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Qimera Bathymetry Toolbar

Qimera Bathymetry Toolbar

The Bathymetry Toolbar is the primary toolbar in Qimera that deals with Project Management, Data Management, Processing, Grid Creation and finally Sounding Editing.

Project Management

 New Project

This will launch the Create Project Dialog for the creation of a new project.

 Project Load

This will launch the Qimera Project Browser Dialog

Data Management

 Add Sonar Files

This will launch the Add Raw Sonar Files dialog, enabling the user to load supported sonar file formats to the project.

 Add Points Files

This will launch the Add Processed Point Files dialog enabling the user to load supported processed point file formats to the project.

 Automatically Add Sonar Files

This button will launch the Automatic Raw File Import dialog that allows Qimera to generate a Dynamic Grid during live acquisition operations.

Processing and Settings

 Processing Settings

This will launch the Processing Settings dialog.

 Auto Process

This will launch any required processing as determined by Qimera's Dynamic Workflow.  See the section on Dynamic Workflow for more information on how Qimera determines whether files need to be processed or not. It will also update any dynamic grid with edits pending.

Grid Creation

Dynamic Grid

This will launch the Create Dynamic Grid dialog that will create a dynamic grid from the selected source data and optionally the selected rectangular area. A Dynamic Grid can be edited and reflects any changes to the underlying processed data.

Static Grid

This will launch the Create Static Grid dialog that will create a dynamic grid from the selected source data and optionally the selected rectangular area. A static grid cannot be edited.

Sounding Editing

Swath Editor

This will launch the Swath Editor on the selected line. If no line is selected, Qimera will select the first processed raw sonar file line.

Slice Editor

This will launch the Slice Editor on the selected Dynamic Grid using the current area selection. If no area is selected, Qimera will create a slice selection in the center of the selected Dynamic Grid.

3D Editor

This will launch the 3D Editor on the selected grid area.

Instant Grid Tools

This button offers one of three tools, Instant Grid Reject/Accept/Filter. These can be applied inside a polygon selection to the selected Dynamic Grid. Access to all tools are available from a menu shown with a long-click on the button.

The user should be careful as these tools can have unintended consequences.  For example, if you make a large spatial selection in Instant Grid Reject mode on a Dynamic Grid, all soundings in the selection will be rejected instantly.

 Instant Grid Reject

In the Instant Grid Reject mode all soundings within a polygon selection will instantly be rejected and the grid will be updated.

 Instant Grid Accept

In the Instant Grid Accept mode all soundings within a polygon selection will instantly be accepted and the grid will be updated.

 Instant Grid Filter

This will start the Instant Grid Filter mode which automatically applies the currently selected filter whenever the user makes a spatial selection.  

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