Driver for Simrad EM1000 Multibeam Echosounder datagrams broadcasted over a network. Driver to be used to decode the MBE profile scans in X-Y-Z format.
The Simrad EM1000 outputs either 60 or 48 beams, depending on the operational mode (13 modes for EM1000). Driver can use either the UTC timetags from the EM1000 profile scans, or the timetag for the first byte of a datagram that is received over the network.
Only time, depth, across-track distance, along-track distance, reflectivity and quality factor are decoded.
The decoded Quality Indicator (QI) is actually the number of beams that is used for bottom tracking within a range of 0 and 60. It is unknown which value is worst or which is best.
System Configuration
The Unix workstation with Simrad software running on it, must send the data to Qinsy through one of its Ethernet LAN ports. The workstation contains four LAN interfaces, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4 and LAN5. From these four interfaces, LAN4 is used to communicate with the X terminal(s) so this port can't be used to output data. Any other available port can be used. The workstation starts a so-called "data distribution" program for every LAN port; these programs handle the internal and external Ethernet communication of the workstation. The "data distribution" programs read an ASCII configuration that contains which type of datagrams are to be sent and where to send them; the files are stored in the rt user's home directory. A config file has a user definable file name; therefore an environment variable must be set for each "data distribution" program.
The following steps must be taken to add an output:
Determine which Ethernet LAN interface can be used. Either use a free port (in this case a config file should be added) or select a used port (in this case a config file must be modified and a HUB should be used to split the cables) If a used port is selected go to 3)
Add a MODULE_ADDRESSES environment variable to the start-up script named "start_data_distrib" (location unknown). for example: LAN3.addresses
Change or add a data distribution config file for the selected port. The config file name should consist of the environmental var. with the host name added, for example LAN3.addresses.EM121A. File must be placed in rt user's home directory. Look at the other config files for info regarding the structure of these files. A line must be added at the bottom of the config file according the following format:
<module name> <IP Address> <IP port nr> [<datagram1> <datagram2> ...]
Format Example
Qinsy 2010 0x97
This will enable the sending of a depth(0x97) telegram to the Qinsy PC which has an IP number of and multibeam driver listens on port 2010.
Use only spaces, no TABS allowed!!
This chapter is provided for background information, QPS recommends that only qualified Kongsberg Simrad Engineers modify the workstation set-up.
For more information contact your local Kongsberg Simrad Agent
Database Setup
See description in Database Setup, except that the driver can only be used on a network, so instead of entering serial port parameters, the port number has to be entered.
When online, select the "Echosounder settings" option from the "Settings" menu to define the online blocking and filtering of the multibeam echosounder data.
Use a Raw Multibeam Display to show raw data and a Swath System Display to show the corrected scans.
Drivers IO Notes
Command line parameter "IO" means that the first byte is time stamped, so that the Qinsy time is used.
Driver for Simrad EM1000 Multibeam Echosounder datagrams broadcasted over a network. Driver to be used to decode the MBE profile scans in X-Y-Z format.
The Simrad EM1000 outputs either 60 or 48 beams, depending on the operational mode (13 modes for EM1000). Driver can use either the UTC timetags from the EM1000 profile scans, or the timetag for the first byte of a datagram that is received over the network.
Only time, depth, across-track distance, along-track distance, reflectivity and quality factor are decoded.
The decoded Quality Indicator (QI) is actually the number of beams that is used for bottom tracking within a range of 0 and 60. It is unknown which value is worst or which is best.
System Configuration
The Unix workstation with Simrad software running on it, must send the data to Qinsy through one of its Ethernet LAN ports. The workstation contains four LAN interfaces, LAN2, LAN3, LAN4 and LAN5. From these four interfaces, LAN4 is used to communicate with the X terminal(s) so this port can't be used to output data. Any other available port can be used. The workstation starts a so-called "data distribution" program for every LAN port; these programs handle the internal and external Ethernet communication of the workstation. The "data distribution" programs read an ASCII configuration that contains which type of datagrams are to be sent and where to send them; the files are stored in the rt user's home directory. A config file has a user definable file name; therefore an environment variable must be set for each "data distribution" program.
The following steps must be taken to add an output:
Determine which Ethernet LAN interface can be used. Either use a free port (in this case a config file should be added) or select a used port (in this case a config file must be modified and a HUB should be used to split the cables) If a used port is selected go to 3)
Add a MODULE_ADDRESSES environment variable to the start-up script named "start_data_distrib" (location unknown). for example: LAN3.addresses
Change or add a data distribution config file for the selected port. The config file name should consist of the environmental var. with the host name added, for example LAN3.addresses.EM121A. File must be placed in rt user's home directory. Look at the other config files for info regarding the structure of these files. A line must be added at the bottom of the config file according the following format:
<module name> <IP Address> <IP port nr> [<datagram1> <datagram2> ...]
Format Example
Qinsy 2010 0x97
This will enable the sending of a depth(0x97) telegram to the Qinsy PC which has an IP number of and multibeam driver listens on port 2010.
Use only spaces, no TABS allowed!!
This chapter is provided for background information, QPS recommends that only qualified Kongsberg Simrad Engineers modify the workstation set-up.
For more information contact your local Kongsberg Simrad Agent
Database Setup
See description in Database Setup, except that the driver can only be used on a network, so instead of entering serial port parameters, the port number has to be entered.
When online, select the "Echosounder settings" option from the "Settings" menu to define the online blocking and filtering of the multibeam echosounder data.
Use a Raw Multibeam Display to show raw data and a Swath System Display to show the corrected scans.
Drivers IO Notes
Command line parameter "IO" means that the first byte is time stamped, so that the Qinsy time is used.
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