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Qimera Project Browser Dialog

How to Start

    What it does

    This dialog allows you to create a new project or load a previous project via a visual list. 

    General Description

    When Qimera starts, the Welcome to Qimera dialog displays a list of previously created projects.  Either Double-Click the desired entry or select it and click the Open button.

    New Project...

    The New Project... button will take you to the Create Project Dialog, this is the same as the New Project option from the Project Menu, or the 

     button from the Bathymetry Toolbar.

    Open Other...

    If you click the Open Other button, you will get the same dialog as the Open Project option from the Project Menu.  This is simply a folder browser dialog as show below.  Qimera projects contain a qpsproject.xml file inside the folder that tells Qimera that this is a valid project.  If you open a QINSy project, Qimera will create that XML file for future reference and storage of Qimera metadata.  Simply browse to the project you want to load and Double-Click or click on the Select Folder button.

    Return to: Qimera Interface

    Return to: Wizards and Dialogs

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