Driver that decodes bathymetry data, seabed imagery (for raw storage) and water column data from the latest models Kongsberg multibeam echosounders equipped with firmware that supports the new "KMALL" protocol. For raw data processing the driver can optionally store raw bathymetry and seabed image records in the Qinsy database.
Supported systems, including the MK2 models, that QPS is aware of:
Suggested network protocol
UDP Multicast - Using Multiport
At the moment we decided to suggest, together with Kongsberg, UDP Multicast using the multiport option.
In the future, we might suggest TCP in combination with multiport. We are currently looking into this as some customers ran into problems in certain situations.
The #MRZ message contains both 'raw' data (beam angle and travel time) and geo-referenced footprints (X,Y,Z). Of these two, only the raw data is decoded by the driver.
Multibeam quality
Since Qinsy 9.3.0 the driver decodes a quality indicator for each beam and supports filtering footprints on quality.
This quality indicator is based on the 'qualityFactor' field in the KMALL data. The content of this field is described by Kongsberg as:
Estimated standard deviation as % of the detected depth. Quality Factor (QF) is calculated from IFREMER Quality Factor (IFQ): QF=Est(dz)/z=100*10^-IQF
This value is multiplied by 128 and capped on 255 in order to translate it from a 'real number' to a byte value.
Auxiliary data
Please note that the driver does not decode auxiliary sensors interfaced into the unit, such as position, motion, heading, etc. They are updated in a burst every second and the Qinsy software needs updates as a continuous stream. These external sensors will have to be interfaced directly to Qinsy as well.
Licensing (Kongsberg)
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The following items are licensed by Kongsberg. The data is not sent from the PU if the license is not there. Note that Kongsberg supports soft licenses.
Water column logging;
Water column display;
Extra detections.
Extra detections
Extra detections are supported by Qinsy when using the KMALL format. When using the ALL format (Kongsberg EM2040-EM710-EM712-EM302-EM122 - 20) the detections are stored as normal footprints.
Kongsberg also has an option to classify the extra detections. This is currently not supported by QInsy.
Please vote on FQI-559.
System Setup
This chapter of the documentation talks about the following subjects:
Transducer setup and offsets;
Kongsberg K-Controller setup;
Survey PC/Network setup.
The next chapter explains how to set it up in Qinsy.
Transducer setup and offsets
You can expand the following sections to get more info on some specific sensors that we have. For the systems that are not mentioned we suggest to measure the Tx and Rx phase center locations.
An EM2040 Single Head systems is equipped with one Transmit transducer and one Receive transducer; an EM2040 Dual Head system is equipped with one Transmit transducer and two Receiver transducers.
The RX and TX transducers of the EM2040 can each be oriented normally or reversed. The Heading offset angle should either be around 0° or around 180° when the orientation is reversed. The Receive (RX) transducer is mounted normally (0°) when the connector points to bow and reversed (180°) when it points to stern. For Transmit (TX) transducer this is port (0°) and starboard (180°) respectively. It seems that most EM2040 systems in the field have the RX connector pointing to stern and TX connector pointing to port, so the Multibeamer heading offset should be for the TX 0° and RX 180°. However, all combinations are possible.
Note that for the sake of simplicity of usage in Qinsy it is by far the easiest to mount the transducers with normal, non-reversed, orientation.
Note that for a dual head system with reversed RX transducers (heading offset around 180°) the roll offset should be around -30° for port side and +30° for starboard side, this is exactly opposite to what is common with "normal oriented" systems.
Figure: EM2040 Head Orientation options
The figure above shows the orientation of the EM2040 Transducers and the approximate Multibeam System Heading offset that needs to be entered in Database Setup.
Reversed Sign
If the RX transducer is reversed, the Roll value as determined in the patch test should have a reversed sign (meaning the transfer option can't be used).
Phase Center offsets (PCO) used by Qinsy are shown below.
Tx PCO (in mm)
RX PCO (in mm)
port: -55,0,12
Offsets are in millimeters (stern-bow, port-starboard, up-down). Bow, starboard and up are positive.
center: 13,0,6
starboard: 55,0,12
For the EM 2040C, the TX and RX arrays are integrated into a common sonar head. The transducer arrays are not placed at the center of the sonar head. The EM 2040C can have one or two sonar heads. For most EM echo sounders separate x,y,z installation parameters are given for the RX and the TX arrays. For EM 2040C the installation parameters entered by the operator refers to the centre of the face of the sonar head(s).
'EM2040C Reference point, the so-called face of the center of the transducer'. Phase Center offsets (PCO) used by Qinsy are shown below.
Tx PCO (in mm)
RX PCO (in mm)
The coordinates are given in the Vessel Coordinate System, where x is forward, y is starboard and z is downward. The x,y,z positions for the RX and TX transducer arrays are relative to the center of the sonar head face. See figure 'EM2040C Reference point, the so-called face of the center of the transducer' on this page.
Offsets are in millimeters (stern-bow, port-starboard, up-down). Bow, starboard and up are positive.
For the EM 2040P, the TX and RX arrays are integrated into a common sonar head. The transducer arrays are not placed at the center of the sonar head. For most EM echosounders separate x,y,z installation parameters are given for the RX and the TX arrays. For EM 2040P the installation parameters entered by the operator refer to a reference point on the face of the sonar head. This point is not marked on the sonar head. The reference point used is the intersection between two diagonal lines drawn between the bumpers on the sonar head face.
Offsets are in millimeters (stern-bow, port-starboard, up-down). Bow, starboard and up are positive.
center: 0,2,6
starboard: 104,2,15
Phase Center offsets (PCO) used by Qinsy are shown below.
Tx PCO (in mm)
RX PCO (in mm)
port: -104,0,45
The x,y,z positions for the 3 TX line arrays are relative to the center of the sonar head face. The x,y,z positions of the RX line array are relative to the center of the sonar head face.
Offsets are in millimeters (stern-bow, port-starboard, up-down). Bow, starboard and up are positive.
center: 0,0,6
starboard: 104,0,45
Kongsberg K-Controller setup
The following section explains what you need to setup in the Kongsberg K-Controller.
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The multibeam system can be controlled from Kongsberg's K-Controller utility.
This utility is also used to configure IP addresses and ports used.
UDP vs TCP Setting in SIS
Please note that the following setting within SIS must be set according to the interface type you are using:
Parameter Setup - Logging Control - Use TCP for data from PU. Enabled if 1, disabled if 0
Where if you are working with the UDP or UDP multicast drivers, this value must be set to 0.
UDP Multicast IP
Please note that due to the communication technology used by Kongsberg (UDP multicast), you will need to select an IP address from the multicast range ( to
Survey PC/Network setup
The following part explains what network/PC settings you might need to check in order to get the MBES data properly into Qinsy.
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Network cable Preferably a direct cross-over network cable should be used to transfer the data. This will minimize the chances of any dropped packets.
It is also recommended to have a direct network connection from the Kongsberg PU to a dedicated network card on the survey PC. Especially when sending a lot of data (water column data for example).
Network switch In case you don’t have a direct connection of the PU and you are using a switch in combination with the UDP Multicast protocol, we suggest to use a managed network switch. This ensures that only the systems that request the data, get the information forwarded from the switch.
Network card on survey PC Kongsberg suggests to enable the following setting to ensure that the network card is not automatically changed to a lower setting.
Speed & Duplex settings
Connection problems or packet loss In case you are experiencing connection problems, i.e. data not coming into Qinsy, please have a look at the following tips.
Connection loss between K-Controller and Qinsy 9.1.1
Currently Qinsy will only check the network adapter with the highest priority because the communication technology used is UDP multicast. It is advised to change network priorities when there are multiple network adapters available to ensure that the network adapter connected to the PU has the highest priority.
To change priority of a network adapter use the following steps:
Go to the Network Connections view
Go to the Properties of the network adapter you want to prioritize
Open up the Properties of Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)
Click the Advanced button
Uncheck the 'Automatic metric' and assign a priority value for the adapter
A lower 'Interface metric' number means higher priority.
Packet loss
A 'Balanced' (default) power plan on the PC can cause package dropouts from the second head. This can be solved by changing the power plan on the PC from 'Balanced' to 'High Performance' when using a Windows 10 or Windows 11 pc.
Qinsy Configuration
Multibeam Ecousounder
Suggested Qinsy driver
As mentioned at the top of this page, we suggest to use the UDP Multicast driver.
1st page - Edit System
Set the Port number and IP address to same as set in the Kongsberg K-Controller. Make sure that the port number is the same in Database Setup and in the K-controller/SIS-5.
Together with Kongsberg we decided to suggest to 'Enable UDP/TCP data multiport' (as shown in the picture above).
2nd page - Driver specific Parameters
If you disable everything, the Qinsy driver will decode the Bathymetry footprints (Angles and two way travel time) and the Intensity average per beam. If you would like to process backscatter (Seabed Imagery) or water column later on, you can select the following presets.
Selected preset
Raw Bathymetry Storage
Raw Seabed Image Storage
Water Column Usage
FM Geocoder Toolbox (FMGT)
FM Midwater (FMMW)
FM Geocoder Toolbox (FMGT & FM Midwater (FMMW)
XTF Export
The model selection only has effect on the next page were you enter the offsets and Patch test values. More info can be found on the following page:
Select this if your model is not part of the list or if you do not want to use the “Transducer reference point”.
3rd page - Multibeam Echosounder Parameters
On this page you can select the right node offsets. This is either the reference position or the location for the Rx and Tx element.
Roll/Pitch/Heading offset
Patch Test values. These are the offsets between the reference frame of the Motion sensor (which is usually aligned with the vessel frame) and the reference frame of the multibeam head.
Max. Beams per ping
Set this to the maximum amount of footprints per ping (per head).
Sound Velocity
We always decode the sound velocity from the unit (measured near the head).
Echosounder Stabilization
Not applicable.
4th page - Echosounder Accuracy Parameters
These settings are used for the TPU calculations. For more info, press F1.
5th page - Multibeam Echosounder Corrections
No need to enter anything on this page.
Output System
An output system can be add to let SIS-5 start/stop logging at the same time as Qinsy.
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Difference SIS5 vs K-Controller
It is important that logging can only be started if SIS5 is running together with the K-Controller:
In SIS-5 you can remotely Start/Stop both Pinging and Logging.
In the K-Controller you can remotely Start/Stop Pinging only.
Add the XML files in the table below to this location:
*Prior to SIS Release 5.10.0, the XML for EM2040P/M was the same as that of the EM2040.
Downloading the XML files The xml-files above are only visible when logged in to the QPS website, not when viewing the Drivers Manual from the Qinsy Console.
Logging data with Qinsy and SIS on the same PC
QPS advises to run SIS and Qinsy on separate PC's to allow both systems to run on maximum performance. When logging data with both packages on one PC, this can lead to storage issues due to the large amounts of data.
Additional info
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Frequently asked question regarding upgrading to us the K-Controller (KMALL format)
Coming from an old setup (either using SIS as controller or using the EM Controller in Qinsy) the following needs to be considered:
Changes in cabling: User can rewire the SV sensor to the processing unit directly.
Entering geometry in the K-Controller: For a Qinsy setup it is not necessary to enter the full geometry. However, for Kongsberg support purposes it could be useful. There is the option of logging in KMall format in the K-Controller, and Kongsberg prefers that when supporting with problems. Problem finding is made easier if the offsets are correct.
How to use the K-Controller: Kongsberg has a reference manual available: 'K-Controller Installation and runtime controller for EM multibeam echo sounders'.
It is no longer possible to use the EM-controller in Qinsy with the new format. It is not possible to change settings from Qinsy.
Which Kongsberg multibeam models are supported: Beginning 2019 the EM 2040P is supported with EM2040C; EM2040 and EM712 expected later during the year.
Qinsy databases will be larger in size. More data is being sent and stored when raw data logging is on.
Please note that, due to a non-backwards compatible change in the protocol, systems that use the 'REV-I' or newer version of the protocol will only work with Qinsy 9.4.3 and later. You can find out which protocol your system is using by looking at the software release notes as installed with the K-Controller/SIS:
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