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  • Active Dredge Design
    When selected the design (and layer) as selected in the Controller's Session Setup, Dredging, Design Properties will be used.
    This option is not available when the generic layout is for export.
  • Active Grid
    This will be automatically the static or dynamic grid as selected in the Controller's Session Storage Setup.
    This option is not available when the generic layout is for export.
  • [ Browse...]
    User must browse and select an existing grid file (*.statgrid) (*.dyngrid).
    Note that static grid files are always located in the project's subfolder GridData.
    Dynamic grid files are located in an additional subfolder of the project's subfolder GridData.


The manually selected grid filename (*.statgrid) (*.dyngrid). This option is only visible when the source is not the Active Dredge Design or Active Grid.

The last selected filename will be displayed in red when the file is not found anymore.


Select the layer for retrieving the DTM Depth or other attribute values from:
  • [From Controller Session Storage Setup]
    The layer that is currently selected as 'Bathymetry' layer in the Controller's Session Setup, Storage, Sounding grid, Systems setup will be used automatically.
    This option is only available when the Active Grid is the source.
  • A list with all available layers inside the selected static or dynamic grid file.
    Note that the layer for the active grid may not be known yet when defining the generic layout while offline.

This option is not available when the source is the Active Dredge Design, because the layer is already selected in the Controller's Session Setup, Dredging, Design Properties.

When the active grid is dynamic then there will be only one layer: GRID.


The option is only available when the selected layer is [From Controller Session Storage Setup].

Select the system that has the 'Bathymetry' layer selected in the Controller's Session Setup, Storage, Sounding grid, Systems setup.


Select the Node Position here.

  • The first entry is always [Steered Node]
    Notice that this selection is not supported when layout is for Export
  • The second entry depends on the layout purpose:
    [Computation Setup] when layout is for Driver or Log File.
    The node must be selected in the Controller's Driver Settings, under pull-down menu Settings.
    [From Display] when layout is for Display.
    The node must be selected in the display itself, under pull-down menu item Edit, Display Node...
    Further notice that no computation can be selected, it will always be the one from [Priority List].
  • The rest of the list will show all available nodes, existing in the current selected Qinsy database
    (see General Layout Information about loading a Qinsy database).
    The vessel name is displayed in front of the node name.


  • No
    Node Position for the time as calculated by the core process Position Filter.
  • Yes
    Skewed to the time of output/trigger time, using the current Node Position (Horizontal), Time, SOG and COG.
    Notee that the SOG and COG depend on the Controller's Computation Setup, Object COG/SOG - Prediction Parameters Settings.
    The height value is not deskewed, but then again, the height component is never used for any line offset calculation.
Sub ItemDescriptionValue Type


User defined text

Text Format
  • Normal Text
    Your own free plain text
  • Binary
    Enter one or more ASCII character codes, comma or space separated, in the range between 1 and 127.
    For example '2' for a binary STX character, '3' for a binary ETX character, or '13, 10' for CR+LF.
    See table ASCII Codes for an overview of all possible characters.

  • New Line
    Same as Binary but already formatted as '13, 10' (meaning CR+LF) and without a possible Field Delimiter.
    A Field Delimiter may be present when your layout purpose is for Export or ASCII Logging.


A number between 0 and 7 indicating the status of the selected Sounding Grid, Layer and / or Node:

0 means all okay, a valid DTM value was extracted successfully for the current node position
1 means no active sounding grid file has been selected in the Controller's Session Storage Setup
2 means that no grid file was selected
3 means that the selected grid file was not found
4 means that no layer has been selected
5 means that the selected layer was not found in the current sounding grid
6 means that no node was selected, or that the selected node has no valid position
7 means that the current node position is inside a bin with no valid DTM values

A number between 8 and 10 indicating the status of the selected Dredge Design, Layer and Node:

8 means that the selected node is above the dredge design level (including the tolerance levels)
9 means that the selected node is on the dredge design level, within the tolerance levels
10 means that the the selected node is below the dredge design level (including the tolerance levels). This is usually bad news!


The Translation property is recommended to use in order to 'convert' the numbers to text.



The file name of the selected or active grid or dredge design file. Path is by default not included.

Will be empty when the selected file can not be found (anymore), or when there is no active grid selected in the Controller's Session Storage Setup.


Show Full Path

  • No (default)
  • Yes


The name of the selected layer.

Will always be empty when the source is the Active Dredge Design and the Design method is set to Manual Depth.


Bin Size

The size of the smallest bin (level 0) of the selected or active sounding grid.

When Source is the Active Dredge Design then the value will always be 0.075 when Design method is from Design file (QGFDes) or Terramodel (PRO) and will be empty when Design method is set to Manual Depth.

When the active sounding grid is a Dynamic Surface, then this value will be 0.75 survey units.


Node Name

The name of the selected node.

Will be empty when no node has been selected.

Node HeightThe height (on Chart Datum) of the selected node.double

Node Altitude

The altitude of the node above the DTM for the current node position.

Formula: Node Altitude = Node Height (on Chart Datum) - DTM Height (on Chart Datum)

The DTM Height value will be by default the mean depth value from the bin (level 0) but may also be the deepest and/or shallowest depth value if that attribute exists in the current layer.



  • Mean (default)
  • Deepest
  • Shallowest

DTM Height

This is by default the mean value (on Chart Datum) from the bin (level 0) for the current position, but may also be the deepest and/or shallowest value if that attribute exists in the current layer.

The value will be empty if the status (see above) is not zero or if the selected attribute deepest/shallowest is not a property of the selected layer.



  • Mean (default)
  • Deepest
  • Shallowest

DTM Attribute

The value depends on the selected attribute.

The value will remain empty if the selected layer does not have the selected attribute as property, or if the status (see above) is not zero, or when the selected source is the Active Dredge Design.



  • Count (default)
  • SD(95%)
  • Quality

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