How-to Dredging
This document describes how to use the dredging functionality provided in Qinsy when it is installed on the dredger itself.
It does not address surveys of dredged areas using single or multibeam echosounders, i.e. in-surveys, out-surveys, etc.
Descriptions are presented in the following categories:
- Overview
- Dredging setup and interfacing of:
Geodetics (described in online Help pages)
Setup and interfacing of systems - Including Positioning, Gyro, Pseudo-USBL, depth sensor, pitch/roll/heave, draft sensor, dredger type, dredge sensors, tide, AIS, status/eventing, data output
- Line Data Manager - Preparing survey lines and design surfaces.
- Sounding Grid Preparation and Importing Design Model - Preparing sounding grids both for design surfaces and for real time updating with dredging depth data.
- Dredging Online - Computation settings and Session Setup settings including planning, data storage, anchors (if necessary), dredging (design, emergency hoist, production and various other).
- Dredge Reporting- Track plots, trip reports, generic logging to ASCII file and event reports.
- Dredge Glossary
For an overview of the included functionality go to Functionality Overview.
To immediately start setting up a dredging setup, go to the Quickstarts.
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It will lead to our online Qinsy Knowledge Base.
When viewing this document through our website, the links at the top of this page will lead to the various child pages of this document.
Work in Progress
This How-to Dredging is a work in progress.
As time progresses manuals for different types of dredging vessels will be added and can be selected for viewing.