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Catenary Results are not available for Export.

Catenary should only be used during Multiple Vessel or Hookup operations (Rig and Tugs).

Parent Item


Select from this list your anchor. The list contains all anchors as defined in the Controller's Session Anchor Setup of the currently selected Qinsy database.
(see General Layout Information  about loading a Qinsy database).

Sub ItemDescriptionValue TypeProperties

Name of the catenary method, as selected in the Controller's Session Setup, Anchors, Settings, Catenary Settings.

  • [None]
  • QPS Default - Demo usage only
  • OrcaFlex
    This method requires an OrcaFlex license (dongle) from Orcina.


Id of defined anchor, as given by the Controller's Session Anchor Setup.
The first defined anchor will have id 1, the second 2, and so on.
Notice that if you add a new one, it will always have the id of the last anchor plus one.

Notice that an anchor Id is not an index number. I.e. if you remove an anchor, the next new defined anchor will not necessarily get the Id number from the removed anchor.



Name of the anchor, as defined by the user in the Controller's Session Anchor Setup.

If you are using the OrcaFlex catenary method, then the selected line object name will be added between brackets.

Value will be empty when anchor is not in transit or not dropped.



Current status of the defined anchor

The following labels are possible during Multiple Vessel Operation (Rig and Tugs):

The following labels are possible during Hookup Operation (Rig and Tugs):
"Dropped (Not Assigned)"
"Dropped (Hooked)"
"Dropped (Deployed)"

Value will be empty when the anchor has any other state, e.g. when racked, or not assigned.

TimeTime of the catenary calculation for the selected anchortime
AgeThe difference between the triggering time and the time of the catenary result (see above). Normally always a positive value in seconds.double
Vertex Count

The number of sections (segments) of the total catenary between fairlead (winch) and anchor.

Value is a result of the OrcaFlex catenary calculation, but depends on the predefined target segment length as defined in the OrcaFlex Model File and the current observed wire length.


Total length of the catenary between fairlead (winch) and anchor.

Value is exclusive the length between possible connected tug and the anchor.

Length on Seabed

This value is the total length of the cable part that is lying on the seabed. Notice that the height of the seabed model is coming from the selected additional terrain model.

Value will be zero when none of the catenary segments are grounded.


Easting / Northing / Height

Grid co-ordinates are always on survey datum. Height is on vertical datum.

Value depends on the current state of the anchor:

  • Anchor in Transit, Tug assigned, Multiple Vessel Operation
    Co-ordinate of the anchor as calculated by OrcaFlex between tug and winch wire
  • Dropped Anchor, Tug assigned
    Co-ordinate of the dropped location as calculated by OrcaFlex
  • Dropped Anchor, No Tug assigned
    Co-ordinate of the dropped location as calculated by OrcaFlex. 

    Value will be empty when the anchor has any other state, e.g. when racked, or not assigned.

Latitude /

Geographical co-ordinates can be on survey datum or on WGS84.

Value depends on the current state of the anchor:

  • Anchor in Transit, Tug assigned, Multiple Vessel Operation
    Co-ordinate of the anchor as calculated by OrcaFlex between tug and winch wire
  • Dropped Anchor, Tug assigned
    Co-ordinate of the dropped location as calculated by OrcaFlex
  • Dropped Anchor, No Tug assigned
    Co-ordinate of the dropped location as calculated by OrcaFlex. 

    Value will be empty when the anchor has any other state, e.g. when racked, or not assigned.



  • Survey Datum (default)
  • WGS84
Winch LengthValue of the selected wire length observation for the winch nodedouble
Tug LengthValue of the selected wire length observation for the Tug roller nodedouble
Work Wire Length

The stretched length of the work wire as calculated by OrcaFlex.

Value will be empty when the anchor state is not Deployed, which is only possible during Hookup Operations.

Minimum ClearanceThe lowest vertical distance to the seabed of the catenary as calculated by OrcaFlex. Will be zero when the catenary lies on the seabed, e.g. in case an anchor has been dropped.double

Min.Clearance Easting /
Northing / Height

The location of the catenary segment with the lowest vertical distance to the seabed. In case the catenary lies on the seabed, it will be the position of the first touchdown point.

Grid co-ordinates are always on survey datum. Height is on vertical datum.

Anchor TensionThe calculated tension in [kN] at the anchor as calculated by OrcaFlexdouble
Winch TensionThe calculated tension in [kN] at the fairlead (winch) as calculated by OrcaFlex. Will be zero in case the anchor is dropped.double
Work Wire Tension

The calculated tension in [kN] of the work wire as calculated by OrcaFlex. Value will be zero when the work wire hits the seabed.

Value will be empty when the anchor state is any other state than Deployed. (Deploying an anchor is only possible during Hookup Operations).

Error Code

A number indicating the status of the last catenary calculation. Value will be zero when the last calculation was successful. Any other number indicates an error or warning and depends on the selected catenary method.

Error code range for the OrcaFlex method will be between 0 and 65.

A value of 100000 indicates another error, not necessarily issued by OrcaFlex.

Please use item Error Message to view the description of the error code.


Error Message

The description of the current error code, and will be empty when the code is zero.

Use the parameter property in order to show the short or the full error description.



  • Short (default)
  • Full
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