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Dredging Results


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Parent Item


List with all available dredging systems that exist in the current selected Qinsy database.
(see General Layout Information  about loading a Qinsy database).


Most items below are 'connected' to a particular head, but some are head independent.
For those items it doesn't matter whether Head 1 or 2 is selected.

  • Head 1
  • Head 2
    The presence of Head 2 depends on the type of dredger (backhoe, cutter, hopper, etc.), as defined in the Database Setup.
Sub ItemDescriptionenum / struct

General State

  • Sailing Empty
    Hopper is sailing but empty
  • Dredging
    Pumping up material
  • Sailing Loaded
    Hopper is sailing, fully loaded with material
  • Dumping
  • Pumping Ashore
  • Unknown

This item is head independent. 



Update time of the dredging driver

This item is head independent.



Tons Dry Solid in [tons]

Item will be empty when TDS Calculation has been disabled in your template setup.

This item is head independent.


Load Volume

Actual Load Volume in [tons]

Item will be empty when TDS Calculation has been disabled in your template setup.

This item is head independent.



Actual Displacement in [tons]
Item will be empty when TDS Calculation has been disabled in your template setup.

This item is head independent.


Empty Displacement

Empty Displacement in [tons]
Item will be empty when TDS Calculation has been disabled in your template setup.

This item is head independent.


System Name

The name of the selected Dredging System, as defined in the Database Setup.


Object Name

The name of the object where the selected head is located on, as defined in the Database Setup.


Design State

  • Above
    Head footprint is above design (including tolerance)
  • On Target
    Head is on design level (within tolerance levels)
  • Over Dredge
    Head is below design level (including tolerance)
    Usually bad news for contractor...
  • Not Used
    Unknown/not used possible when grid data is not available

Intrusion Alarm

(Used to be known as Emergency Hoist Alarm in previous versions)

Value depends on the Horizontal Clearance Error, which can be set in the Controller Session Setup, Dredging, Intrusion Detection page.
  • 0
    No emergency. Dredge head is still far enough from the selected intrusion zone.
  • 1
    Emergency hoist, head must be lifted immediately.

Same alarm as seen in Alert Display, Category "Dredging Result", Type: "Intrusion Detection: Error (Emergency Hoist)"


Collision Alarm

Value depends on the Horizontal Clearance Warning, which can be set in the Controller Session Setup, Dredging, Intrusion Detection page
  • 0
    No emergency. Dredge head is still far enough from the selected intrusion zone
  • 1
    Warning, head enters the first zone.

Same alarm as seen in Alert Display, Category "Dredging Result", Type: "Intrusion Detection: Warning"


Clearance Status

(A combination of the Intrusion and Collision Alarm)

Value depends on the Horizontal Clearance Warning, Horizontal Clearance Error and/or Vertical Clearance, which can be set in the Controller Session Setup, Dredging, Intrusion Detection page.

Clearance StatusAlarmHeight Mode
0ALL OKAY2D - XY Position
1WARNING2D - XY Position
3HOIST2D - XY Position
0ALL OKAY3D - XYZ Position
5WARNING3D - XYZ Position
7HOIST3D - XYZ Position

Mixture Density

Current mixture Density from production sensor, (c-o) already applied


Mixture Velocity

Current mixture velocity from production sensor, (c-o) already applied


Trip Volume

Current volume inside the selected dredging system


Trip Load

Current load inside the selected dredging system


Current Production

Current production, derived from production sensors


  • [Cubic meter In situ material/sec]
  • [Tons of dry material/sec]


Speed over ground of the reference node of the selected head object



Course over ground of the reference node of the selected head



Grid heading of the selected head object


Center Easting

Center Northing

Center Height

Grid co-ordinate of the center of the selected dredge head.


Deepest Easting

Deepest Northing

Deepest Height

Grid co-ordinate of the deepest point of the selected dredge head.


Cutting Easting

Cutting Northing

Cutting Height

Grid co-ordinate of the cutting point of the selected dredge head or the point that is closest to the design.


Height Above Design

Actual height minus the design height at footprint for deepest point of the selected head.

Positive value means the head is above level.
Negative value means head is below level.

Design can be manual or from a sounding grid.


Design Height

Height of design at footprint for deepest point the selected head.

Design can be manual or from a sounding grid.


Dredged Layer Thickness

Amount of removed soil.

Value is calculated for the deepest point of the selected dredge head.

Will be zero when the selected head is above the selected bathy layer.


PMO Valve Time

Total time that PMO (Poor Mixture Overboard) was open  (Spilling overboard).

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