Depth Output - 15
Driver with user interface, to be used to generate output strings containing raw (or corrected) depth values from Underwater Sensors, Singlebeam, Multibeam or Multi-Transducer Echosounders, or DTM Results as calculated using depth values from one of these types of echosounders. Driver starts up as minimized window on Windows taskbar.
Two versions of the driver are available: a Serial version and a Network version (UDP).
The drivers are identical, except the output port: COM or network, respectively.
Depending on the selected depth observation, several selections for beams and corrections are available:
- Depth observation: just the observation
- Singlebeam Echosounder: Single Beam, DTM Results
- Multibeam Echosounder: Nadir Beam, Center Beam, Min Depth, Max Depth, DTM Results
- Multi-Transducer Echosounder: Center Beam, Minimum Depth, Maximum Depth, DTM Results
Observation | Raw Data Value, Corrected Data Value |
Single Beam | Raw Data Value, Corrected Data Value |
Nadir Beam | Correct for Roll, Correct for Roll and Pitch |
Center Beam | Raw Data Value, Correct for Roll, Correct for Roll and Pitch |
Minimum Depth | Raw Data Value, Exclude Zero Values |
Maximum Depth | Raw Data Value, Exclude Zero Values |
DTM Results | Closest DTM Point, Interpolated Point |
If the "DTM Results" option is selected, the driver does not read the raw data value buffers, but the DTM results as calculated by the Multibeamer process. These data are always corrected for roll, pitch, heave and system offsets such as mounting angles and sound velocities.
For the other options, the driver uses the roll and pitch values from the vertical reference unit that has been selected for the object on which the echosounder is defined. The (C-O) values for the roll and pitch values as well as the mounting offsets for a Multibeam or Multi-Transducer system are taken into account.
The "Corrected Data Value" for a Singlebeam Echosounder is the reported depth corrected for draft and sound velocity, depending on the refraction settings as defined in the Controller.
The "Raw Data Value" for a Singlebeam Echosounder is the measured depth (i.e. depth below transducer) as reported by the unit and possibly uncorrected for the draft.
Note that the "Closest DTM Point" or "Interpolated Point" selection has no effect for a Singlebeam Echosounder: there is only one beam so the DTM Results for this one are used.
The "Corrected Data Value" that is available with an ROV depth or Altitude observation is the raw value, corrected for the (C-O) values and scale factor, that have been defined during the observation's setup in the database.
The Nadir Beam is always corrected for roll (including transducer roll offset). It is defined as the beam that is closest to the vertical direction after applying any roll compensation. Pitch compensation is optional.
In order to find Minimum Depth or Maximum Depth, roll and pitch are always taken into account.
Driver Information
Driver | Depth Output | Interface Type | Serial/UDP | Driver Class Type | |
UTC Driver ![]() | No | Input / Output | Output | Executable | DrvOutDepthUI.exe 5.0 |
Related Systems |
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Related Pages |
Database Setup
If you select the Network UDP driver, you have to define the UDP port number that you want to output on.
The IP address may contain a mask, in order to output to multiple computers.
E.g. if you enter, all computers on the network with IP address 10.0.0.??? can listen to the selected UDP.
Online , click on the Depth Output Driver button in the taskbar.
Select Echosounder, Beam, Option, Format. Instead of an Echosounder, one can also select a depth observation.
The output data string is also shown. If there is no data update, or the data is invalid or too old, then no data string is sent and the edit box becomes empty.
Selections are saved in the registry between sessions.
Drivers IO Notes
If the command line in the file contains a value, then this value is used as maximum age for the output data, i.e. when the depth is more than this number of seconds old, the driver stops outputting data.
Default value for the command line value is 5.0 seconds. Delete the number to skip the age check.