The Time Series Editor Window is used to display all relevant time series data for the currently selected item in the Source Files Panel. This data was extracted during the initial import of the source file and is stored inside the Qimera project under the Metadata folder for the line. As you move your cursor over the data, the current time and value are displayed in the lower left corner of the panel. Control of the display is managed by the toolbar shown below. Any edits that are performed and saved in this window will trigger a reaction from the Dynamic Workflow engine.
The time-series editor is not only an editor, it can also be used as a quality assurance tool to verify consistency in measurements between two or more instruments. It does this by plotting the measurements from all sensors associated with the particular source item. For example, if you have a source file with two motion sensors, the data from both sensors will be displayed simultaneously. The various types of measurements shown in the editor will update when changes are made to the associated sensor in the Qimera Vessel Editor. This includes the sensor's sign conventions (e.g. heave positive up vs. heave positive down), sensor latency and also the sensor bias or calibration offset. This allows you to verify that measurements are consistent across a variety of sensors. If sensors are providing inconsistent measurements, this will be immediately evident in the time-series plots. If you decide to correct the configuration in the Qimera Vessel Editor, the the plot will update immediately after you save your changes and you will be able to confirm the validity of the sensor configuration change.
For information on plot grid navigation and editing, see the page in the manual on Qimera Plotting Grids
Combo Boxes
The first combo box is used to change the specific attribute. Examples of attributes are X/Y position, roll, pitch, height, heading, heave, tide, standard deviations etc. The second combo box selects the specific source of the attribute as some attributes can come from multiple redundant sources on the vessel. If you have multiple sources, the currently selected source will be drawn in blue. The other sources will be drawn in gray.
Save Button
This will save any edits done to the time series. Again, saving edits will trigger a reaction from the Dynamic Workflow engine.
Explore Mode
This is the primary exploration mode of the tool. As you move your cursor over the plot, the label in the lower left of the window will update to show the current time, value, and if loaded in the project, the KP of the cursor location. If you have loaded any Route Layers a KP will be displayed. A tracking ball will follow the location in time along the currently selected track series in the 4D View.
Zoom Mode
When in zoom mode, simply click and drag an area of the plot to zoom into. Or simply single click a location to zoom in a bit on it. Alt-click a location to zoom out a bit. Or hit the Home button to return to the full extents of the data. At any time, you can Shift-Click to drag the plot to a new location. This is especially useful when you are zoomed in. You can always undo an edit using the Undo button. Once you are satisfied with your edits, you must press the Save button.
Zoom Mode Rectangle Selection
Zoom Mode Rectangle Selection Result
Zoom Out Button
If you have zoomed into an area of the plot, this button will zoom out to the extents of the currently viewed attribute. The other attributes time axis will also match.
Interpolation Edit Mode
If you Click-Draga selection of the time series, Qimera will flag the selected samples invalid and interpolate across the selection using the sample on either side of the selected area. During processing, time series data queries will then use these new interpolated values. This is a simple way to get rid of spikes in your data. The invalidated data will still display as a gray portion of the time series. The interpolated part of the time series will show as a continuation of the blue time series line. You can always undo an edit using the Undo button. Once you are satisfied with your edits, you must press the Save button.
Interpolate Mode Selection
Interpolate Mode Result
Invalidate Edit Mode
If you Click-Draga selection of the time series, Qimera will flag the selected samples invalid and unusable. During processing, time series data queries to this time range will use secondary or tertiary sources of the data when available. For example, if you have 2 sources of heading and mark a portion of your primary heading data as invalid, Qimera will get heading from the secondary source of this data if available and if the Use Redundant Systems option is enabled in the Preferences dialog. If not available, Qimera will indicate to the processing engine that this data is not available and if required, the ping will not be processed for that . This is a simple way of interleaving higher quality data from a secondary source. The rejected data will display as a red portion of the time series. You can always undo an edit using the Undo button. Once you are satisfied with your edits, you must press the Save button.
Reject Mode Selection
Reject Mode Result
Validate Edit Mode
This mode is an easy way to bring back data that you have marked as rejected or for interpolation. Simply Click-Draga selection over the previous edit and Qimera will restore the original data. You can always undo an edit using the Undo button. Once you are satisfied with your edits, you must press the Save button.
Validate Mode Selection
Validate Mode Result
Change Selection
Clicking this button will change the selection to be either rectangle, polygon or lasso select. If you click and hold, you will see a drop-down menu of these options.
Insert Mode
This mode will allow you to enter sample data before the start of the series or at the end of the series. It will also allow you to enter data that has been Interpolated or Invalidated. When you move the mouse before the start or end, you will see a connecting line drawn between the existing data and your new point. Every mouse click will enter a new point. When are move your mouse over an area that has been interpolated or deleted, you will see a connecting line drawn between the first good data outside the edited area and your new insertion point. Clicking a point here will replace an existing sample data. When you are inserting in an interpolated or invalidated area, you will always be replacing existing data. Qimera will find the nearest data to your mouse down to replace.
Move Mode
First click and drag out a selection of the time series you want to change. The selection is 1D only, in that it will be selecting a time range containing the samples you want to move. The samples within the selection window will be highlighted. Then, with the mouse inside this selection area, you can click and drag the points to their new desired location. Qimera will represent the original sample data as a dotted line.
Undo Button
This will undo the last edit actions. It is a pseudo-infinite undo buffer (c'mon, how much memory do you have?) in that you can make several edits in sequence and then undo those edits in the reverse sequence.
Redo Button
This will redo the last undo edit action.
Time Series Plot Menu
Show Statistics
This setting turns on the statistics view for the current time series data. It will show the minimum and maximum as solid lines, the +/- 1-Sigma as dashed lines and the average as a dotted line. Value labels will appear on the right side of the tool.
Show Height at COG
This setting only affects the display of the Height attribute. When enabled the Height plot will be transformed to the (0.0, 0.0, 0.0) location on the vessel, also referred to as the nominal center of gravity (COG). When disable the Height plot will be shown at the location reported by each system, often the antenna location or INS reference location.
Line Plot
This is the standard display mode for the time series plot window. Data is interpolated over the selected time range.
Point Plot
This display mode plots only the actual sample values in the time series. This allows you to see the difference in the update rate of various sources.
Bar Plot
This display mode is pretty much eye-candy but does allow you to more easily see gaps in the time series data. If your data is bi-polar in nature, the negative values will appear in a lighter shade of blue so you can more easily see the transitions.
Export to ASCII
This option allows exporting the Time Series Plot data as an ASCII (.txt) formatted file containing Date, Time, the selected source data and an indication of which points were rejected giving the states of the flags (V=Valid R=Rejected, I=Rejected with interpolation). If you have loaded Route Layer information a KP column will be included. In the event where KPs are available but no data is present the value will be written as 0.00.
Save to Image
This option allows saving of the current Time Series Plot in .png image format.
Revert Time Series to Original
If any modifications are made to a time series this menu item will be enabled. Clicking this menu item will launch a dialog indicating which files will be reverted to their original condition. Clicking 'Ok' will revert/undo all time series edits to the associated files. This operation cannot be undone and any previous edits will be lost.
Show Grid Lines
This option will disable the gird lines on the current plot.
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