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For exporting Computation Results are only available on event base (i.e. every fix)

Parent Item


  • The first entry is always [Priority List]
    This means that the computation with the highest priority, as defined in the Controller's Computation Setup, will be used.
  • The rest of the list will show all available computations, as defined in the Controller's Computation Setup of the current selected Qinsy database
    (see General Layout Information about loading a Qinsy database).
Sub ItemDescriptionValue Type


User-defined free text



Name of the computation, as defined by the user in the Controller's Computation Setup.



Id of the computation, as given by the Controller's Computation Setup.
The first defined computation will have id 1, the second 2, and so on.
Notice that if you remove a computation and then you add a new one, this new one will have the id of the removed one



Update time (UTC) of the computation



Description of the computation status

The following labels, or a combination, are possible:
"No observations"
"No unknowns"
"No degrees of freedom"
"Adjustment singular at node"
"No convergence, last update""No reference time"

Same value as seen in the Computation Status Display



The F-Test of the computation (or adjustment)
Value will be -9999, if the computation (or adjustment) setup has no degrees of freedom

Same value as seen in the Computation Status Display


Critical W-Test

The critical W-Test of the computation (or adjustment)
Same value as seen in the Computation Status Display


Observation Count

Number of available observations for the computation (or adjustment).
Notice that this includes the X/Y/Z offsets for each node (each offset is treated as an observation)

Same value as seen in the Computation Status Display


Iteration Count

The number of iterations that the computation (or adjustment) needed in order to solve.
Notice that an iteration threshold can be set in the Controller's Computation Setup. 

Same value as seen in the Computation Status Display

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