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Manual Administration - 23


Driver will store a number of configurable fields to a comma separated output file.

Use Database Setup to add a miscellaneous system to your template database, and select the driver "Manual Administration".

When started by the Controller this driver will load a user configurable XML file (see field 'Configuration file' in the driver UI) which contains a definition of the fields that will be shown in the driver UI.
Two main types of fields exist. The first type is filled with information from within Qinsy. These fields are updated every time the user presses the 'Fix' button.
The second type is filled by the user using keyboard and/or mouse. When the user presses the 'Save' button the contents of all fields is written to a comma separated output file (See field 'Output file' in the driver UI).
These output files are always placed in the 'LogFiles' subfolder of the Qinsy project folder.

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