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Tritech StarFish 990 - 27


This driver can be used to interface to Tritech's StarFish sidescan sonar family. 

As it is a USB based device, make sure to install the proper firmware from the manufacturer before using the device in Qinsy.

Time of arrival and USB

Please note that the sidescan data from the unit is not time synchronized. This means that Qinsy will use the 'time of arrival' to match the sidescan data with other data (e.g. position, motion etc). Due to the technology of USB there is a delay between data arriving at the USB port and the time that the data is available for the OS (and thus, for Qinsy). The exact value of this delay is unpredictable. To keep this delay as short as possible, make sure to connect as few devices as possible to the USB controller the Tritech device is connected to.

Driver Information

DriverTritech StarFish 450/452/990Interface Type-Driver Class TypeUSB / with U/I 
UTC Driver (question)-Input / OutputInput ExecutableDrvL3Kleinsocket.exe
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Database Setup


Make sure to choose the correct driver for your device: "Tritech StarFish 450/452" for the 450F, 450H and 452F, or "Tritech StarFish 990" for the 990F.

Sound velocity

Choose 'Use sound velocity from unit'.


The C-Max fish supports only two channels at the same time. Make sure to define two channels: one with orientation port and one channel with orientation starboard. The driver will assign the data based on the orientation.


When online, the sidescan can be controlled through the driver user interface:



RangeSet the operating range. Ranges from 1.0 to 200.0 meters can be set.
Please note that ranges higher than supported by the specific unit can be set, but will not result in valid data.
Sound velocityThe sound velocity used by the unit to calculate range from travel time.
Enabled channelsEnable or disable port or starboard receivers.
Ping delayNormally, the unit will ping as fast as possible. By increasing the ping delay factor beyond 1, the ping rate will be lowered.
Transmit powerThe power used by the transmitter to send out the pulse. Normal values lie between 8 and 10.
Pulse lengthLength of the pulse in micro seconds.
Ping rate(Read only) The current ping rate.

Advanced settings

TVG settings
Enable TVGEnable or disable the time varied gain algorithm.
Absorption loss coefficientThe acoustic absorption loss coefficient used by the TVG algorithm in dB/m.
Maximum attenuationMaximum attenuation applied to the signal at the start of  reception, in Decibels.
Maximum range

The range at which no attenuation is applied to the received signal, in metres.


How many points will be computed in the TVG characteristic. This does not relate to reception samples.

Slope multiplierMultiply the slope of the TVG characteristic by this number.
Ping settings
Pulse start frequencyThe start frequency of the chirp.
Pulse end frequencyThe end frequency of the chirp.
Number of samples per pingThe number of samples used to store a complete ping.
Minimum inter-ping time

Minimum time between two pings.
Normally the unit will ping as fast as possible (e.g. shorter range = higher ping frequency). This variable can be used to save energy for shorter ranges. 

Disable transmitterDo not send out pulses anymore, only listen.
ResetReset all settings (both advanced and non-advanced) to the factory defaults.



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