 20
- Laser Scanning - Optech ILRIS-HD - 20
- Laser Scanning - Ouster OS - 20
- Laser Scanning - QUANERGY M8 - 20
- Laser Scanning - Renishaw LaserAce SLM (Network) - 20
- Laser Scanning - Renishaw SLM (XML) - 20
- Laser Scanning - RIEGL miniVUX-HA (With UTC) - 20
- Laser Scanning - RIEGL VQ-250 (UTC) - 20
- Laser Scanning - RIEGL VQ-250 - 20
- Laser Scanning - RIEGL VUX-1HA-22 (UTC) - 20
- Laser Scanning - RIEGL VZ-400 (UTC) - 20
- Laser Scanning - RIEGL VZ-400i (UTC) - 20
- Laser Scanning - RIEGL VZ-1000 (UTC) - 20
- Laser Scanning - RIEGL VZ-2000 (UTC) - 20
- Laser Scanning - RIEGL VZ-4000 (UTC) - 20
- Laser Scanning - RIEGL VZ-6000 (UTC) - 20
- Laser Scanning - SICK LMS200 (E-collector Box) - 20
- Laser Scanning - SICK LMS500,LMS511 - 20
- Laser Scanning - Teledyne Optech Polaris - 20
- Laser Scanning - Velodyne HDL-32E - 20
- Laser Scanning - Velodyne VLP-16 Puck - 20
- Laser Scanning - Velodyne VLP-16 Puck Hi-Res- 20
- Laser Scanning - Velodyne VLP-32C Ultra Puck - 20
- Laser Scanning - Z300 iLiDAR - 20
- Laser Scanning - Z F IMAGER5010 50Hz - 20
- Laser Scanning - Z F PROFILER 5006i 100Hz - 20
- Laser Scanning - Z F PROFILER 9012 200Hz - 20
- Marimatech E-Sea Swathe 501 - 20
- Multibeam Simulator - 20
- Network (UDP) - QPS Binary - Coverage Monitoring (UTC) - 20
- Odom Echoscan - 20
- Odom ES3 (UTC) - 20
- Odom ES3 - 20
- Odom ES3 Head II (UTC) - 20
- Odom ES3 Head II - 20
- Optimal Ranging Orion - 20
- PicoSonar - PicoMBES-120 (UDP/Network) - 20
- Ping DSP 3DSS-DX-450 Bathymetry Port - 20
- Ping DSP 3DSS-DX-450 Bathymetry Starboard - 20
- Ping DSP 3DSS-DX-450 SideScan3d Port - 20
- Ping DSP 3DSS-DX-450 SideScan3d Starboard - 20
- R2Sonic 2000 Series (Network) - 20
- Raytheon AST PROSAS Port Head - 20
- Raytheon AST PROSAS Starboard Head - 20
- Reson Seabat 7K (TCP Network) - 20
- Reson Seabat 7K (TCP Network) Pipe Tracking - 20
- Reson Seabat 7K (UDP Network) - 20
- Reson Seabat 7K Head II (TCP Network) - 20
- Reson Seabat 81xx-900x (Network) - 20
- Reson Seabat 81xx-900x (Serial) - 20
- SEA Swath Plus - 20
- Sense MARINE Pipe and Cable Tracker (PCT) - 20
- Simrad EM1000 (X-Y-Z Format) - 20
- Simrad EM1002 (R-Theta Format) - 20
- Simrad EM3000 (R-Theta Format) - 20
- Simrad EM3000 (R-Theta Format-D) - 20
- Simrad EM3000 (X-Y-Z Format) - 20
- Simrad EM3000D Head II (R-Theta Format) - 20
- Simrad EM3000D Head II (R-Theta Format-D) - 20
- Simrad EM3000D Head II (X-Y-Z Format) - 20
- Simrad Mesotech MS 971 - 20
- Simrad Mesotech MS 990 - 20
- Simrad Mesotech SM2000 (Network) - 20
- Simrad Mesotech SM2000 (Serial) - 20
- SMD Artemis Cable and Pipe Tracker (Aft Dual or Single Solution) (UTC) - 20
- SMD ROV (CableTracker) - 20
- Teledyne Odom MB1 - 20
- Tritech Gemini Sonar - 20
- Tritech SeaKing SCU Master (Slot 2) (UTC) - 20
- Tritech SeaKing SCU Master (Slot 2) - 20
- Tritech SeaKing SCU Master (Slot 5) (UTC) - 20
- Tritech SeaKing SCU Master (Slot 5) - 20
- Tritech SeaKing SCU Master (Slot 6) (UTC) - 20
- Tritech SeaKing SCU Slave (Slot 3) (UTC) - 20
- Tritech SeaKing SCU Slave (Slot 3) - 20
- Tritech SeaKing SCU Slave (Slot 6) - 20
- Tritech SeaKing SCU System (Slot 1) (UTC) - 20
- Tritech SeaKing SCU System (Slot 1) - 20
- Tritech SeaKing SCU System (Slot 4) (UTC) - 20
- Tritech SeaKing SCU System (Slot 4) - 20
- TSS 340 PipeTracker - 20
- TSS 340/440/350 Pipe/Cable Tracker (Ignore Offset Quality) - 20
- TSS 340/440/350 Pipe/Cable Tracker - 20
- Ulvertech Pipe-Cable Tracker - 20
- Ulvertech Profiler (Head 1) (Passive) - 20
- Ulvertech Profiler (Head 1) (UTC) - 20
- Ulvertech Profiler (Head 2) (Passive) - 20
- Ulvertech Profiler (Head 2) (UTC) - 20
Output System - 15
- ADCP Lat Lon and XY Position (Steered Point) - 15
- ADCP Lat Lon and XY Position - 15
- ADCP Lat Lon Position (SNGLL) (Steered Point) - 15
- ADCP Lat Lon Position (SNGLL) - 15
- ADCP XY Position (Steered Point) - 15
- ADCP XY Position - 15
- Analog Depth Output (1AO) - 15
- Atlas Deso 15 Annotator (Steered Point) - 15
- Atlas Deso 15 Annotator - 15
- Atlas Fansweep 20 (WGS84) - 15
- Atlas Fansweep 20 - 15
- AutoPilot (with turning track) - 15
- AutoPilot (with turning track) - Euro500 - 15
- AutoPilot (with turning track) - Kongsberg TNT - 15
- AutoPilot (with turning track) - NMEA APA - 15
- AutoPilot (with turning track) - NMEA APB - 15
- AutoPilot (with turning track) - NMEA XTE - 15
- AutoPilot (with turning track) - RobNav AP9 - 15
- AutoPilot (with turning track) - RobTrack-STS500 - 15
- Bennex Left-Right Indicator - 15
- Bundle Results Telemetry Output - 15
- Coda Navigation Format (Date Format) - 15
- Coda Navigation Format - 15
- CorrOcean Cathodic Protection System - 15
- CorrOcean CP System (Steered Point) - 15
- DataTel Telemetry (Fugro POS-TEL Format) - 15
- De Beers Marine (Steered Point) - 15
- De Beers Marine - 15
- DensLog GPS Position Input - 15
- Depth Output - 15
- DOWTY (Vessel and Fish Data) - 15
- Fish output to 6041 (WinSocket) - 15
- Generic ASCII Data Logger (Controller) - 15
- Generic Output (User-defined ASCII) - 15
- GeoLab ESP Annotator (Multiple Positions) - 15
- GeoLab ESP Annotator (Steered Point) - 15
- Geomap (Steered Point) - 15
- Gyro Compass Output - 15
- ISIS (JD Soundvelocity Depth and Fixnumber) - 15
- ISIS (Start-Stop Logging) - 15
- ISIS (Vessel and Fish Data) - 15
- iXBlue PHINS DVL Halliburton SAS (Output Only) - 15
- iXblue Std Bin (Output only) - 15
- LAMs Gyro Position Output (Steered) - 15
- LAMs Gyro Position Output - 15
- Meteo Report Generator (WMO-SYNOP) - 15
- Naval GPS Data Link (PLO) - 15
- Network (TCP) - iXblue Std Bin (Output only) - 15
- Network (UDP) - iXblue Std Bin (Output only) - 15
- Network - Anchor Output (UDP) - 15
- Network - AutoPilot (with turning track) (TCP) - 15
- Network - AutoPilot (with turning track) (UDP) - 15
- Network - Depth Output (UDP) - 15
- Network - Generic Output (User-defined ASCII) (TCP) - 15
- Network - Generic Output (User-defined ASCII) (UDP) - 15
- Network - HOV (HDAS-A) (WinSocket) - 15
- Network - HOV (HDAS-B) (WinSocket) - 15
- Network - IHC Dredging Positions (ASCII) - 15
- Network - IHC Dredging Positions (Binary) - 15
- Network - IHC Dredging Positions (UDP) - 15
- Network - IHC Dredging Triangles (DigiSys) - 15
- Network - IHC Dredging Triangles (TCP) - 15
- Network - NMEA (UDP) - 15
- Network - Qinsy Remote Control Telemetry Output (UDP) - 15
- Network - Qinsy Remote Control Telemetry Output (UTC)(UDP) - 15
- Network - VODAS Section Info - 15
- NMEA - 15
- NMEA Autopilot CCAPA (Steered Point) - 15
- NMEA Autopilot CCAPA - 15
- NMEA Autopilot IIAPB-IIVHW (Steered) - 15
- NMEA Autopilot IIAPB-IIVHW - 15
- NMEA Autopilot IIAPB-VHW-VTG (Skewed Steered) - 15
- NMEA Autopilot PESSA-PESSX (Steered) - 15
- NMEA Autopilot PESSA-PESSX - 15
- NMEA Autopilot QPBWW-QPXTE (Steered) - 15
- NMEA Autopilot QPBWW-QPXTE - 15
- NMEA GPGGA GPVTG (Skewed Position) - 15
- NMEA GPGGA GPVTG (Skewed Steered Point) - 15
- NMEA GPGGA GPVTG (Steered Point) - 15
- NMEA GPGGA GPZDA (Skewed Position) - 15
- NMEA GPGGA Height Sounding Datum - 15
- NMEA GPGGK GPZDA (EM3000 RWSZeeland MET) - 15
- NMEA GPGGK GPZDA (Skewed Position) - 15
- NMEA GPGLL (Skewed Position) - 15
- NMEA GPGLL GPVTG (Skewed Position) - 15
- NMEA GPRMC (Skewed Position) - 15
- OPC Server Plugin - 15
- OpcUA Server - 15
- Output to Qubit Scans V - 15
- PGS Nav Header (Steered Point) - 15
- PGS Nav Header - 15
- Qinsy Remote Control Telemetry Output (UTC) - 15
- Qinsy Remote Control Telemetry Output - 15
- REDAS (Vessel and Fish Data) - 15
- Seabat 8000 Series UTC Synchroniser - 15
- Sercel Axyle UTC Synchroniser - 15
- Simrad DP Force Output - 15
- Simrad S90 Format - 15
- SMD (Vessel and ROV Data) - 15
- Statoil Data Server - 15
- Subsea Telemetry - 15
- Subsea Telemetry Extended Slots - 15
- Subspection - 15
- Syledis Y-X Position (Fault Quality) (Steered) - 15
- Syledis Y-X Position (Fault Quality) - 15
- Syledis Y-X Position (Quality) (Limit Age) - 15
- Syledis Y-X Position (Quality) (Steered Point) - 15
- Syledis Y-X Position (Quality) - 15
- Syntrak 480 Output (Steered node) - 15
- Syntrak 480 Output - 15
- Tresco PC Navigis (Position and Waypoints) - 15
- Tug Manager - 15
- Video Overlay (207 LR Controller) - 15
- Video Overlay (Generic Output) - 15
- Video Overlay (IVC401-2 Controller) - 15
- Video Overlay (Merpro (Liebnitz Lann)) - 15
- Video Overlay (XVC 01 Controller) - 15
- VisualWorks Event Output - 15
- VOACZ Video Eventing (Steered Point) - 15
- Vsp Manager - 15
- Waypoints - Imtech ECDIS 3500 (WinSocket) - 15
- Waypoints - NMEA RMC RTE WPL (Serial) - 15
- Waypoints - NMEA RMC RTE WPL (WinSocket) - 15
- Waypoints - NMEA RTE WPL (Simrad SDP) - 15
- Waypoints - NMEA WPC (Cegelec DPS 901) - 15
- Waypoints - NMEA WPL (Serial) - 15
- Waypoints - NMEA WPL (Simrad SDP) - 15
- Waypoints - Route Exchange (RTZ) - 15
- Waypoints - Seafloor AutoNav ASV (MavLink Protocol) - 15
- Waypoints - Seatools RTX-WPX (Network) - 15
- Waypoints - Seatools RTX-WPX - 15
- Waypoints to FPROV - SMD DVECS (WPX) - 15
- Western Geophysical Fix - 15
- WinFrog Decoder - 15
- WinSocket Output (Result Data) - 15
Pitch Roll Heave Sensor - 03
- AD Navigation DC-Series (Pitch) - 03
- Advanced Navigation Spatial ANPP (Roll Pitch Heave) - 03
- AOSI EZ-COMPASS-3 (Roll - Pitch) - 03
- Attitude Simulator - 03
- CDL MiniPOS3 (Binary) R-P - 03
- CDL Tokimec (PTVF) R-P - 03
- Crane Tool vdLeun (QATT) - 03
- Crane Tool vdLeun (Roll-Pitch) - 03
- Datascan 7220 Converter R-P-H - 03
- DeepC AUV (Roll-Pitch) - 03
- Digilog (ASCII Pitch-Roll) - 03
- Digilog (Modified Anschutz) - 03
- EdgeTech R-P-H - 03
- ENL WASSP 3250 (R-P-H) (UTC) - 03
- ENL WASSP F - 03
- ENL WASSP x230 (R-P-H) - 03
- eTrac TiltTrac (US Digital A2 A2T A4 HBA2 HBA4 HD25A) - 03
- Generic - Applanix PASHR (Network) - 03
- Generic - KVH ROV GyroTrac - 03
- Generic OpcUA Input - 03
- Generic Serial Input - 03
- Hellingmeter SundStrand R-P - 03
- Hippy Datawell Piro MRU R-P-H - 03
- Hitachi Sumitomo WireCrane (Pitch) - 03
- Honeywell PLC (Pitch) - 03
- Imagenex DeltaT Profiler R-P-H (UTC) - 03
- Imagenex DeltaT Profiler R-P-H - 03
- IMCA Generic Message (Roll-Pitch) - 03
- Innomar SES2000 (R-P-H) - 03
- Innovatum SMARTRAK cable tracking (R-P) - 03
- iXBlue Octans MRU (PHTRH) (Heave Up O) - 03
- iXBlue Octans MRU (PHTRH) (Heave Up U) - 03
- iXBlue Octans TAH (PHOCT) R-P-H (UTC) - 03
- iXBlue Octans TAH (PHOCT) R-P-H - 03
- iXBlue PHINS (Binary Nav message) R-P-H (UTC) - 03
- iXBlue PHINS (Binary Nav message) R-P-H - 03
- iXBlue PHINS DVL Halliburton SAS (PIXSE HSATIT) - 03
- iXBlue PHINS Standard (PIXSE ATITUD) - 03
- iXblue Std Bin (UTC) - 03
- Jan de Nul Eco Dredger (Pitch) - 03
- Jan De Nul eDigger (Pitch-Roll) - 03
- Klein2000 SSS VRU R-P (With Annotation) - 03
- Klein Marine Systems 3000 R-P - 03
- Klein Marine Systems 3900 R-P - 03
- Klein Marine Systems 4000 R-P - 03
- Klein Marine Systems 4900 R-P - 03
- Klein Marine Systems 5000 R-P - 03
- Klein Marine Systems 5000 Version 2 R-P - 03
- Klein Marine Systems Hydrocharting 3500 R-P - 03
- Klein Marine Systems Ma-x View 600 R-P - 03
- Liebherr WireCrane (Pitch) - 03
- Litef Gyro LFK95 (Binary)R-P - 03
- Mikrofyn MikroDigger (Pitch) - 03
- Network (TCP) - Advanced Navigation Spatial ANPP (Roll Pitch Heave) - 03
- Network (TCP) - Advanced Navigation Subsonus ANPP (Roll Pitch) - 03
- Network (TCP) - iXblue Std Bin (UTC) - 03
- Network (TCP) - Nortek Binary R-P (UTC) - 03
- Network (TCP) - Nortek Binary R-P - 03
- Network (TCP) - NovAtel SPAN (INSPVA - HEAVEA Format) R-P-H - 03
- Network (TCP) - Seapath Binary Format 23 R-P-H (UTC) (NOCS) - 03
- Network (TCP) - Seapath Binary Format 23 R-P-H (UTC) - 03
- Network (TCP) - Seapath Binary Format 26 R-P-H (UTC) (NOCS) - 03
- Network (TCP) - Seapath Binary Format 26 R-P-H (UTC) - 03
- Network (TCP) - Septentrio SBF (UTC) (Passive) - 03
- Network (TCP) - Septentrio SBF (UTC) - 03
- Network (TCP) - Trimble/Applanix GSOF (Roll Pitch Heave) - 03
- Network (UDP) - Forssea VLOC R-P - 03
- Network (UDP) - iXblue Std Bin (UTC) - 03
- Network (UDP) - Nortek Binary R-P (UTC) - 03
- Network (UDP) - Nortek Binary R-P - 03
- Network (UDP) - NovAtel SPAN (INSPVA - HEAVEA Format) R-P-H - 03
- Network (UDP) - QPS Binary - Coverage Monitoring (UTC) - 03
- Network (UDP) - Seapath Binary Format 23 R-P-H (UTC) (NOCS) - 03
- Network (UDP) - Seapath Binary Format 23 R-P-H (UTC) - 03
- Network (UDP) - Seapath Binary Format 26 R-P-H (UTC) (NOCS) - 03
- Network (UDP) - Seapath Binary Format 26 R-P-H (UTC) - 03
- Network (UDP) - Septentrio SBF (UTC) (Passive) - 03
- Network (UDP) - Trimble/Applanix GSOF (Roll Pitch Heave) - 03
- Network - AD Navigation ADX-Series (Pitch) - 03
- Network - CEESCOPE R-P-H (UTC) - 03
- Network - CEESCOPE R-P-H - 03
- Network - Coda Octopus F180 R-P-H (UTC) - 03
- Network - Crane Tool vdLeun (QATT) - 03
- Network - IHC Dredging (ASCII) - 03
- Network - IHC Dredging (Binary) - 03
- Network - iXBlue Octans MRU (PHTRH) (Heave Up O) - 03
- Network - iXBlue Octans MRU (PHTRH) (Heave Up U) - 03
- Network - iXBlue Octans TAH (PHOCT) R-P-H (UTC) - 03
- Network - iXBlue Octans TAH (PHOCT) R-P-H - 03
- Network - iXBlue PHINS (Binary Nav message) R-P-H (UTC) - 03
- Network - iXBlue PHINS DVL Halliburton SAS (PIXSE HSATIT) - 03
- Network - Javad AT4 or IMU Unit (R-P) - 03
- Network - Leica IPAS20 P-R - 03
- Network - NMEA PRDID (R-P) - 03
- Network - OXTS Inertial+ R-P-H (UTC) - 03
- Network - POS MV V5 (Binary Group 1-102-103) - 03
- Network - Praxis MEGA-GUARD - 03
- Network - Qinsy Remote Control Telemetry R-P (UDP) - 03
- Network - Qinsy Remote Control Telemetry R-P (UTC)(UDP) - 03
- Network - SBG Systems (R-P-H) (TCP) - 03
- Network - SBG Systems (R-P-H) (UDP) - 03
- Network - SBG Systems (R-P-H) (UTC) (TCP) - 03
- Network - SBG Systems (R-P-H) (UTC) (UDP) - 03
- Network - Seapath MRU Binary Format 11 (UTC) - 03
- Network - Seapath MRU NMEA (PSXN) (TCP) - 03
- Network - Seapath MRU NMEA (PSXN) (UDP) - 03
- Network - Seapath MRU Sounder Sentence (TCP) - 03
- Network - Seapath MRU Sounder Sentence (UDP) - 03
- Network - Septentrio PolaRx2e - PolaRx2eH - 03
- Network - TSS1-TSS2 Format (R-P-H) - 03
- Network - TSS R-P-H (320-335-DMS) - 03
- NMEA PRDID (R-P) - 03
- Nortek Aquadopp Compass R-P - 03
- Nortek Binary R-P - 03
- NovAtel SPAN (INSPVA - HEAVEA Format) (R-P-H) - 03
- NovAtel SPAN (INSPVA Format) (Roll-Pitch) - 03
- OPC Interface R-P-H - 03
- Optimal Ranging Orion - 03
- Ping DSP 3DSS-DX-450 (R-P-H) - 03
- Qinsy Remote Control Telemetry R-P (UTC) - 03
- Qinsy Remote Control Telemetry R-P - 03
- Racal FFROV R-P - 03
- Raytheon AST PROSAS R-P - 03
- Reson Seabat 7K (TCP Network) R-P-H - 03
- SAPS R-P - 03
- SBG Systems (R-P-H) (UTC) - 03
- SBG Systems (R-P-H) - 03
- Seapath Binary Format 23 R-P-H (UTC) (NOCS) - 03
- Seapath Binary Format 23 R-P-H (UTC) - 03
- Seapath Binary Format 26 R-P-H (UTC) (NOCS) - 03
- Seapath Binary Format 26 R-P-H (UTC) - 03
- Seapath MRU Binary Format 11 (UTC) - 03
- Seapath MRU Binary Format 11 - 03
- Seapath MRU Binary Standard Format - 03
- Seapath MRU NMEA (PSXN) - 03
- Seapath MRU Sounder Sentence - 03
- Seateam MRU R-P-H - 03
- Septentrio PolaRx2e - PolaRx2eH - 03
- Septentrio SBF (UTC) - 03
- Sercel NR230 R-P (NMEA PSER A) - 03
- Simrad EA500-EA501P Roll-Pitch-Heave - 03
- Simrad EM1000 R-P-H - 03
- Simrad EM3000 R-P-H - 03
- Simrad HPR LBL Raw Data R-P - 03
- Simrad HPR R-P - 03
- Sonardyne Fusion (PSONALL) - 03
- Sonardyne LNAV (Attitude) - 03
- Sonardyne R-P (Surveyors Output) (UTC) - 03
- Sonardyne R-P (Surveyors Output) - 03
- Sonardyne SPRINT INS (Attitude) - 03
- Sub-Atlantic (Compass Telegram) (Roll-Pitch) - 03
- System Cloner - 03
- Teledyne RDI WorkHorse ADCP series (R-P) (UTC) - 03
- Teledyne RDI WorkHorse ADCP series (R-P) - 03
- Trimble/Applanix GSOF (Roll Pitch Heave) - 03
- TSS 320 R-P-H - 03
- TSS 335 R-P-H - 03
- TSS 335 R-P-H Reverse Heave - 03
- TSS DMS R-P-H (Ignore Status) - 03
- TSS DMS R-P-H - 03
- Ulvertech Pipe-Cable Tracker R-P - 03
- US Digital T7 Inclinometer (Pitch or Roll only) - 03
- Western Sargas R-P - 03
- WinSocket - R-P-H Input - 03
- XSens Motion Tracker MTi (Roll-Pitch) (Active) - 03
- XSens Motion Tracker MTi (Roll-Pitch) (Passive) - 03
Position Navigation System - 12
- Network - NMEA Position (LLQ) - 12
- NMEA Position (LLQ) - 12
- AD Navigation DC-Series (Position) - 12
- Advanced Navigation Spatial ANPP (Position) - 12
- AIS Standard VDM Message (Other Ship's Message) - 12
- AIS Standard VDO Message (Ship's Own Message) - 12
- Aquarius RTK GPGGA or GPLRK - 12
- AUV-Buoy Tracking (PARADIGM) -12
- C-Nav 3050 Raw GPS (Binary) Data (PVT) - 12
- C-Nav NCT2000 Raw GPS (Binary) Data (PVT) - 12
- C-Nav NCT2050 Raw GPS (Binary) Data (PVT) - 12
- CDL MiniPOS3 (Binary) Position - 12
- Centre Crane Position - 12
- Centre Source Position (CSP or CMP) - 12
- DNAVN AUXCOM3 Position (No CheckSum) - 12
- EdgeTech Position - 12
- ENL WASSP F - 12
- ENL WASSP x230 (Position) - 12
- Fanbeam Position (XY Position Format) - 12
- FarSounder (Forward Looking Sonar) (Vessel Position) - 12
- Fugro MRDGPS (PGS DGPS QC Format) - 12
- GECO Trinav Type 100-200 Version 2 - 12
- GECO Trinav Type 101-201 G-P Format - 12
- Generic OpcUA Input - 12
- Generic Serial Input - 12
- Geodimeter 600 - Position (Active Radio Link) - 12
- Geodimeter 600 - Position (Passive Radio Link) - 12
- Geodimeter 600 - Position (Swap X-Y) (Active Radio Link) - 12
- Geodimeter 600 - Position (Swap X-Y) (Passive Radio Link) - 12
- Geotracer 3000 GPS (NMEA GPGGK) - 12
- Honeywell PLC (Lat-Lon) - 12
- Imagenex DeltaT Profiler Position (UTC) - 12
- Imagenex DeltaT Profiler Position - 12
- IMCA Generic Message (Position) - 12
- iXBlue GAPS (PTSAG Message) (No PV Check) - 12
- iXBlue GAPS (PTSAG Message) (UTC) (No PV Check) - 12
- iXBlue GAPS (PTSAG Message) (UTC) - 12
- iXBlue GAPS (PTSAG Message) - 12
- iXBlue GAPS (USBL INS 1 Message) Position - 12
- iXBlue PHINS (Binary Nav message) Position (UTC) - 12
- iXBlue PHINS (Binary Nav message) Position - 12
- iXBlue PHINS DVL Halliburton SAS (PIXSE HSPOS) - 12
- iXBlue PHINS Standard (PIXSE POSITI) - 12
- iXblue Std Bin (UTC) - 12
- Javad NAVPOS Position - 12
- Leica 1200 series ASCII - 12
- Magnavox 021 (Computed Position) - 12
- Magnavox 121 (Predicted Position) - 12
- Naval GPS Data Link (PLO) Position - 12
- Network (TCP) - Advanced Navigation Spatial ANPP (Position) - 12
- Network (TCP) - Advanced Navigation Subsonus ANPP (Position) - 12
- Network (TCP) - C-Nav 3050 Raw GPS (Binary) Data (PVT) - 12
- Network (TCP) - iXblue Std Bin (UTC) - 12
- Network (TCP) - NMEA Position (GPGGA) - 12
- Network (TCP) - NovAtel SPAN (BESTGNSSPOS Format) (With UTC) - 12
- Network (TCP) - Seapath Binary Format 23 Position (UTC) (NOCS) - 12
- Network (TCP) - Seapath Binary Format 23 Position (UTC) - 12
- Network (TCP) - Seapath Binary Format 26 Position (UTC) (NOCS) - 12
- Network (TCP) - Seapath Binary Format 26 Position (UTC) - 12
- Network (TCP) - Septentrio SBF (UTC) (Passive) - 12
- Network (TCP) - Septentrio SBF (UTC) - 12
- Network (TCP) - Trimble/Applanix GSOF (Position) - 12
- Network (UDP) - C-Nav 3050 Raw GPS (Binary) Data (PVT) - 12
- Network (UDP) - iXblue Std Bin (UTC) - 12
- Network (UDP) - NovAtel SPAN (BESTGNSSPOS Format) (With UTC) - 12
- Network (UDP) - QPS Binary - Coverage Monitoring (UTC) - 12
- Network (UDP) - Seapath Binary Format 23 Position (UTC) (NOCS) - 12
- Network (UDP) - Seapath Binary Format 23 Position (UTC) - 12
- Network (UDP) - Seapath Binary Format 26 Position (UTC) (NOCS) - 12
- Network (UDP) - Seapath Binary Format 26 Position (UTC) - 12
- Network (UDP) - Septentrio SBF (UTC) (Passive) - 12
- Network (UDP) - Trimble/Applanix GSOF (Position) - 12
- Network - AD Navigation ADX-Series (Position) - 12
- Network - Coda Octopus F180 Position (UTC) - 12
- Network - DeepC AUV Position - 12
- Network - IHC Dredging (ASCII) - 12
- Network - iXBlue GAPS (PTSAG Message) (No PV Check) - 12
- Network - iXBlue GAPS (PTSAG Message) (UTC) (No PV Check) - 12
- Network - iXBlue GAPS (PTSAG Message) (UTC) - 12
- Network - iXBlue GAPS (PTSAG Message) - 12
- Network - iXBlue PHINS (Binary Nav message) Position (UTC) - 12
- Network - iXBlue PHINS DVL Halliburton SAS (PIXSE HSPOS) - 12
- Network - Javad IMU Unit (Position) - 12
- Network - Leica IPAS20 (GPS only solution) - 12
- Network - Leica IPAS20 - 12
- Network - Naval GPS Data Link (PLO) Position - 12
- Network - NMEA Position and Heading (CheckSum) - 12
- Network - NMEA Position and Heading (No CheckSum) - 12
- Network - OXTS Inertial+ Position (UTC) - 12
- Network - POS MV V5 (Binary Group 1-102-103-1000n) - 12
- Network - Qinsy Remote Control Telemetry Position (UDP) - 12
- Network - Qinsy Remote Control Telemetry Position (UTC)(UDP) - 12
- Network - SBG Systems Position (TCP) - 12
- Network - SBG Systems Position (UDP) - 12
- Network - SBG Systems Position (UTC) (TCP) - 12
- Network - SBG Systems Position (UTC) (UDP) - 12
- Network - Seapath Binary Format 11 (UTC) - 12
- Network - Seatools (MROV - SROV) - 12
- Network - Septentrio PolaRx2e - PolaRx2eH - 12
- Network - Shallow Water Range Geodetic (UTC) - 12
- NGL Position (GLL) (With UTC) - 12
- NMEA GGA GST (Conditional Output) - 12
- NMEA Position and Heading (CheckSum) - 12
- NMEA Position and Heading (No CheckSum) - 12
- NovAtel OEM4 Family (BESTPOS Format) (With UTC) - 12
- NovAtel SPAN (BESTGNSSPOS Format) (With UTC) - 12
- NovAtel SPAN (INSPVA - HEAVEA Format) (With UTC) - 12
- NovAtel SPAN (INSPVA Format) (With UTC) - 12
- Ping DSP 3DSS-DX-450 Position - 12
- Plessey P-code GPS Position - 12
- Position Simulator - 12
- Qinsy Remote Control Telemetry Position (UTC) - 12
- Qinsy Remote Control Telemetry Position - 12
- Racal UKOOA Position - 12
- Raytheon AST PROSAS Position - 12
- REMUS AUV (CARXD) Position - 12
- Reson Seabat 7K (TCP Network) Position - 12
- SBG Systems Position (UTC) - 12
- SBG Systems Position - 12
- Seapath Binary Format 23 Position (UTC) (NOCS) - 12
- Seapath Binary Format 23 Position (UTC) - 12
- Seapath Binary Format 26 Position (UTC) (NOCS) - 12
- Seapath Binary Format 26 Position (UTC) - 12
- Seapath Binary Standard Format - 12
- Seapath MRU Binary Format 11 (UTC) - 12
- Seapath MRU Binary Format 11 - 12
- Seatex GPS-GLONASS (NMEA GNS Format) - 12
- Securicor Datatrak Position - 12
- Septentrio PolaRx2e - PolaRx2eH - 12
- Septentrio SBF (UTC) - 12
- Sercel NR103 HYx (Position) - 12
- Sercel NR103 NMEA (GPGGA ELL) - 12
- Sercel NR103 NMEA (GPGGA MSL) - 12
- Shallow Water Range Geodetic (UTC) - 12
- Simrad HiPAP (NMEA PSIMSSB Format) (UTC) - 12
- Simrad HiPAP (NMEA PSIMSSB Format) - 12
- Simrad HPR LBL Position - 12
- Sonardyne APS3 Position Output (Age) - 12
- Sonardyne APS3 Position Output (NAVCO) - 12
- Sonardyne APS3 Position Output - 12
- Sonardyne Fusion (PSONALL) - 12
- Sonardyne LNAV (Position) - 12
- Sonardyne LUSBL LBL Position (V5) - 12
- Sonardyne LUSBL LBL Position (V6) - 12
- Sonardyne SPRINT INS (Position) - 12
- Subsea Telemetry Position (No CheckSum) - 12
- Subsea Telemetry Position - 12
- System Cloner - 12
- TNL Position (GGK) (UTC) - 12
- Tracs TDMA - 12
- Trimble 4000 (ASCII Printout) - 12
- Trimble 4000 (ASCII Printout) DGPS Check - 12
- Trimble 4000 (ASCII Printout) RTK Check - 12
- Trimble TSIP Position - 12
- Trimble/Applanix GSOF (Position) - 12
- WinSocket - Position Input - 12
Rotation Angle Sensor - 40
- Generic OpcUA Input - 40
- Generic Serial Input - 40
- Jan de Nul Eco Dredger (Angles) - 40
- Jan de Nul eDigger (Angles) - 40
- Kongsberg Mesotech MS1000 Scan Angle (Network) - 40
- Manual Rotation Sensor Input - 40
- Network - IHC Dredging (ASCII) - 40
- Network - IHC Dredging (Binary) - 40
- Network - Seatools (MROV - SROV) - 40
- OPC Interface - 40
- Reson Seabat 7K (TCP Network) - Pan & Tilt - 40
- US Digital A2 A2T A4 HBA2 HBA4 HD25A Absolute Encoder - 40
Sidescan Sonar - 27
- Reson Seabat 7K (TCP Network) - 27
- Analog Sidescan PCI Card 0-5V Neg.Trigger - 27
- Analog Sidescan PCI Card 0-5V Pos.Trigger - 27
- Atlas Fansweep (with UTC) - 27
- Atlas Fansweep-Hydrosweep MD2 (Network Clock Sync) - 27
- Benthos C3D (20 deg Down Look Angle) - 27
- Benthos C3D (30 deg Down Look Angle) - 27
- Benthos C3D (40 deg Down Look Angle) - 27
- C-Max Sonar - 27
- C-Max Sonar Simulation Mode - 27
- EdgeTech DF-1000 - 27
- EdgeTech Sidescan - 27
- ENL WASSP S3 - 27
- GeoSwath Sonar (125 KHz) - 27
- GeoSwath Sonar (250 KHz) - 27
- GeoSwath Sonar (500 KHz) - 27
- Imagenex SportScan - 27
- Imagenex YellowFin (Network) - 27
- Klein Marine Systems 2000 - 27
- Klein Marine Systems 2000 QPS Simulator - 27
- Klein Marine Systems 3000 - 27
- Klein Marine Systems 3900 - 27
- Klein Marine Systems 4000 - 27
- Klein Marine Systems 4900 - 27
- Klein Marine Systems 5000 - 27
- Klein Marine Systems 5000 Version 2 - 27
- Klein Marine Systems Hydrocharting 3500 - 27
- Klein Marine Systems Ma-x View 600 - 27
- Kongsberg Mesotech MS1000 (Network) - 27
- L-3 ELAC Seabeam 1000 series - 27
- L-3 ELAC Seabeam 3000 series - 27
- Network - Odom Echotrac Sidescan (#MK3) - 27
- Ping DSP 3DSS-DX-450 - 27
- R2Sonic 2000 Series (Network) Truepix - 27
- Raytheon AST PROSAS - 27
- Reson Seabat 7K (UDP Network) - 27
- Reson Seabat 81xx-900x (Network) - 27
- SEA Swath Plus - 27
- Simrad EA-series Sidescan (UTC) - 27
- Simrad EA-series Sidescan - 27
- Teledyne Odom MB1 - 27
- Tritech StarFish 450/452 - 27
- Tritech StarFish 990 - 27
Singlebeam Echosounder - 01
- AIRMAR EchoRange (SDXDR) Depth High and Low Frequency - 01
- CEESCOPE (Depth High/Low Frequency) (UTC) - 01
- CEESCOPE (Depth High/Low Frequency) - 01
- Deso 15-20-25 - 01
- Deso 25 (With Annotation) - 01
- Digiquartz Depth Sensor (Depth) - 01
- EG-G Sonar System (Depth) - 01
- Elac LAZ 4400 (SDDBK) - 01
- Elac STG 721 (High Frequency) - 01
- Elac STG 721 (Low Frequency) - 01
- Fahrentholz BBES - 01
- Generic - Geometrics G882 TVG Mag-1 (Network) - 01
- Generic - Geometrics G882 TVG Mag-1 - 01
- Generic - Geometrics G882 TVG Mag-2 (Network) - 01
- Generic - Geometrics G882 TVG Mag-2 - 01
- Generic OPC UA Input - 01
- Generic Serial Input - 01
- Innomar SES2000 Depth - 01
- Kaijo Denki PS20R - 01
- Knudsen 320M (PKEL HF-LF) (With Annotation) - 01
- Manual Depth Input - 01
- MD7 Average (No Annotation) - 01
- MD7 Direct (No Annotation) - 01
- Network - AIRMAR EchoRange (SDXDR) Depth High and Low Frequency - 01
- Network - CEESCOPE (Depth High/Low Frequency) (UTC) - 01
- Network - CEESCOPE (Depth High/Low Frequency) - 01
- Network - Kongsberg EA series ASCII Telegram - 01
- Network - NMEA (DPT-DBT-DBS) - 01
- Network - Odom Echotrac (#MK3) - 01
- Network - Odom Echotrac (Control on data port) - 01
- Network - Simrad EA-series (Ping based Binary datagram - D#) (With UTC) - 01
- Network - Simrad EA-series (Ping based Binary datagram - D#) - 01
- NMEA (DPT-DBT-DBS) (With Annotation) - 01
- Odom Echotrac MKIII (With annotation- no STX) - 01
- Odom Echotrac-Digitrace (With Annotation and STX) - 01
- Odom Echotrac-Digitrace (With Annotation- no STX) - 01
- Raytheon (Single Frequency) - 01
- Simrad EA300 (Depth) - 01
- Simrad EA-series ASCII Telegram (UTC) - 01
- Simrad EA-series ASCII Telegram (With Annotation) - 01
- Simrad EA-series ASCII Telegram - 01
- Singlebeam Simulator - 01
- Sonavision RoxAnn (Bottom Classification) - 01
- Sweep Depth (Imtech DMS 3500) - 01
- Teledyne Odom ECHOTRAC E20 - 01
- Tritech SCU-3 Bathy V4 (Depth + Alt) (Passive) - 01
- Tritech SCU-3 Bathy V4 (Depth + Alt) (UTC) - 01
- Ulvertech Bathy (Depth + Altitude) (Passive) - 01
- WinSocket - Depth Input - 01
Sound Velocity Profile System - 34
- Network - Valeport miniSVS - miniSVP (UDP) - 34
- Network - Depth SV Temp Salinity (EMS12) - 34
- Network - Depth SV Temp Cond (HIPAP or EM3000) - 34
- Depth SV (ASCII) - 34
- Depth SV (EMS00) - 34
- Depth SV Temp (AML or EM1000) - 34
- Network - Depth SV (ASCII) - 34
- Depth SV Temp Salinity (EMS12) - 34
- Depth SV Temp Cond (HIPAP or EM3000) - 34
- Network - Depth SV (EMS00) - 34
- Network - Depth SV Temp (AML or EM1000) - 34
- Depth SV (DeepC AUV) - 34
- Valeport miniSVS - miniSVP - 34
- Saiv CTD (Temp Conductivity Pres Salinity SV) - 34
Speed Log - 30
- RDI Doppler BottomTrack Speed (Binary PD) - 30
- AD Navigation DC-Series (Speed) - 30
- EDO 3050 Doppler Log (Tideway) - 30
- EDO Acoustics 3050 Doppler Log - 30
- Generic OpcUA Input - 30
- Generic Serial Input - 30
- iXBlue PHINS (Binary Nav message) Angle Speed (UTC) - 30
- iXBlue PHINS (Binary Nav message) Angle Speed - 30
- iXBlue PHINS DVL Halliburton SAS (PD6 Standard) - 30
- iXBlue PHINS Standard (PIXSE SPEED) - 30
- iXBlue Photonetics Octans MRU (PHSPD) - 30
- iXblue Std Bin (UTC) - 30
- Javad NAVPOS Speed - 30
- Leica 1200 series ASCII - 30
- Manual Speed Log Input - 30
- NAVIKNOT III - EM200 Speed Log - 30
- Network (TCP) - iXblue Std Bin (UTC) - 30
- Network (TCP) - Nortek Binary (Speed) (UTC) - 30
- Network (TCP) - Nortek Binary (Speed) - 30
- Network (TCP) - Trimble/Applanix GSOF (Angle & Speed) - 30
- Network (UDP) - Nortek Binary (Speed) (UTC) - 30
- Network (UDP) - Nortek Binary (Speed) - 30
- Network (UDP) - Trimble/Applanix GSOF (Angle & Speed) - 30
- Network - AD Navigation ADX-Series (Speed) - 30
- Network - iXBlue PHINS (Binary Nav message) Angle Speed (UTC) - 30
- Network - iXBlue PHINS DVL Halliburton SAS (PD6 Standard) - 30
- Network - iXBlue Photonetics Octans MRU (PHSPD) - 30
- Network - NMEA VTG (Bearing - Speed) (TCP) - 30
- Network - NMEA VTG (Bearing - Speed) (UDP) - 30
- Network - Shallow Water Range Geodetic (UTC) - 30
- Network (UDP) - iXblue Std Bin (UTC) - 30
- NMEA VTG (Bearing - Speed) - 30
- Nortek Binary (Speed) - 30
- Nortek Vessel Mounted Current Profiler (NMEA) - 30
- RDI Doppler BottomTrack Speed (ASCII PD6) - 30
- RDI Doppler BottomTrack Speed (ASCII) (Active) - 30
- RDI Doppler BottomTrack Speed (Remote Cherry) - 30
- RDI Doppler BottomTrack Speed (VmDas NMEA) - 30
- Shallow Water Range Geodetic (UTC) - 30
- Sonardyne Fusion (PSONALL) - 30
- Trimble/Applanix GSOF (Angle & Speed) - 30
- WinSocket - Speed Log Input - 30
Surface Navigation System - 10
- AUV-Buoy Tracking (PARADIGM) - 10
- Cable Counter (Dynapar- SideScan Winch) - 10
- Cable Counter Payout (MD Totco) - 10
- Cable Counter (Red Lion) - 10
- DCI Minilir-Fennel - 10
- GECO Trinav rGPS Type 100-200 Version 2 - 10
- GECO Trinav rGPS Type 101-201 G-P Format - 10
- Generic OpcUA Input - 10
- Generic Serial Input - 10
- Geodimeter 600 (Active Radio Link) - 10
- Geodimeter 600 (Passive Radio Link) - 10
- Geodimeter Aga 140T - 10
- Geodimeter GST (Passive RS232 Link) - 10
- Hyperfix Extended Format - 10
- IHC Dredge Monitoring (PIHC) - 10
- Jan de Nul Eco Dredger (Horizontal Angle) - 10
- Kongsberg RADius Range and Bearing (PSXRAD Message) - 10
- Leica Nova TS/MS Series (GeoCOM) - 10
- Leica TPS1000 Series Theodolite (GeoCOM) - 10
- Manual Surface Navigation Input - 10
- Microfix Compressed Format - 10
- Nautronix LBL (NASNet PNIXO) - 10
- Nautronix LBL (NASNet PNIXO) (With UTC) - 10
- Network - Kongsberg RADius Range and Bearing (PSXRAD Message) (UDP) - 10
- OPC Interface - 10
- Parker PDFX Stepping Drive - 10
- Parker PDFX Stepping Drive (NEW) - 10
- Parker PDFX Stepping Drive (NEW) - Remote Control - 10
- Parker PDFX Stepping Drive - Remote Control - 10
- Renishaw Fanbeam MkIII Range Bearing (Renishaw Standard) - 10
- Renishaw Fanbeam MkIII Range Bearing (Simrad Binary) - 10
- SeaDiff-SeaTrack rGPS - 10
- Simrad HPR LBL Raw Data (Ranges) - 10
- Sonardyne PAN LBL (FS-SI strings) - 10
- Sonardyne PAN LBL (LBL string) - 10
- Syledis SB5 - 10
- WAGO Dynamic Transducer Mounting - 10
- WinSocket - Surface Navigation Input - 10
Tide Gauge - 22
- Admiralty Tide Table (ATT) - 22
- CEESCOPE Tide (UTC) - 22
- CEESCOPE Tide - 22
- Crane Tool vdLeun (QDREDGE) - 22
- DCI SBU92 Tide Gauge (Selected Data) - 22
- DCI SBU92 Tide Gauge (Snelpeil Data) - 22
- Digitrans Radio Tide Gauge (PAH) - 22
- ENL WASSP F - 22
- ENL WASSP x230 (Tide) - 22
- Generic OpcUA Input - 22
- Generic Serial Input - 22
- Honeywell PLC (Tide) - 22
- Hymedis Tide - 22
- Kuhnt Pegel Tide Gauge - 22
- Manual Tide Gauge Input - 22
- Network - CEESCOPE Tide (UTC) - 22
- Network - CEESCOPE Tide - 22
- Network - Crane Tool vdLeun (QDREDGE) - 22
- Network - IHC Dredging (ASCII) - 22
- Network - IHC Dredging (Binary) - 22
- Network - Praxis MEGA-GUARD - 22
- NMEA PTID - 22
- Pegel Online Tide (UTC) - 22
- Sonar Research LPM23 - 22
- Valeport 740 (Tide) - 22
- Van Essen RGC920 Tide Gauge - 22
- Vyner Medway Radio Tide Gauge MK I - 22
- Vyner Medway Radio Tide Gauge MK II - 22
Time Synchronization System - 18
- Reson Seabat 7K (TCP Network) PPS - 18
- EdgeTech PPS - 18
- iXblue Std Bin (UTC) - 18
- Network (TCP) - iXblue Std Bin (UTC) - 18
- Network (TCP) - Septentrio SBF (UTC) - 18
- Network (TCP) - Septentrio SBF (UTC) (Passive) - 18
- Network (TCP) - Trimble/Applanix GSOF (Current Time #16) - 18
- Network (UDP) - iXBlue Std Bin (UTC) - 18
- Network (UDP) - Septentrio SBF (UTC) (Passive) - 18
- Network (UDP) - Trimble/Applanix GSOF (Current Time #16) - 18
- Network - NMEA ZDA (UDP) - 18
- Network - POS MV V5 (Binary Group 7-112 - NMEA ZDA) - 18
- Network - SBG Systems UTC (TCP) - 18
- Network - SBG Systems UTC (UDP) - 18
- Network - Trimble UTC (UDP) - 18
- NMEA ZDA - 18
- NovAtel SPAN (BESTGPSPOS Format) - 18
- NovAtel SPAN (INSPVA - HEAVEA Format) - 18
- NovAtel SPAN (INSPVA Format) - 18
- NTP Client (Network) - 18
- Ping DSP 3DSS-DX-450 Timetag - 18
- SBG Systems UTC - 18
- Septentrio SBF (UTC) - 18
- Sonardyne LNAV (UTC) - 18
- Sonardyne SPRINT INS (UTC) - 18
- Teledyne Odom MB1 - 18
- Third Party synchronized Windows system time - 18
- Trimble UTC - 18
- Trimble/Applanix GSOF (Current Time #16) - 18
Underwater Sensor - 31
- Atlas Fansweep-Hydrosweep (Sound Velocity) (Network Clock Sync) - 31
- Atlas Fansweep-Hydrosweep (Sound Velocity) (UTC) - 31
- C-Max Sonar (Altitude) - 31
- C-Max Sonar Simulation Mode (Altitude) - 31
- CDL MiniPOS3 (Binary) Depth Altitude - 31
- CEESCOPE Draft (UTC) - 31
- CEESCOPE Draft - 31
- Crane Tool vdLeun (QD) - 31
- CutterSuction Tool vdLeun - 31
- DeepC AUV (Depth - Altitude) - 31
- Digiquartz Depth Sensor (Depth) - 31
- Digiquartz Depth Sensor (UDP) (Depth) - 31
- EdgeTech Underwater Sensor - 31
- Eurosense RealTime Draught (UTC) - 31
- Eurosense RealTime Draught - 31
- Generic - Geometrics G882 TVG Mag-1 (Network) - 31
- Generic - Geometrics G882 TVG Mag-1 - 31
- Generic - Geometrics G882 TVG Mag-2 (Network) - 31
- Generic - Geometrics G882 TVG Mag-2 - 31
- Generic - Navitracker Density Probe - 31
- Generic - PHINS HYDROGRAPHY (ROV Depth) - 31
- Generic - Valeport - MIDAS SVX2 - 31
- Generic OpcUA Input - 31
- Generic Serial Input - 31
- GeoSwath Sonar (125 KHz) (Sound Velocity) - 31
- GeoSwath Sonar (250 KHz) (Sound Velocity) - 31
- GeoSwath Sonar (500 KHz) (Sound Velocity) - 31
- Honeywell PLC (Draft-Depth) - 31
- Imagenex DeltaT (Sound Velocity) (UTC) - 31
- Imagenex DeltaT (Sound Velocity) - 31
- IMCA Generic Message (ROV Depth - Altitude) - 31
- Innomar SES2000 Pressure - 31
- ISIS (ROV Depth and Altitude) - 31
- iXBlue GAPS (USBL INS 1 message) Depth - 31
- iXBlue Octans TAH (PHOCT) (Heave as ROV Depth) (UTC) - 31
- iXBlue Octans TAH (PHOCT) (Heave as ROV Depth) - 31
- iXBlue PHINS (Binary Nav message) Depth (UTC) - 31
- iXBlue PHINS (Binary Nav message) Depth - 31
- iXBlue PHINS DVL Halliburton SAS (ROV Depth) - 31
- iXblue Std Bin (UTC) - 31
- Jan de Nul Eco Dredger (Draft) - 31
- Keller Series 30 Pressure Sensor (ROV Depth) - 31
- Klein595 SSS (Altitude) (With Annotation) - 31
- Klein2000 SSS (Altitude) (With Annotation) - 31
- Klein Marine Systems 3000 (Pressure - Altitude) - 31
- Klein Marine Systems 3900 (Pressure - Altitude) - 31
- Klein Marine Systems 4000 (Pressure - Altitude) - 31
- Klein Marine Systems 4900 (Pressure - Altitude) - 31
- Klein Marine Systems 5000 (Pressure - Altitude) - 31
- Klein Marine Systems 5000 Version 2 (Pressure - Altitude) - 31
- Klein Marine Systems Hydrocharting 3500 (Pressure - Altitude) - 31
- Klein Marine Systems Ma-x View 600 (Pressure - Altitude) - 31
- Magnetometer (Geometrics G880) - 31
- Magnetometer (Geometrics G882) - 31
- Manual Underwater Sensor Input - 31
- Network (TCP) - Advanced Navigation Subsonus ANPP (Sound velocity) - 31
- Network (TCP) - iXblue Std Bin (UTC) - 31
- Network (TCP) - Nortek Binary (Sound velocity) (UTC) - 31
- Network (TCP) - Nortek Binary (Sound velocity) - 31
- Network (UDP) - iXblue Std Bin (UTC) - 31
- Network (UDP) - Nortek Binary (Sound velocity) (UTC) - 31
- Network (UDP) - Nortek Binary (Sound velocity) - 31
- Network - CEESCOPE Draft (UTC) - 31
- Network - CEESCOPE Draft - 31
- Network - Crane Tool vdLeun (QD) - 31
- Network - IHC Dredging (ASCII) - 31
- Network - IHC Dredging (Binary) - 31
- Network - iXBlue Octans TAH (PHOCT) (Heave as ROV Depth) (UTC) - 31
- Network - iXBlue PHINS (Binary Nav message) Depth (UTC) - 31
- Network - iXBlue PHINS DVL Halliburton SAS (ROV Depth) - 31
- Network - Praxis MEGA-GUARD - 31
- Network - Seatools (MROV - SROV) - 31
- Network - Teledyne RDI Citadel CTD (ex FSI) (UTC) - 31
- Network - Teledyne RDI Citadel CTD (ex FSI) - 31
- Network - Valeport miniSVS - miniSVP (UDP) - 31
- Network - VODAS Waypoint Control (Depth Grab) (UDP) - 31
- Nortek Binary (Sound velocity) - 31
- OPC Interface - 31
- Raytheon AST PROSAS (Depth - Altitude) - 31
- RDI Doppler BottomTrack Depth (Binary PD) - 31
- REMUS AUV (CARXD) ROV Depth - Altitude - 31
- SAPS Depth Sensor (ROV Depth) - 31
- SeaEye Boxer ROV - 31
- Seapath Binary Format 11 (ROV Depth) (UTC) - 31
- Seapath Binary Format 11 (ROV Depth) - 31
- SeaSPY-SeaLINK Standard Format (1HZ) - 31
- SeaSPY-SeaLINK Standard Format (4Hz) - 31
- SeaSPY-SeaLINK Standard Format (Passive) - 31
- Sense MARINE Pipe and Cable Tracker (Altitude) - 31
- Simrad HiPAP (NMEA PSIMSSB) (ROV Depth) (UTC) - 31
- Simrad HiPAP (NMEA PSIMSSB) (ROV Depth) - 31
- Simrad HPR LBL Raw Data - 31
- SMD ROV (Depth and Altitude) - 31
- Sonardyne (Surveyors Output) (UTC) - 31
- Sonardyne (Surveyors Output) - 31
- Sonardyne Fusion (PSONALL) - 31
- Sonardyne LNAV (ROV Depth - Altitude) - 31
- Sonardyne SPRINT INS (ROV Depth - Altitude) - 31
- Sound Velocity - Smart SV (AML ASCII) (Active) - 31
- Sweep (Imtech DMS 3500) - 31
- Teledyne Odom ECHOTRAC E20 (Draft and Sound Velocity) - 31
- Teledyne RDI Citadel CTD (ex FSI) - 31
- Teledyne RDI WorkHorse ADCP series (UTC) - 31
- Teledyne RDI WorkHorse ADCP series - 31
- Tideway ROV (Tritech TD700 and ST500) - 31
- Tritech SCU-3 SeaKing (Passive) - 31
- Tritech SCU-3 SeaKing (UTC) - 31
- Tritech SCU-3 Winson V4 (UTC) - 31
- TSS 340/440/350 Depth & Altitude (Ignore Quality) - 31
- TSS 340/440/350 Depth & Altitude - 31
- Ulvertech Bathy (Depth - Altitude) (Passive) - 31
- Ulvertech Profiler (OSP Data) (Passive) - 31
- Valeport miniSVS - miniSVP - 31
- WinSocket - Underwater Sensor Input - 31
USBL System - 02
- Crane Tool vdLeun (dX dY dZ) - 02
- Crane Tool vdLeun (QATT) - 02
- CutterSuction Tool vdLeun (dX dY dZ) - 02
- Dredging Tool (dX dY dZ) - 02
- Fugro UDI-ROV Header (dX dY dZ) - 02
- Generic - Navitracker Density Probe - 02
- Generic OPC UA Input - 02
- Generic Serial Input - 02
- Hitachi Sumitomo WireCrane (dZ) - 02
- IHC Dredge Monitoring (PIHC) - 02
- Innovatum SMARTRAK cable tracking (USBL) - 02
- iXBlue GAPS (PTSAX-PTSAY) (No PV Check) - 02
- iXBlue GAPS (PTSAX-PTSAY) (UTC) (No PV Check) - 02
- iXBlue GAPS (PTSAX-PTSAY) (UTC) - 02
- iXBlue GAPS (PTSAX-PTSAY) - 02
- Jan de Nul Eco Dredger (Spud Pole) - 02
- Leica Nova TS/MS Series (GeoCOM) - 02
- Liebherr WireCrane (dZ) - 02
- Manual Layback (dX dY dZ) - 02
- Manual Touchdown Point Calculation - 02
- Manual USBL (dX dY dZ) - 02
- Mikrofyn MikroDigger (Bucket) - 02
- Nautronics ATS (ASCII) (UTC) - 02
- Nautronics ATS (ASCII) - 02
- Nautronics ATS (Binary) - 02
- Network (TCP) - Advanced Navigation Subsonus ANPP (USBL) - 02
- Network (UDP) - Forssea VLOC (USBL) - 02
- Network - AD Navigation ADX-Series (dX dY dZ) - 02
- Network - Crane Tool vdLeun (QATT) - 02
- Network - IHC Dredging (ASCII) - 02
- Network - IHC Dredging (Binary) - 02
- Network - iXBlue GAPS (PTSAX-PTSAY) (No PV Check) - 02
- Network - iXBlue GAPS (PTSAX-PTSAY) (UTC) (No PV Check) - 02
- Network - iXBlue GAPS (PTSAX-PTSAY) (UTC) - 02
- Network - iXBlue GAPS (PTSAX-PTSAY) - 02
- Network - NUWC TCT-TO - 02
- Network - Praxis MEGA-GUARD - 02
- Network - Seatools (MROV - SROV) - 02
- Network - Simrad HiPAP (NMEA PSIMSSB Format) (UTC) - 02
- Network - Simrad HiPAP (NMEA PSIMSSB Format) - 02
- NUWC TCT-TO - 02
- OPC Interface (dX dY dZ) - 02
- Optimal Ranging Orion - 02
- Seatec BokaWire - 02
- Simrad HiPAP (400 Binary Format) - 02
- Simrad HiPAP (NMEA PSIMSSB Format) (UTC) - 02
- Simrad HiPAP (NMEA PSIMSSB Format) - 02
- Simrad HiPAP Raw (NMEA PSIMSSR Format) (UTC) - 02
- Simrad HiPAP Raw (NMEA PSIMSSR Format) - 02
- Simrad HPR300 (ASCII) - 02
- Simrad HPR - 02
- Sonardyne LUSBL USBL (V5) - 02
- Sonardyne LUSBL USBL (V6) - 02
- Sonardyne USBL (Surveyors Output) (UTC) - 02
- Sonardyne USBL (Surveyors Output) - 02
- Trackpoint II - 02
- USBL - 02
- WinSocket - USBL Input (UTC) - 02
- WinSocket - USBL Input - 02