This toolbar is the primary interface for interacting with Qimera's powerful filter operations. This is done by constructing, managing and choosing filter profiles, while specifying how each should be run. Filter profiles can be run in three different ways: directly from the toolbar, from within the slice editor, or from a selection of files in the Project Sources Dock. All files within the active dynamic grid are considered for filtering. The active dynamic grid is the currently selected dynamic grid, or if no dynamic grid is selected, the only visible dynamic grid. If you want to filter specific files, select those files in the Project Sources Dock and use the right-click context menu to bring up the Run Sounding Filter on Selected Files dialog.
Manage Filter Profiles
This button launches the Manage Filter Profiles dialog. This dialog allows you to create, delete, and edit custom filter profiles.
Filter Profile to be Run
This drop down specifies which filter profile is active. This selection is used when filtering via both the toolbar and the slice editor.
It displays several commonly used filter profiles, as well as any custom filter profiles you may have created.
Exclusion Mask
This drop down will contain all of the SD scene objects that are closed lines. Use this drop down to prevent the selected filter from operating in an area. For example, let's say you have 2 wrecks that you want to protect from any filtering. You could create an exclusion mask using one of the area selection tools to select around one of the wrecks. Then with the right-click context menu of the scene, use the Create Line Object From Current Selection option and name it. The new line object will now appear in the SD Objects node of the Project Layers Dock. Now select an area around the second wreck. Then right-click the SD Object that you created and select Add Selection to Line Object from the context menu. You now have a "mask" that you can use during filtering that will protect both wrecks. Combining an Exclusion Mask with a specified selection is a powerful way to control where your filter will run on your data.
Spline Filter Preset
Qimera includes 5 preset spline filter profiles, ranging from very weak to very strong. These work by first fitting a 3D spline to a local set of soundings, and then rejecting points that lie too far from that spline. The Very Weak Spline preset is very conservative and rejects only significant outliers. The Very Strong Spline preset is much more aggressive in removing soundings. For more information on the spline filters, see the description of Filter Using Grid Spline (Preset).
Other Operations
These are a handful of common operations that users may wish to execute on their soundings.
Reject All Soundings: Rejects all soundings within the selected area, regardless of their properties. This is useful primarily for cropping unwanted areas out of a survey.
Accept All Soundings: "Unrejects" all soundings within the selected area. This clears any filtering, undoes any manual rejection and potentially ignores blocking. This does not affect additional soundings.
Reject Additional Soundings: Rejects all "additional soundings" within the selected area. Additional soundings are soundings that some echosounders report above and beyond the usual numbers provided by their bottom detection algorithms. For Kongsberg Maritime echosounders, these are called Extra Detection's. For Teledyne-Reson echosounders, these are called Multi-Detect.
Accept Additional Soundings: Accepts all "additional soundings" within the selected area.
Revert All Manual Edits: Clears the Manual Edit flag on all sounding within the selected area. This may cause manually accepted soundings to be rejected or manually rejected soundings to be accepted, depending on the state of other flags.
Revert All Filtering: Clears the Filtered flag on all sounding within the selected area. This may cause soundings previously rejected by a Filter operation to be accepted, depending on the state of other flags.
Note that filters run from the Filter Toolbar will set the 'Filter' bit in the QPD when rejecting points. By doing so, we can differentiate these rejected soundings from soundings rejected via manual editing in the Swath, Slice and 3D Editors (these set the 'Manual Edit' flag). This allows you to apply and revert filters using the filter toolbar without being worried about losing any manual editing that may have been done.
All files within the active dynamic grid are considered for filtering. The active dynamic grid is the currently selected dynamic grid, or if no dynamic grid is selected, the only visible dynamic grid. If you want to filter specific files, select those files in the Project Sources Dock and use the right-click context menu to bring up the File Filtering Dialog.
Run Filter Profile Buttons
There are three buttons that can be used to execute the active filter profile on the chosen files: inside selection, outside selection, and everywhere. All three will launch a background job. Once completed, the dynamic grids (if any) will automatically update.
These actions are disabled during point editing.
Run Filter Profile Inside Selection
Executes the active filter profile on the chosen files for soundings falling within the current spatial selection.
Run Filter Profile Everywhere
Executes the active filter profile on the chosen files for all soundings regardless of any selection.
Filter By System
This button presents a list of all systems that can be filtered. Within this list, you can selectively activate or deactivate the filtering for individual systems.
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