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Parent Item


  • The first entry is always [Steered Node].
    Note that this selection is not supported when layout is for Export (offline).
  • The second entry depends on the layout purpose:
    [Computation Setup] when layout is for Driver or Log File.
    The node must be selected in the Controller's Computation Setup, under shortcut Output Node
    [From Display] when layout is for Display.
    The node must be selected in the display itself, under pull-down menu item Edit, Display Node...
    Further note that no computation can be selected, it will always be the one from [Priority List]
  • The rest of the list will show all ('real') available variable nodes, existing in the currently selected Qinsy database.
    (see General Layout Information about loading a Qinsy database).
    The vessel name is displayed in front of the node name.


This option to select a computation is only available when a 'real' node is selected in the Node selection above.

  • The first entry is always [Priority List]
    Note that this selection is not supported when layout is for Export (offline).
  • The rest of the list will show all available computations, as defined in the Computation Setup of the current Qinsy database.

    When the layout is used for Export (offline), you must select a 'real' computation name from the list, because then you know for certain which one is used for the current export.


  • No
    Node Position and Time as calculated by the PositionFilter process.
  • Yes
    Skewed linear to the time of output/trigger time, using the current Node Position (Horizontal), Time, SOG and COG.
    Note that the SOG and COG depends on the Controller's Computation Setup, Object COG/SOG - Prediction Parameters Settings.
    Formula used:
    • Delta Easting = SOG * Delta Time * SIN(COG)
    • Delta Northing = SOG * Delta Time * COS(COG)


  • Height values are never deskewed, only the horizontal components.
  • The selected deskew option counts also for the 'Compare to' node
  • When deskew is enabled for Export (offline), node results will be interpolated to the moment of the layout trigger update time.
    This can be useful in the following scenario:
    Suppose your trigger time comes from a magnetometer system with observations at 10Hz and your positioning system has 1Hz.
    When you export all magnetometer values together with node results, you now get a deskewed position for each magnetometer update.

Note that terminology 'Deskew' and 'Skew' means the same in Qinsy: they are not opposites of each other.
So where-ever you read the term 'skewing' in Qinsy it means the same as if you would read 'deskewing'.

Compare to:

For Node Comparison the following sub items are available:

Compare Name, Compare Computation Name,
Delta Easting
, Delta Northing, Delta Height,
Range to Node
, Bearing to Node,
Delta Heading
, Delta Roll, Delta Pitch,
Delta X
, Delta Y, Delta Z and Angle.

The results of the first selected node (reference node) will be compared with the results of this 'Compare to' node. Note that for node comparison also a fixed node can be selected.

For ALL comparison items the following formula is used: 'Compare to' - 'Node'. With other words: the value of the the selected 'Compare to' node MINUS the value of the reference node (the first one).
For the Orientation Property counts: the value (COG, Heading, Motion) from the reference node (first one) is always used (and not from the 'Compare to' node).

  • [None]
    If you have not selected one of the above mentioned sub items, leave this entry to [None].
  • [Previous]
    Use this setting to compare the same node using the results from the previous trigger update.
  • [Unfiltered]
    Use this setting to compare the same node using the results before the position filter settings are applied (as defined in the Controller Computation Setup) and with the node results after filtering.
    Note that this setting not supported when layout is for Export (offline).
  • [Steered Node].
    Note that this selection is not supported when layout is for Export (offline).
  • The second entry depends on the layout purpose:
    [Computation Setup] when layout is for Driver or Log File.
    The node must be selected in the Controller's Computation Setup, under shortcut Output Node.
    [From Display] when layout is for Display.
    The node must be selected in the display itself, under pull-down menu item Edit, Display Node...
    Further note that no computation can be selected, it will always be the one from [Priority List]
  • The rest of the list will show all ('real') available variable and fixed nodes, as defined in the current selected Qinsy database.
    The vessel name will be displayed in front of the variable node names. Further, possible defined fixed nodes will be preceded with the label 'Fixed'.
  • [Touchdown]
    When touchdown monitoring is enabled (Controller's Session Setup, Bargetrack) and a valid touchdown location is established you can use this location to compare with the selected node.


The orientation property will be visible when a 'Compare to' Node is selected and only applicable for sub item Delta X, Delta Y, Delta Z and Angle.

  • COG
    The course over ground of the selected Node will be used.
  • Heading
    The heading (grid, corrected for convergence) of the selected Node will be used.
  • Heading + Motion (3D)
    The heading (grid, corrected for convergence), roll and pitch of the selected Node will be used.
    It is not recommended to enable deskewing (unless you are sure that the two selected nodes deliver a very stable SOG and COG).
  • [Mainline]
    The line bearing (grid) of the current mainline is used.
    In case the line is curved, then the bearing of the tangential point of the selected Node is used.

See the relevant sub item below for more information about this property's behavior.

Sub ItemDescriptionValue Type


User defined text

Text Format
  • Normal Text
    Your own free plain text
  • Binary
    Enter one or more ASCII character codes, comma or space separated, in the range between 1 and 127.
    For example '2' for a binary STX character, '3' for a binary ETX character, or '13, 10' for CR+LF.
    See table ASCII Codes for an overview of all possible characters.

  • New Line
    Same as Binary but already formatted as '13, 10' (meaning CR+LF) and without a possible Field Delimiter.
    A Field Delimiter may be present when your layout purpose is for Export or ASCII Logging.


Name of the node, as entered in Database Setup


X Offset

The cross-line offset of the selected node from the object reference point as defined in the Database Setup.

A positive value means that the node is starboard (right-side) and a negative value means that the node is port (left-side) of the object reference point.


Y Offset

The inline offset of the selected node from the object reference point as defined in the Database Setup.

A positive value means that the node is in front of and a negative value means that the node is behind the object reference point.


Z Offset

The vertical offset of the selected node from the object reference point as defined in the Database Setup.

A positive value means that the node is above and a negative value means that the node is below the object reference point.


Vessel Name

Name of the vessel, as entered in Database Setup, on which the node is located.


Vessel Id

Unique identifier, automatically set by Qinsy when adding an object in Database Setup.
The first added object in Database Setup will have id 1, and so on...
The Id can also be found as 'Object reference number' in the right pane of Database Setup:


Vessel Draft

Within the latest version of Qinsy the value will be the actual water level above draft reference.


  • This draft value is for the CoG location of the vessel which the selected node is located on and not in particular for that selected node.
  • This draft value is the same as the "AWL Draft object name" observation value from system "Computed Height object name" which can be selected in group RAW DATA, category Observation Systems.
  • Older versions (< Qinsy 9.2.1) did actually show the actual water level w.r.t. the object reference node but this could be misinterpreted as a vessel draft value

Template setup:

  • Object Definition
    • Height above draft reference: "3.00 m"
  • Node draft sensor
    • Offset Z: "-2.50 m"

Online Computation Setup 1:

  • Positioning
    • Height status: "Tide (Unreliable Height)"
  • Object Height
    • Draft and Squat Parameters
      • Draft method: "Manual Draft"

In this example the manual draft entered should be 2.0 meters because that is what you would read from the scale on the vessel hull outside. Note that method Manual Draft does not compensate for motion (roll / pitch).

Online Computation Setup 2:

  • Positioning
    • Height status: "Tide (Unreliable Height)"
  • Object Height
    • Draft and Squat Parameters
      • Draft method: "Draft Observation - 1 Sensor"

In this example the draft value from the sensor should read 1.5 meters because that is the current depth of this sensor depth. Note that method from Draft Sensors also compensates for motion (roll / pitch).

In both Computation Setup situations the expected Vessel Draft value will be 2.0 m.

Note that this value is not available when layout is for Export.


Computation Name

Name of the selected computation, as defined by the user in the Controller's Computation Setup.


Computation Id

Id of the selected computation, as given by the Controller's Computation Setup.
The first defined computation will have id 1, the second 2, and so on.
Note that if you remove a computation and then add a new one, this new one will have the id of the removed one.



Time of the node result.
If the node is skewed (see deskew property of the parent item), then the time will be the output/trigger time.




Easting and Northing are always on Survey Datum (also known as Horizontal Datum).




Latitude and Longitude are default on Survey Datum (or Horizontal Datum) but the 2nd datum may also be selected if available in the Geodetic Configuration.

  • Survey Datum ( Name )
    Geographical position will be on the selected survey datum ellipsoid, e.g. 'ED50'.
    Note that Survey datum (or Horizontal Datum) is set in the Geodetic Configuration as Project Coordinate System.
  • 2nd Datum ( Name )
    Geographical position will be on the selected Source Coordinate System in the Geodetic Configuration, e.g. 'WGS 84', 'ITRF2008' or 'ETRS89'.


Height is by default on Chart Datum (also known as Vertical Datum) but other datums can also be selected.

  • Survey Datum ( Name )
    Height value will be on the selected survey datum ellipsoid, e.g 'ED50'.
    Note that Survey datum (or Horizontal Datum) is set in the Geodetic Configuration as Project Coordinate System.
  • 2nd Datum ( Name )
    Height value will be on the selected Source Coordinate System in the Geodetic Configuration, e.g. 'WGS 84', 'ITRF2008' or 'ETRS89'.
  • Chart Datum ( Name ) - Default
    Height value on the selected vertical datum, e.g 'NAP - De Min Geoide'.
    Note that Chart Datum (or Vertical Datum) is set in the Geodetic configuration as Vertical Datum under the Project Coordinate System.
  • Actual Water Level
    Height value above the actual water (or sea) level.
    The following formula is used: Geoid Level + Tide + Swell
    The swell is derived from the roll, pitch and heave of the reference node, and the offset of the selected node to the reference node.
    The heave value of the reference node can be monitored under the heave column of the Height Aiding driver.
  • Mean Water Level
    Height value above 'mean' water (or sea) level.
    The following formula is used: Geoid Model + Level Model + Offset
  • Geoid Model Level
    Height value above input geoid model. Only used in case of River Height Model.

Height Priority

Name of the heave or bathy sensor that is used for the height aided observation. The priority of these sensors is defined in the Computation Setup Object Height Priority list.
If no valid observation is found in the priority list, then the value will be "Disabled".

Note that this value is not available when layout is for Export.


Chart Datum Height

The difference between Chart Datum (Vertical Datum) and the selection from the Datum Property.

Formula is as follows:
Chart Datum Height = Datum Property selection minus Chart Datum

E.g. select property Survey Datum if you want to know how much your chart datum is above/below your survey datum.

Datum Property
  • Survey Datum
    Chart Datum Height = Survey Datum minus Chart Datum
  • WGS84
    Chart Datum Height = WGS84 Datum minus Chart Datum
  • Chart Datum (default)
    Always zero
  • Actual Water Level
    Chart Datum Height = Actual Water Level minus Chart Datum
  • Mean Water Level
    Chart Datum Height = Mean Water Level minus Chart Datum
  • Geoid Model Level
    Chart Datum Height = Geoid Model Level minus Chart Datum

Of course, if you select property Chart Datum, the outcome will always be zero



The difference between the triggering time and the time of the node result (see above). Normally always a positive value in seconds.
Note that the age value will always be zero if deskewing is enabled.



The same text string as seen in the Node QC Display.
Currently only the following status messages will be displayed :
OK, [Predicted], [Old]


Solution Mode

The value should come straight from the data string, decoded by the Positioning System driver which is part of the computation.

The same value can also be seen in the following displays:
Node QC Display (QC Parameter column, Solution mode)
Positioning System Display (Solution Mode)
Generic Display (Solution mode Item of a Raw Data Positioning system)
Alert Display (Raw Data Alert, Solution mode outside limit)

Note that this value is not available when layout is for Export.



The speed over ground.

Note that the SOG depends on the Controller's Computation Setup, Object COG / SOG, Prediction Parameters Settings.

Unit PropertyReference Property
  • Meters/Second (default)
  • Knots
    Nautical miles per hour
    (1 NM equals 1852.0 meters)
  • Feet/Second
    International feet per second
    (1 foot equals 0.3048 meters)
  • Kilometers/Hour
  • Miles/Hour
    International (or Land) miles per hour
    (1 mile equals 1609.344 meters)
  • Meters/Minute
  • Grid (default)
    Speed over ground, on the map projection
  • True
    True speed over ground
    This value will be the default SOG but corrected for the map projection scale-factor for the current node location

The vertical speed for the selected node.

Note that the VSP depends on the Controller's Computation Setup, Object COG / SOG, Prediction Parameters Settings.

Unit Property
  • Meters/Second (default)
  • Knots
    Nautical miles per hour
    (1 NM equals 1852.0 meters)
  • Feet/Second
    International feet per second
    (1 foot equals 0.3048 meters)
  • Kilometers/Hour
  • Miles/Hour
    International (or Land) miles per hour
    (1 mile equals 1609.344 meters)
  • Meters/Minute


The course over ground of the object on which the node is located.

Note that the COG depends on the Controller's Computation Setup, Object COG / SOG, Prediction Parameters Settings.

Reference Property
  • True
    The COG value plus the grid convergence
  • Grid (default)
    The COG value as is


The Rate-Of-Turn for the selected node.

Unit Property
  • Degrees/Second
  • Degrees/Minute (default)
  • Radians/Second
  • Radians/Minute
  • Revolution Per Minute

Note that this value is not available when layout is for Export.



The heading of the object on which the node is located.

If the object does not have a valid heading, then the (COG plus Convergence) will be displayed.

Reference PropertyRotation Property
  • True
    The Heading value as is
  • Grid (default)
    The Heading value minus the grid convergence
  • Standard (default)
  • 90-Hdg (Right hand rule)
Crab Angle

The crab angle is also known as the drift angle.

The value is the difference between the Heading and the COG of the selected node and is always between -180° and +180°.

Formula: Crab Angle = Grid Heading - COG

Will be empty when the object does not have a valid heading.


Heading Priority

Name of the heading sensor that 'delivered' the heading (gyro) observation. The priority of the heading sensors is defined in the Computation Setup Heading Priority list.

If no valid heading observation is found in the priority list, then the value will be "COG", because the course over ground is always the last option in the priority list.
If advanced registry setting 'Compute Attitude' is enabled, the value may be "Computed" in case the Computed Heading is on the first of the priority list result.

Note that this name is not available when layout is for Export.



Roll of the object of the selected node, so value will be the same for any node on that object.

Rotation Convention: "Positive when heeling to starboard"
Rotation Measurement Type: "HPR"

Value will be zero when no valid roll observation is found in the Computations Attitude priority list


Roll Priority

Name of the attitude system that 'delivered' the roll observation. The priority of the attitude sensors are defined in the Computation Setup Pitch-Roll Priority list.

If no valid roll observation is found in the priority list, then the value will be "Disabled".
If advanced registry setting 'Compute Attitude' is enabled, the value may be "Computed" in case the Computed Attitude is on the first of the priority list result.

Note that this name is not available when layout is for Export.



Pitch of the object of the selected node, so value will be the same for any node on that object.

Rotation Convention: "Positive when bow up"
Rotation Measurement Type: "HPR"

Value will be zero when no valid pitch observation is found in the Computations Attitude priority list


Pitch Priority

Name of the attitude system that 'delivered' the pitch observation. The priority of the attitude sensors is defined in the Computation Setup Pitch-Roll Priority list.

If no valid pitch observation is found in the priority list, then the value will be "Disabled".
If advanced registry setting 'Compute Attitude' is enabled, the value may be "Computed" in case the Computed Attitude is on the first of the priority list result.

Note that this name is not available when layout is for Export.



The heave of the object of the selected node plus the pitch-roll induced heave of the selected node d/t the node offsets.

Rotation Convention: "Positive upwards"

Note that this value is not available when layout is for Export.



Note that this value is not available when layout is for Export.



Note that this value is not available when layout is for Export.



Note that this value is not available when layout is for Export.



Filter flag, a bit-wise value to indicate type of position filter results.

Use the Mask Operator i.c.w a Translation table to convert the bits into readable text:

Mask value 1 (bit 0): Position results from Kalman Filter
Mask value 2 (bit 1): Height results from Kalman Filter
Mask value 16 (bit 4): Raw and filtered positions swapped
Mask value 32 (bit 5): Raw and filtered heights swapped

Note that this value is not available when layout is for Export.


The meridian convergence of the projection (in degrees) for the current node location.

Note that Qinsy is using the so-called Gauss-Bomford convention which is the European standard.
The other convention is the survey convention commonly used in Australia which only differs with an opposite sign.



Horizontal standard deviation (2D, 95% confidence region).

Value is in survey units.



Vertical standard deviation (1D, 95% confidence region).

Value is in survey units.


Axis A

The major axis of the three-dimensional error ellipse (95% confidence region), constructed from the grid co-variance matrix (easting, northing and height)

Value is in survey units.


Axis B

The second axis of the three-dimensional error ellipse (95% confidence region), constructed from the grid co-variance matrix (easting, northing and height)

Value is in survey units.


Axis C

The third axis of the three-dimensional error ellipse (95% confidence region), constructed from the grid co-variance matrix (easting, northing and height)

Value is in survey units.



The Azimuth of the three-dimensional error ellipse (95% confidence region), constructed from the grid co-variance matrix (easting, northing and height)

Value is in degrees.



The Elevation of the three-dimensional error ellipse (95% confidence region), constructed from the grid co-variance matrix (easting, northing and height)

Value is in degrees.


Value depends on the selected Parameter Property.

Qinsy always uses a least squares adjustment to calculate a node position using all connected observations involved in the computation.

Each observation has an a-priory standard deviation which is:

  • defined in the template system setup or
  • manually entered in the online computation setup or
  • decoded from the system when part of the message.

The least squares adjustment will use these a-priory SD value in order to fill the covariance matrices.

Geographical Co-ordinates Covariance Matrix
Variance Latitude

Covariance Latitude LongitudeVariance Longitude

Covariance Latitude HeightCovariance Longitude HeightVariance Height
Covariance Latitude TimeCovariance Longitude TimeCovariance Height TimeVariance Time
Grid Co-ordinates Covariance Matrix
Variance Easting

Covariance Easting NorthingVariance Northing
Covariance Easting HeightCovariance Northing HeightVariance Height

So use this QC item to show the result for each individual element of these matrices.

Parameter Property
  • Variance Latitude
  • Variance Longitude
  • Variance Height
  • Variance Easting
  • Variance Northing
  • Variance Grid Height
  • Covariance Lat/Lon
  • Covariance E/N

The value will be the interpolated / extrapolated sound velocity from the current sound velocity profile at the actual water level depth for the selected node.

Parameter Property
  • Velocity

Compare Name

Name of the selected 'Compare to' node, as entered in Database Setup.

Will be empty when the 'Compare to' node is set to [none].


Compare Computation Name

Name of the selected 'Compare to' computation, as defined by the user in the Controller's Computation Setup.

Will be empty when the 'Compare to' node is set to [none].


Delta Easting

Difference in easting between the selected Node and the selected 'Compare to' node.

Formula: Delta Easting =  'Compare to' Easting - Node Easting

It is recommended to enable deskewing, in order to avoid differences d/t timing.

Will be empty when the 'Compare to' node is set to [none].


Delta Northing

Difference in northing between the selected Node and the selected 'Compare to' node.

Formula: Delta Northing =  'Compare to' Northing - Node Northing

It is recommended to enable deskewing, in order to avoid differences d/t timing.

Will be empty when the 'Compare to' node is set to [none].


Delta Height

Difference in height (on survey datum) between the selected Node and the selected 'Compare to' node.

Formula: Delta Height =  'Compare to' Height - Node Height

Will be empty when the 'Compare to' node is set to [none].


Range to Node

Grid distance between the selected Node position and the selected 'Compare to' node position. Distance will two-dimensional (horizontal) by default.

Range Property
  • Horizontal (default)
    Two-dimensional range.
    sqrt(DeltaEasting^2 + DeltaNorthing^2)
  • Slant
    Three-dimensional range.
    sqrt(DeltaEasting^2 + DeltaNorthing^2 + DeltaHeight^2)

Will be empty when the 'Compare to' node is set to [none]


Bearing to Node

Horizontal bearing between the selected Node position and the selected 'Compare to' node position.

Bearing direction will be: FROM the selected Node TO the selected 'Compare to' node.

Reference PropertyRotation Property
  • True
    The bearing value as is, plus the grid convergence.
  • Grid (default)
    The bearing as is, between the two grid positions.
  • Standard (default)
  • 90-Hdg (Righthand rule)

Will be empty when the 'Compare to' node is set to [none], or when both selected nodes are the same.

Vertical Bearing

Value will be the vertical angle from the height of the reference node to the height of the 'Compare to' node, taken into account the horizontal distance between the two nodes..

i.e angle will be positive when the height of the 'Compare to' node is higher than the reference node, and will be negative when the height of the 'Compare to' node is lower than the reference node. Value will be zero when both heights are equal.

Will be empty when the 'Compare to' node is set to [none], or when both selected nodes are the same.


Delta Heading

The smallest difference in heading between the selected Node and the selected 'Compare to' node. A -tive value means counter-clockwise, a +tive value clockwise. So the value will always be between -180 and +180°.

Formula: Delta Heading = 'Compare to' Heading - Node Heading

Note that deskewing enabled or disabled has no effect, only node positions can be deskewed in time.

Will be empty when the 'Compare to' node is set to [none].


Delta Roll

Difference in roll between the selected Node and the selected 'Compare to' node. A -tive value means counter-clockwise, a +tive value clockwise.

Formula: Delta Roll = 'Compare to' Roll- Node Roll

Note that deskewing enabled or disabled has no effect, only node positions can be deskewed in time.

Will be empty when the 'Compare to' node is set to [none].


Delta Pitch

Difference in pitch between the selected Node and the selected 'Compare to' node. A -tive value means counter-clockwise, a +tive value clockwise.

Formula: Delta Pitch = 'Compare to' Pitch- Node Pitch

Note that deskewing enabled or disabled has no effect, only node positions can be deskewed in time.

Will be empty when the 'Compare to' node is set to [none]


Delta X

Delta Y

Delta X (or Delta Across) or Delta Y (or Delta Along) of the selected Node and the selected 'Compare to' node.

A rotation matrix is used in order to calculate the delta value.

From both nodes the easting, northing and height (on Survey Datum) is taken as input parameter
The other input parameters depend on the selected Orientation property:

Orientation Property
  • COG
    The course over ground of the selected Node will be used.
  • Heading
    The heading (grid, corrected for convergence) of the selected Node will be used.
  • Heading + Motion (3D)
    The heading (grid, corrected for convergence), roll and pitch of the selected Node will be used.
    It is not recommended to enable deskewing (unless your are sure that the two selected nodes deliver a very stable SOG and COG).
  • [Mainline]
    The line bearing (grid) of the current mainline is used.
    In case the line is curved, then the bearing of the tangential point of the selected Node is used.

Will be empty when the 'Compare to' node is set to [none], or when Orientation is [Mainline] and the current main line is a Point.


Delta Z

When Orientation property is not set to Heading + Motion (3D), then it will be the same value as Delta Height.

Will be empty when the 'Compare to' node is set to [none].


This is the angle between the selected Node and the 'Compare to' node with respect to the selected orientation bearing:

Orientation Property
  • COG
    The course over ground of the selected Node will be used.
  • Heading
    The heading (grid, corrected for convergence) of the selected Node will be used.
  • Heading + Motion (3D)
    The heading (grid, corrected for convergence), roll and pitch of the selected Node will be used.
    It is not recommended to enable deskewing (unless your are certain that the two selected nodes deliver a very stable SOG and COG).
  • [Mainline]
    The line bearing (grid) of the current mainline is used.
    In case the line is curved, then the bearing of the tangential point of the selected Node is used.

Will be empty when the 'Compare to' node is set to [none].

This item can be useful e.g. to get the Feathering Angle (aka Deflection Angle) for a tail buoy on a seismic survey setup:

Select for the (prime) node the tail buoy and for the Compare To node the towing vessel. Important is to set the orientation property to [Mainline].

Finally use the ANGLE180 operator.

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