The File Table provides a tabular view of the files shown in the Project Sources window. Because different attributes are available for different types of files, only one source type can be shown at a time in the table. This is controlled by the Source Type drop down, which has options for: Raw Sonar, Processed Points, Position & Motion, Tide, and Sound Velocity Profiles.
For large projects, it can be very convenient to limit the number of files shown in the table to only those matching a particular search string. This is done via the Filter field. As one types into the Filter field, the table is quickly reduced to just those rows containing the search text. By default, all columns of the table are searched, but the column drop down also allows selecting a single column to filter on.
Different columns are available for different source types, but columns can also be individually shown or hidden by right clicking on a column header. Columns can be rearranged by dragging and dropping column headers.
The table can be sorted by clicking on the column headers. Clicking on a column header will sort the table by that column in ascending order. Clicking again will switch to descending order. Sorting can be based on multiple columns. For example, to sort on File Type, then Source File, first click on the Source File header, then on the File Type header. Files will then be sorted by File Type, but in the case where multiple files have the same File Type, those files will be sorted by Source File. Sorting can be reset via the right clicking on a column header and choosing Reset Sorting.
As much as possible, the row selection of the table is synchronized with the selection in the Project Sources tree, allowing one to find files which ever way one finds most convenient.