This section provides an example to illustrate the use of the Generic Layout Editor to create a Generic ASCII Data Logger. The items and sub-items chosen for logging to file are only to illustrate the selection procedure. Your particular situation in the field may be similar or significantly different. It really depends on the circumstances and the client's specifications.
Open Layout Editor
In the QINSy Console click on the to open the Generic Layout Editor.
In the File menu, click on New Layout and then Log File.
The main window defaults to the Log File button of the Overview Tab dialog.
The main window has 7 tabs on the left side, each of which references different system and observation parameters. Each tab has multiple option buttons each of which, again, references different data parameters. Typically you work your way from the top tab to bottom tab, and from top button to bottom button, with the exception of the Overview tab when first creating the driver.
It is probably best to return to the Overview tab options after selecting items in the other main tabs: Setup Data, General Data, Settings, Raw Data, Result Data and DTM.
As with all tabs, each of these buttons has a slightly different dialog to the right. But in general they all have items to select along with their properties, sub-items and their properties.
Check that Layout Purpose is 'Log File', and that the correct Database is selected.
Log File specific settings determine characteristics of the data output string.
This table shows the available items for each of the buttons listed under the Setup Data tab. Click on any of the upper row icons to access an explanation of each item, its properties, each sub-item and its properties.
This table shows the available items for each of the buttons listed under the General Data tab. Click on any of the upper row icons to access an explanation of each item, its properties, each sub-item and its properties.
For our example it could be necessary to output information about the sailed survey line. Other items and sub-items are unlikely to be applicable.
Main Object is a Line
General Button
Click on the General button.
Double click on Date.
Under Date Properties and choose whether to use local time or UTC.
You may format a date item the same as a time item, i.e. in general, it's the current computer system time, default in UTC. More specifically, it depends on the update mode of the display/driver/log file/export:
Time based When on-line, it's the current computer time, and in case PPS is used, it will be the PPS time. When replaying, it is the time of the last position filter calculation.
Fix based The time of the last fix event
System based The time of the last update for the selected system
Event based (Driver and Log File only) The time of the event
Node based (Export only) The time of the selected node result update
Click on Add which places a Parent item above - Mainline.
Under Properties below select the line. A list with 10 entries is given - the Mainline and nine additional lines. The first one is always the Controller's mainline. The other 9 are the additional mainlines. The actual mainline/additional mainline selection (POINT, LINE, ROUTE) is done in the Controller's Session Setup, Planning.
Select the sub-items to be included in the output data string.
Check and/or modify the properties for each sub-item.
This table shows the available items for each of the buttons listed under the Settings tab. Click on any of the upper row icons to access an explanation of each item, its properties, each sub-item and its properties.
This table shows the available items for each of the buttons listed under the Raw Data tab. Click on any of the upper row icons to access an explanation of each item, its properties, each sub-item and its properties.
For our example several raw data items and sub-items are applicable.
Main Item is a System
Main Item is a SBE
Main Item is a MBE
Main Item is a Positioning System
Main Item is a Motion Sensor
Main Item is a USBL
Main Item is a Layback System
Gyro System Button
Click on the Observation System button.
Click Add.
Select Gyro from the list of systems. Then select the associated observation.
Select 'Value' as the sub-item.
If the log file requires an identifier in order to decode the gyro observation, you could add 'Name' as another sub-item. Use the Translation function to modify the name if a specific identifier is needed. 'Time' is another option but in this case it is preferred to use the date and time from the computed position of the vessel CoG, which is added under the Result Data tab. The software will then output a gyro value for that time.
Set the properties for the gyro value.
Note that the C-O corrected raw value is sent in the log file.
Ladder, spud and cutter headings are all the same as the pontoon heading. These values could be needed in the data string. In our example, the following Observation Systems are available:
Add ladder and cutter orientations by following the same steps as detailed above for the vessel's gyro system.
Motion Sensor System Button
Click on the Motion Sensors button.
Click Add.
Select the MRU from the list of systems.
Choose to apply C-O values to the raw values so that the C-O corrected values are logged to file.
For the pontoon select 'Pitch', 'Roll' and 'Heave' as the sub-items.
For the Ladder select 'Pitch'.
If the log file requires an identifier in order to decode the pitch and roll observations, you could add two 'Comments' as sub-items. Enter the comment string under Properties below.
'Time' is another option but in this case it is preferred to use the date and time from the computed position of the vessel CoG, which is added under the Result Data tab. The software will then output a gyro value for that time.
This table shows the available items for each of the buttons listed under the Result Data tab. Click on any of the upper row icons to access an explanation of each item, its properties, each sub-item and its properties.
For our example several result data items and sub-items are applicable.
Raw position is referenced to the GNSS antenna. What is needed is the computed position of the CSD reference point (CoG), which is the reference for the pseudo-USBL measurements that position the cutter head and the carriage spud. Therefore this node position is taken from Result Data, along with the time tag.
Click on Result Data and then Nodes.
Click Add.
The first (default) entry is always [Steered Node]. It can be changed if the position of the steered node is not required. In this case we want the CSD CoG.
Select the Node from the list of nodes.
In our example the CSD CoG is the preferred node to output to the log file. Choose the Computation used to compute the node coordinates and choose whether to deskew the node position:
No Node Position and Time as calculated by the PositionFilter
Yes Skewed linear to the time of output/trigger time, using the current Node Position (Horizontal), Time, SOG and COG. Notice that the SOG and COG depends on the Controller's Computation Setup, Object COG/SOG - Prediction Parameters Settings. Formula used:
Delta Easting = SOG * Delta Time * SIN(COG)
Delta Northing = SOG * Delta Time * COS(COG)
Height value are never deskewed.
The selected deskew option counts also for the 'Compare to' node
Select Name, Time, Latitude, Longitude and Height as the sub-items.
If the log file requires an identifier in order to decode the position fields, 'Name' can be used. It can be translated to something else as appropriate. 'Time' is selected here because it will be used as the basis to determine which gyro, motion sensor and USBL values to output with the coordinates.
Height is by default on Chart Datum (also known as Vertical Datum), but Survey Datum, WGS84, the Actual Water Level, the Mean Water Level, or the Geoid Model Level may be selected.
Set the properties for each of the sub-items.
Note in particular to select the appropriate height reference. Height is by default on Chart Datum (also known as Vertical Datum), but Survey Datum, WGS84, the Actual Water Level, the Mean Water Level, or the Geoid Model Level may be selected.
The first one is always the Controller's mainline.The other 9 are the Additional mainlines. The actual mainline/additional mainline selection (POINT, LINE, ROUTE) is done in the Controller's Session Setup
Select Name, KP, dAcross, and dAlong as the sub-items.
If the log file requires an identifier in order to decode these fields, add a Comment sub-item before each of the selected sub-items.
The first (default) entry is always [Reference Vessel].This means that the first defined object will be used (with Object Id 1). In Db Setup you will see 'square' icon in front of the vessel name. The rest of the list will show all available objects, existing in the current selected QINSy database .
Select the vessel from the list.
The list shows all available objects, existing in the current selected QINSy database .
Select Tide.
If the log file requires an identifier in order to decode these fields, the Comment sub-item can be used.
Selections made here depend on the setup. Sometimes the PLC computes TDS, Load, Displacement etc.. If calculated in the software some items may be logged in the output file.
Click on Result Data and then Dredging.
Click Add.
The first (default) entry is always [Dredge Result Head 1].
Select the Dredge System from the list and then the appropriate head.
The list shows all available systems existing in the current selected QINSy database .
Select sub-items.
General State (dredging status), Design State, TDS, Load Volume, Current Production, Intrusion Alarm (formerly Emergency Hoist), Collision Alarm, and Collision Status.
Design state:
Above Head footprint is above design (including tolerance)
On Target Head is on design level (within tolerance levels)
Over Dredge Head is below design level (including tolerance) Usually bad news for contractor...
Not Used Unknown/not used possible when grid data is not available
If the log file requires an identifier in order to decode these fields, the Comment sub-item can be used before each sub-item.
The first (default) entry is always Grid Result - [steered].
Set Grid Result Properties.
By default the Source is 'Active Sounding Grid'. Use the Browse option to load a different grid. Then select the Layer, Node and Computation.
Select sub-items.
Node Name, Status and DTM Depth. Status: A number between 0 and 7 indicating the status of the selected Sounding Grid, Layer and / or Node 0 means all okay, a valid DTM value was extracted successfully for the current node position 1 means no active sounding grid file has been selected in the Controller's Session Storage Setup 2 means that no grid file was selected 3 means that the selected grid file was not found 4 means that no layer has been selected 5 means that the selected layer was not found in the current sounding grid 6 means that no node was selected, or that the selected node has no valid position 7 means that the current node position is inside a bin with no valid DTM values
This sub-item employs a translation table:
DTM Depth: This is the mean (default) depth value from the bin (level 0) for the current position, but may also be the deepest and/or shallowest depth value if that attribute exist in the current layer. The value will be empty if the status (see above) is not zero, or if the selected attribute deepest/shallowest is not a property of the selected layer.
While this tab is located uppermost, thereby suggesting its priority, it is preferable to access its most used option button, 'Layout', after items and sub-items have been selected using the other tabs.
Layout Button
Click on Overview and then Layout.
This page shows the layout of all items selected so far.
One of the ways to reconfigure the layout is to highlight an item and use the
and buttons to rearrange the layout order and hence the format of the output to file.
By default all the General columns are shown in the layout overview.
Right clicking anywhere in the table pops up a menu with options, Refer to Popup Menus.
The configuration page for any individual item is accessed by:
either double clicking on an item in the Item column.
or Highlighting an item and pressing .
In each case the definition page for that item is opened. Some properties are directly editable in the layout table.
Save the layout.
Saving the layout writes an XML file to the /Project Folder/Settings/Logfile.
Properties Button
Click on the Overview tab and then the Properties button.
All parameters are fairly self explanatory. See notes in the image below.
Log File
Click on the Overview tab and then the Log File button.