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NMEA Autopilot IIAPB-VHW-VTG (Skewed Steered) - 15


Driver for outputting an ASCII NMEA string to an Autopilot, output every Qinsy update. The update-rate can be defined as system property in DB Setup.

The string may contain either only the APA sentence, or the VHW and ABP sentences, or the BWW and XTE sentences, or the SSA and SSD and SSX sentences for the selected node.

(The latter sentences are typically used by an E.M.R.I. SEM200 Autopilot and Track Controller).

In case the second driver has been selected, the output node used for the calculation will always be the current Steered Node.

Bearing and Distance to Waypoint is calculated from the steered node to the nearest start or end point of a line or segment (forward looking).

Driver Information

DriverNMEA Autopilot Interface Type
Driver Class Type
UTC Driver (question)
Input / OutputOutputExecutableDrvOutAutoPilot.exe 
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Except when the "Steered Point" option of this driver has been selected, the appropriate output node must be selected before the driver starts cycling.

After going online with the Controller for the first time, select an output node in the computation setup.

In case of outputting the Steered Node position, the user has to set up also one or more Steered Points.

Drivers IO Notes

The first 2 characters of the first command line argument control which talker id is used in the output sentences.

Other characters following this talker id that may be used are:


Output $--APA sentence


Output $--APB sentence


Output $--VHW sentence


Output $--BWW sentence


Output $--XTE sentence


Output $--SSA sentence


Output $--SSD sentence


Output $--SSX sentence


Output $--VTG sentence


Skew output position and it's derivations like cross track error to real time


Output only when recording


Output steered node


Mainline ID (not name)


Add checksum to sentences

The second command line argument is a multiplication factor that will be applied to the cross track error (XTE) before it is output.

Use a factor greater than 1 to simulate a high-performance autopilot system.




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