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Tide Stategies


Tide Strategy Results are not available for Export

Parent Item


  • The first entry is always [Reference Vessel]
    This means that the first defined object will be used (with Object Id 1).
    In Database Setup you will see a 'square' icon in front of the vessel name.
  • The rest of the list will show all available objects, existing in the currently selected Qinsy database
    (see General Layout Information about loading a Qinsy database).
Tide Strategy:
  • The first entry is always [Priority List]
    This means that the currently active strategy will be used.
  • The rest of the list are all available predefined and user-defined tide strategies.

Note that Tide Strategies and their priority order are defined in the Controller's Computation Tide Setup.

Sub ItemDescriptionValue Type


User-defined free text

Text Format
  • Normal Text
    Your own free plain text
  • Binary
    Enter one or more ASCII character codes, comma or space separated, in the range between 1 and 127.
    For example '2' for a binary STX character, '3' for a binary ETX character, or '13, 10' for CR+LF.
    See table ASCII Codes for an overview of all possible characters.

  • New Line
    Same as Binary but already formatted as '13, 10' (meaning CR+LF) and without a possible Field Delimiter.
    A Field Delimiter may be present when your layout purpose is for Export or ASCII Logging.


Last update time (UTC) of the tide strategy calculation.


Vessel Name

Name of the vessel (object), as entered in Database Setup.

Strategy Name

Name of the selected strategy.

Note that some strategies are predefined so you can't change their names, but other strategies which are user-defined do allow for their default names to be changed.

All Tide Strategy settings can be found in the Controller's Computation Setup.

Method Name

Name of the method as being used by the selected strategy.

Currently the following method names are possible:

- Tide Files
- Tide Gauges
- Tide Along Route
- RTK Tide
- Mean Water Level Model


The final tide value as calculated by the Height Aiding driver, using selected strategy's method and all enabled stations.

When multiple tide gauges are used, it will be the interpolated value between the value of the closest and the second tide gauge.

Note that the value is always referenced to chart datum. This means that the value may differ from the raw observation/ prediction when the selected vertical datum of the connected fixed node (as defined in the template setup) is different.

Note that this item is the same as item Tide under Height Aiding.



An integer value (code) indicating the status of the selected strategy.

By default a translation table is added to convert the code into readable text:

2No tide source found
3Tide source found but no data
4No valid position
5Interpolation error
6Data too old
7Data value below minimum
8Data value above maximum
10Route not found
11Survey line is not a route
12Bad quality (of a used tide observation)

Feel free to modify or remove the translation table.



The name of the file with predicted tide values (for the closest gauge) which is currently used for the selected strategy.

This item will be empty when the tide source is a real-time observation.

Show Full Path
  • Yes
    The filename preceded by the entire path name of the file location
  • No (default)
    The filename without path name of the file location
Route Name

The name of the route (or line) that is used when the selected strategy's method is Tide Along Route.

Note that the Tide Along Route will be the first additional mainline as selected in the Controller Session Setup under Line Planning. If no Additional mainline is selected then the current mainline is used as Tide along Route.
A Tide Along Route can be a Route or Line but can never be type Point.

This item will be empty when the tide strategy's method isn't Tide Along Route.

Closest Gauge Slot

This item will show the Slot Id of the tide observation definition for the closest tide gauge as defined in Database Setup.

Value will be empty when the tide source is not an observation or when the system setup does not require a slot id.


Closest Gauge Name

This item will show the name of the current tide gauge being used or the name of the closest tide gauge when multiple sources are part of the selected strategy.

When the tide source is from a real-time tide gauge sensor then it is the name of the observation and when the source is from a tide prediction file it will be the name of the connected fixed node.

Value will be empty when the selected tide strategy has no tide gauges selected (e.g. when the tide method is RTK Tide or Mean Water Level Model).


Closest Gauge Value

This item will show the tide value of the current tide gauge being used or the value from the closest tide gauge when multiple sources are part of the selected strategy.

Note that the value is always referenced to chart datum. This means that the value may differ from the raw observation/ prediction when the selected vertical datum of the connected fixed node (as defined in the template setup) is different.

Value will be empty when the selected tide strategy has no tide gauges selected (e.g. when the tide method is RTK Tide or Mean Water Level Model).


Closest Gauge Quality

This item will show the quality of the raw observation of the closest tide gauge.

It is the same quality value as seen when the tide observation is selected in an Observation Physics Display.

Value will be empty when the selected tide strategy has no tide gauges selected (e.g. when the tide method is RTK Tide or Mean Water Level Model).


Closest Gauge Distance

The distance from the current vessel's steered node position to the closest tide gauge which depends on the strategy's method:

  • Tide Gauge / Tide Files
    The value will be the straight horizontal range between vessel and tide gauge.
  • Tide Along Route
    The value will be the 'along' distance over the route between vessel and tide gauge.
    So assumption is that both the tide gauge station as the current vessel position is nearby the route

Value will be empty when the selected tide strategy has no tide gauges selected (e.g. when the tide method is RTK Tide or Mean Water Level Model).


Second Gauge Slot

This items will show the Slot Id, as defined in Database Setup, of the tide observation of the second tide gauge.

Value will be empty when the tide source is not an observation or when the system setup didn't require slot id's.


Second Gauge Name

This item will show the name of the second tide gauge when multiple sources are part of the selected strategy.

When the tide source is from a real-time tide gauge sensor then it is the name of the observation and when the source is from a tide prediction file it will be the name of the connected fixed node.

Value will be empty when the selected tide strategy has no tide gauges selected (e.g. when the tide method is RTK Tide or Mean Water Level Model) or when no multiple sources are used.


Second Gauge Value

This item will show the tide value of the second tide gauge when multiple sources are part of the selected strategy.

Note that the value is always referenced to chart datum. This means that the value may differ from the raw observation/ prediction when the selected vertical datum of the connected fixed node (as defined in the template setup) is different.

Value will be empty when the selected tide strategy has no tide gauges selected (e.g. when the tide method is RTK Tide or Mean Water Level Model) or when no multiple sources are used.


Second Gauge Quality

This item will show the quality of the raw observation of the second tide gauge.

It is the same quality value as seen when the tide observation is selected in an Observation Physics Display.

Value will be empty when the selected tide strategy has no tide gauges selected (e.g. when the tide method is RTK Tide or Mean Water Level Model) or when no multiple sources are used.


Second Gauge Distance

The distance from the current vessel's steered node position to the second tide gauge which depends on the strategy's method:

  • Tide Gauge / Tide Files
    The value will be the straight horizontal range between vessel and tide gauge.
  • Tide Along Route
    The value will be the 'along' distance over the route between vessel and tide gauge.
    So the assumption is that both the tide gauge station as well as the current vessel position are nearby the route.

Of course this distance should always be larger than the closest gauge distance.

Value will be empty when the selected tide strategy has no tide gauges selected (e.g. when the tide method is RTK Tide or Mean Water Level Model) or when no multiple sources are used.

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