Add Processed Point Files option of the Source menu in the Main Menu bar
What it Does
This dialog is used to add processed point files to your project.
Adding Large Processed Point Files
If you would like to add points from files that are bigger than 1 GB (ie ASCII XYZ files, B93 Files, and LAS/LAZ Files), the preferable way to do this is through Import and Split Large Processed Point Files in the Source Menu.
General Description
Point file data can be entered either by clicking on the 'Add Files...' button, 'Add HIPS Files...', or by clicking on the 'Add Directory...' button. Clicking on the 'Add Files...' button will bring up a file selection dialog and multiple files can be added at once. Clicking on the 'Add Directory...' button will bring up a directory selection dialog. This will recursively add any supported Point File Data. In the case where there are multiple supported Point File Data, a filter can be specified in the Filter Edit field. For a list of all supported processed point files, please see .Qimera Data Format Specific. Clicking on the 'Add HIPS Files...' button will bring up a directory selection dialog followed by the Add HIPS Files dialog.
Add HIPS Files
Select the desired Lines of HIPS data and hit OK. The selected lines will be added to the Add Processed Points dialog. To add HIPS data, Qimera requires a valid CARIS license. To point Qimera to the valid CARIS license, refer to the Shared Preference option in the Preference dialog.
Add Files
Adding Processed Point can result in a variety of optional buttons depending on the file format.
The following column "Use As" types are available:
X - the easting or longitude of the points.
Y - the northing or latitude of the points.
Z - the height or depth of the points, note that you must specify the "Positive Up" or "Positive Down" option to indicate height or depth respectively.
Source Identifier - an integer value to indicate the data source, this is can be included in exports to preserve the connection with the source data.
Note: If an ASCII file is added, you will automatically be shown the Custom ASCII File Configuration dialog.
Clicking the Filter Button will launch the Processed Points Filter. This dialog allows the construction of filters during the Processed Point file import process. When files are imported the constructed filters will be applied to the data and reduce manual editing overhead. Constructed filters will be saved for the current import session only and cannot be recalled once the import process has started.
Filter Construction
Selecting the If combo box will provide a list of items that can be filtered based on the import data file type. The following list reflects items available for the LAS point file format.
Selecting the Iscombo box provides a list of comparison operators. The comparison operator will be associated with the value entered into the adjacent text field.
Selecting the Thencombo box provides a list of options that will be applied to the imported data.
All accepted filters will be appended to the Filters list in a human readable format for review. Filters can be removed individually or exclusively using the Remove Filter or Remove All buttons.