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Height Aiding

Height Aiding Results are not available for Export

Parent Item


  • The first entry is always [Reference Vessel]
    This means that the first defined object will be used (with Object Id 1).
    In Database Setup you will see a 'square' icon in front of the vessel name:

  • The rest of the list will show all available objects, existing in the current selected Qinsy database
    (see General Layout Information about loading a Qinsy database).

Sub ItemValue Type


User-defined free text

Text Format
  • Normal Text
    Your own free plain text
  • Binary
    Enter one or more ASCII character codes, comma or space separated, in the range between 1 and 127.
    For example '2' for a binary STX character, '3' for a binary ETX character, or '13, 10' for CR+LF.
    See table ASCII Codes for an overview of all possible characters.

  • New Line
    Same as Binary but already formatted as '13, 10' (meaning CR+LF) and without a possible Field Delimiter.
    A Field Delimiter may be present when your layout purpose is for Export or ASCII Logging.


Update time (UTC) of the height aided observation


Vessel Name

Name of the vessel (object), as entered in Database Setup



Value [in survey units] of the Height Aided Observation, which is calculated by the Height Aiding driver. Driver is always present in the Windows task-bar.

The Height value is by default on Chart Datum (also known as Vertical Datum), but Survey Datum or WGS84 may be selected.

Note that this value is the same as the height of the reference node for the selected vessel.



  • Survey Datum
    Height value will be on the selected survey datum ellipsoid, e.g. ED50.
    Survey Datum (or Horizontal Datum) is set in the Geodetic Configuration as Project CRS.
  • WGS84
    Height value on the WGS'84 datum.
    Notice that WGS84 (or ITRF2008) must be one of the two selected CRS's in the Geodetic Configuration.
  • Chart Datum (default)
    Height value on the selected vertical datum e.g NAP, De Min Geoid.
    Chart Datum (or Vertical Datum) is set in the Geodetic configuration as Vertical CRS.

Height Status

Two possible values: one or zero.

0:    The height aided observation is not used in any of the computations: The height status of the triggering system (located on the selected vessel) is set to Accurate in all available computations.

1:    The height aided observation is used in at least one of the computations. I.e. that the height status of the triggering system (located on the selected vessel) is set to Unreliable in one of the computations.


Height Sd

1 Sigma (68%) A-Priori Standard deviation of the Height Aiding observation

HeaveHeave component of the Height Aided Observation.double
Heave Status

Two possible values:
1: Heavecomponent is part of the height aided observation
0:  No heave component, or no height aided observation at all



Squat component of the Height Aided Observation.


Squat Status

Two possible values:
1: Squat component is part of the height aided observation
0:  No squat component, or no height aided observation at all



Draft component of the Height Aided Observation.


Draft Status

Two possible values:
1: Draft component is part of the height aided observation
0:  No draft component, or no height aided observation at all



Tide component of the Height Aided Observation.

Notice that this item is the same as item Tide under Tide Results


Tide Status

Two possible values:
1: Tide component is part of the height aided observation
0:  No tide component, or no height aided observation at all

Notice that this item is the same as item Tide Status under Tide Results


MWL Model

Mean Water Level Model component (often known as Mean Sea Level) of the Height Aided Observation.


MWL Model Status

Two possible values:
1: MWL (Mean Water Level) Model component is part of the height aided observation
0:  No MWL Model defined (in Db Setup), or no height aided observation at all



ROV Depth component of the Height Aided Observation.


Depth Status

Two possible values:
1: ROV Depth component is part of the height aided observation
0:  No depth component, or no height aided observation at all


Actual Water Level

The actual water level above Survey Datum

For the object's reference node the "Height above Actual Water level"  value is used minus the "Height above Survey/WGS84/Chart Datum" value.



  • Survey Datum
    Height value will be on the selected survey datum ellipsoid, e.g ED50.
    Survey datum (or Horizontal Datum) is set in the Geodetic Configuration as Project CRS.
  • WGS84
    Height value on the WGS'84 datum.
    Notice that WGS84 (or ITRF2008) must be one of the two selected CRS's in the Geodetic Configuration.
  • Chart Datum (default)
    Height value on the selected vertical datum e.g NAP, De Min Geoide.
    Chart Datum (or Vertical Datum) is set in the Geodetic configuration as Vertical CRS.
Mean Actual Water LevelThe Actual Water Level (see above) minus the heave of the object, so i.e. the actual water level without the swell influence.double


  • Survey Datum
    Height value will be on the selected survey datum ellipsoid, e.g ED50.
    Survey datum (or Horizontal Datum) is set in the Geodetic Configuration as Project CRS.
  • WGS84
    Height value on the WGS'84 datum.
    Notice that WGS84 (or ITRF2008) must be one of the two selected CRS's in the Geodetic Configuration.
  • Chart Datum (default)
    Height value on the selected vertical datum e.g NAP, De Min Geoide.
    Chart Datum (or Vertical Datum) is set in the Geodetic configuration as Vertical CRS.
Mean Water LevelThe Actual Water Level (see above) minus the heave of the object (swell) and minus the tide.



  • Survey Datum
    Height value will be on the selected survey datum ellipsoid, e.g ED50.
    Survey datum (or Horizontal Datum) is set in the Geodetic Configuration as Project CRS.
  • WGS84
    Height value on the WGS'84 datum.
    Notice that WGS84 (or ITRF2008) must be one of the two selected CRS's in the Geodetic Configuration.
  • Chart Datum (default)
    Height value on the selected vertical datum e.g NAP, De Min Geoide.
    Chart Datum (or Vertical Datum) is set in the Geodetic configuration as Vertical CRS.

MWL Geoid Height

The current geoid height above survey datum.
This is the calculated height value for the vessel location from the Mean Water Level model. This model is selected in the database setup, Edit menu, Advanced settings, Mean Water Level Model:


MWL Level Height

The current level height above geoid datum.

This is the calculated height value for the vessel location from the Mean Water Level model.
This model is selected in the database setup, Edit menu, Advanced settings, Mean Water Level Model, using the second drop-down list selection. Normally you select here your River Lines model.


MWL Height Offset

The height offset above level datum.
This is a fixed offset value as entered in the database setup, Edit menu, Advanced settings, Mean Water Level Model.


Note that this item is actually the same as item "MWL Model Height Offset" in group SETUP DATA, category Geodetics.

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