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Qimera Window Menu

Qimera - Window Menu

The window menu allows you show or hide individual dockable windows.  It also allows you to create and control custom workspace layouts.  Custom layouts are an effective way of customizing particular portions of your workflow tasks.


This sub-menu manages the selection, management and creation of workspaces.

Point Cleaning

This workspace will only show panels that are relevant for just point cleaning in Qimera.

Qimera Default

This is the default workspace for Qimera.  All panels appear in their default positions.

Create New Workspace... 

This action will launch the Qimera Workspace Creation Dialog allowing the creation of a workspace based on the configuration of a previously defined workspace. 

Reset Current Workspace to Default

This action will reset the Qimera workspace to the default layout. 

Remove Current Workspace

This action will remove the current named workspace from the list of saved workspaces. 

Save Current Workspace to File…

Saves the current workspace to a file that can be shared or loaded into Qimera. The default location is the public user documents Workspaces directory and the default name is the workspace name.

Load Workspace from File…

Allows a workspace file to be loaded to Qimera. The default location checked is the public user documents Workspaces directory.

Lock Window Layout

This will prevent any dockable panels from being floated or moved.

Toolbar Visibility Controls

These checkable actions control the visibility of the corresponding toolbar.

For more information on each control, please visit the link attached to each.

Scene Toolbar

Bathymetry Toolbar

Filter Operation Toolbar

Selection Movement Toolbar

Selection Dimension Toolbar

Custom Toolbar

Dock Visibility Controls

These checkable actions control the visibility of the corresponding dock.

For more information on each control, please visit the link attached to each.

3D Slice Editor Dock

Cable/Pipe Analysis Dock

ENC Editor Dock

File Table Dock

Geo Picking Dock

Job Activity Dock

PFM Dock

Process History Dock

Profile Dock

Project Layers Dock

Project Sources Dock

Properties Dock

Slice Editor Dock

Grid Edit Overview Dock

Swath Editor Dock

TOP Detection Control Dock

TOP Detection Results Dock

Time Series Editor Dock

Time Series Multiplot Dock

Water Column Dock

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