This toolbar is used to control the properties of the different selection modes and to control movement of the selection in your scene. These actions work specifically with Rectangle, Free Slice, Fixed Slice and Scroll Line selection modes. See the page on the 4D Toolbar for more information on these selection modes.
Adjust Selection Geometry
This button will show the Selection Properties Dialog shown below. This dialog allows you to manually configure the current selection properties. Depending on the selection type, different sections of this dialog will be enabled for user control. Remember that some selection modes consist of an Overview area in addition to a Slice area. The dialog below shows the properties of a Free Slice Selection. When you move the slice using the hot keys, the dialog will automatically update. To manually change any property, simply enter the new value and click the Apply button.
The Movement overlap setting changes the amount of overlap when advancing a selection using the movement keys. This temporarily overrides the movement overlap specified in the Qimera Preferences dialog. This setting is active until the current selection mode is turned off.
Jump to Start
This action is only available in Scroll Line selection mode. It will move the selection to the beginning of the scroll line.
Step Backward
This action is available for Rectangle, Scroll Line, Fixed Slice and Free Slice selection modes. It will move the selection or slice backward from the direction that it is facing. In any supported selection mode, the distance traveled is approximately 90% of the height of the selection or slice. If you are in Fixed Slice or Free Slice selection mode, the slice will be constrained by the overview area. If you are in Scroll Line selection mode, you will be constrained by the start of the line. You can also use the S hotkey to step backward.
Play Backward
This action is similar to Step Reverse above with the exception that it will step backward continually according to the time delay set in the Step Interval spin box. For Free Slice and Fixed Slice selection modes, it will be constrained by the selection overview. For Scroll Line selection mode, it will continue until it reaches the start of the line.
This will pause Play Reverse and Play Forward actions.
Play Forward
This action is similar to Step Forward below with the exception that it will step forward continually according to the time delay set in the Step Interval spin box. For Free Slice and Fixed Slice selection modes, it will be constrained by the selection overview. For Scroll Line selection mode, it will continue until it reaches the end of the line.
Step Forward
This action is available for Rectangle, Scroll Line, Fixed Slice and Free Slice selection modes. It will move the selection or slice forward in the direction that it is facing. In any supported selection mode, the distance traveled is approximately 90% of the height of the selection or slice. If you are in Fixed Slice or Free Slice selection mode, the slice will be constrained by the overview area. If you are in Scroll Line selection mode, you will be constrained by the end of the line. You can also use the W hotkey to move forward.
Jump to End
This action is only available in Scroll Line selection mode. It will move the selection to the end of the scroll line.
Step Interval
Use this spin box to change the time delay for the Play Forward and Play Reverse modes.
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