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Several different operators are currently supported to modify any number.

The sequence order is important when you use a combination of operators in order to get the right outcome.

ADD[ Manual ]doublen/a
SUB[ Manual ]doublen/a
MUL[ Manual ]doublen/a
DIV[ Manual ]double**)n/a

*) You may also enter one of the following constants: PI, HALFPI, TWOPI, RAD2DEG or DEG2RAD
**) Zero is not allowed






  • [ Manual ]
    Add the operator value to the current value.
  • List with all number items already available in the current layout.
    So instead of using a fixed manual value as operand, you may select another item from a list with all defined items representing a number. Any combination is possible, as long as the selected item represents a number and already exists in the current layout.
    The number preceding the item's name corresponds to the order of that item in the layout, which is visible in the OVERVIEW, Layout pane.



  • [ Manual ]
    Subtract the operator value from the current value.
  • List with all number items already available in the current layout.
    So instead of using a fixed manual value as operand, you may select another item from a list with all defined items representing a number. Any combination is possible, as long as the selected item represents a number and already exists in the current layout.
    The number preceding the item's name corresponds to the order of that item in the layout, which is visible in the OVERVIEW, Layout pane.



  • [ Manual ]
    Multiply the operator value with the current value.
  • List with all number items already available in the current layout.
    So instead of using a fixed manual value as operand, you may select another item from a list with all defined items representing a number. Any combination is possible, as long as the selected item represents a number and already exists in the current layout.
    The number preceding the item's name corresponds to the order of that item in the layout, which is visible in the OVERVIEW, Layout pane.



  • [ Manual ]
    Divide the current value by the operator value. The operator value can not be zero
  • List with all number items already available in the current layout.
    So instead of using a fixed manual value as operand, you may select another item from a list with all defined items representing a number. Any combination is possible, as long as the selected item represents a number and already exists in the current layout.
    The number preceding the item's name corresponds to the order of that item in the layout, which is visible in the OVERVIEW, Layout pane.


Make the current value positive

ABS( 12.18) = 12.18
ABS(-12.18) = 12.18


Take the modulus (or remainder) of the current value, when divided by the operator value.
The operator value can not have decimals, or be zero, and the sign of the remainder is the same as the sign when dividing

100 MOD 10 = 0
100 MOD 9 = 1
50 MOD -6 = 2
-50 MOD 6 = -2


Take the integer part of the current value.
This means it will strip everything behind the decimal, without rounding, but preserving the sign

INT(345.678) = 345
INT(-10.98) = -10
INT(-10.05) = -10


Take the fractional part of the current value.
This means it will strip everything before the decimal, without rounding, but preserving the sign

FRACT(345.678) = 0.678
FRACT(-10.98) = -0 .98
FRACT(-10.05) = -0.05


Logical AND operator and Mask
The result will always be zero or one. The decoded value is expected to be a positive integer.
The operator value represents the 'mask', and should be an integer value greater than zero.

If you use a mask of zero then the outcome will always be one.
The outcome will be zero if the mask is a negative number.

Mask must be entered as a decimal value, but for clarification let's use a binary representation to explain:
- Value 21 (dec) = '0010101' (binary).
- Start counting the bits from right to left.
- So bit number 1, 3 and 5 are set to 1.
- The mask for bit 1 is 1 (dec),
- For bit 3 it is 4 (dec)
- For bit 5 the mask is 16 (dec).

21 AND 1 = 1 : 1
21 AND 2 = 2 : 0
21 AND 3 = 3 : 0
21 AND 4 = 4 : 1
21 AND 5 = 5 : 1
21 AND 6 = 6 : 0
21 AND 16 = 16 : 1


Boolean indication if a value is zero, positive or negative, so the result will always be -1, 0 or 1.

Result will be -1 when the decoded value is negative, 0 (zero) when the decoded value is zero and will be 1 when the decoded value is positive.

POS(-123) = -1
POS(+3.14) = 1
POS(0.0) = 0


Inverted (or reciprocal) value

Result will be #invalid operator when the decoded value is zero

INV(100.0) = 0.01
INV(-0.03) =- 33.3333
INV(0) = #invalid operator

Square root

Result will be #invalid operator when the decoded value is negative

SQRT(100) = 10.0
SQRT(-100) = #invalid operator

Square (value^2)

The result will be value * value

SQR(100) = 10000

SQR(-100) = 10000


Cube (value^3)

The result will be value * value * value

CUBE(100) = 1000000.0
CUBE(-100) = -1000000.0

The sinus of the value. The decoded value is expected to be in radians.

Please use the DIV operator (with value 57.29578) in order to convert a possible value in degrees into radians first.

(lightbulb) Tip: Enter 'RAD2DEG' in the value field of the DIV operator to get the exact value.

Also you may use an ADD operator to add a value of half pi (1.570796 rad or 90 deg), in order to get the cosine as end result.

For example, when the original items value is 100°, so the unit is degrees, and you need to display the cosine, then use the following combination:

From QINSy v8.16 on you should use the COS operator, instead of using the above described workaround.


The cosine of the value. The item's value is expected to be in radians.

Please use the DIV operator (with value 57.29578) in order to convert a possible value in degrees into radians first.

(lightbulb) Tip: Enter 'RAD2DEG' in the value field of the DIV operator to get the exact value.



The tangent of the value. The item's value is expected to be in radians.

Please use the DIV operator (with value 57.29578) in order to convert a possible value in degrees into radians first.

(lightbulb) Tip: Enter 'RAD2DEG' in the value field of the DIV operator to get the exact value.

(warning) Result will be #invalid operator when the decoded value is half-pi (90°), 1.5 pi (270°), minus half-pi (-90°), etc.



The result will be an angle in radians.

(lightbulb) Tip: If you want to have the result in degrees, add a MUL operator and enter 'RAD2DEG' in the operator's value field.

(warning) Result will be #invalid operator when the decoded value is < -1.0 or > 1.0



The result will be an angle in radians.

(lightbulb) Tip: If you want to have the result in degrees, add a MUL operator and enter 'RAD2DEG' in the operator's value field.

(warning) Result will be #invalid operator when the decoded value is < -1.0 or > 1.0



The result will be a angle in radians.

(lightbulb) Tip: If you want to have the result in degrees, add a MUL operator and enter 'RAD2DEG' in the operator's value field.


The result will be the natural logarithm of the value.

Input value can only be a positive number, otherwise it will be #invalid operator.

LN(0) = #invalid operator
LN(1) = 0
LN(2.7182818) = 1
LN(100) = 4.60517

The result will be a value always between -180 <= and <= +180

This operator can be useful when dealing with numbers representing an angle.


The result will be a value always between 0 <= and < 360

This operator can be useful when dealing with numbers representing an angle.


The lowest value of the item's value during the entire session that the generic component was active.
This means that a generic display will show the lowest value of the item while the display is open, but the value will be 'reset' when the selected layout is changed,
or when the display is closed and re-opened.

Additionally, you may use the period to set the length for a buffer containing the last number of trigger updates.
For example, if your generic display is triggered on time (every second), and the period is set to 60, then you will see the lowest value for the last minute.

Leave the period zero (default) for an 'endless' buffer.


The highest value of the item during the entire session that the generic component was active.
This means that a generic display will show the highest value of the item while the display is open, but the value will be 'reset' when the selected layout is changed,
or when the display is closed and re-opened.

Additionally, you may use the period to set the length for a buffer containing the last number of trigger updates.
For example, if your generic display is triggered on time (every second), and the period is set to 300, then you will see the highest value for the five minutes.

Leave the period zero (default) for an 'endless' buffer.


Average (Mean)
The average value of the item during the entire session that the generic component was active.
This means that a generic display will show the mean value of the item while the display is open, but the value will be 'reset' when the selected layout is changed,
or when the display is closed and re-opened.

Additionally, you may use the period to set the length for a buffer containing the last number of trigger updates.
For example, if your generic display is triggered on time (every second), and the period is set to 10, then you will see the mean value for the last 10 seconds.

Leave the period zero (default) for an 'endless' buffer.


Standard Deviation (95%)

The standard deviation (95% confidential region) of the item during the entire session that the generic component was active.
This means that a generic display will show the standard deviation value of the item while the display is open, but the value will be 'reset' when the selected layout is changed,
or when the display is closed and re-opened.

You may use the DIV operator, with value 1.95996428539, in order to convert the result to 1-sigma (68%).

Additionally, you may use the period to set the length for a buffer containing the last number of trigger updates.
For example, if your generic display is triggered on fix (every fix), and the period is set to 100, then you will see the standard deviation value for the last 100 fixes.

Leave the period zero (default) for an 'endless' buffer.

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