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Qimera Project Menu

Qimera - Project Menu

The project menu is used to create and open projects, access preferences, and create shortcuts.


New Project

This menu option launches the Create Project dialog. If you currently have a project open, it will save and close the current project before creating a new one. See the Getting Started for additional information on creating projects.

Open Project

This menu option allows you to open an existing QPS project using a file browser dialog. If you currently have a project open, it will save and close the current project before opening a new one. 

When opening a QINSy project in Qimera for the first time, you may be asked whether you want load the data as Just Point Cleaning or as Full Sonar Processing.

As explained in the dialog above, Full Sonar Processing opens the project's DB files and allows all Qimera processing operations, but is slower to open as it requires a full scan of those DB files. Just Point Cleaning ignores the project's DB files and opens only the QPD results files. This is significantly faster if there is no need to reprocess the data and you wish to quickly begin cleaning. After opening for Just Point Cleaning, you can choose to upgrade individual lines for Full Sonar Processing using the Load Associated DB File context menu action.

When reopening a project, Qimera will detect any new lines added to the project's dynamic surfaces since the last time the project was open in Qimera. In such cases you will be asked whether you want to load those new lines for Full Sonar Processing or for Just Point Cleaning, with the same implications as above.

Also, when opening a Qinsy project for the first time, any QGF Survey Line files (.qgfline and .qgfback) will be found and converted to .sd format and added to the Project Layers

Open Project Browser

This menu option allows you to open an existing Qimera project using the Qimera Projects Dialog that contains recently opened projects.  For details on opening projects, see Open Project.

Open Recent Projects

This menu option allows easy access to recently opened projects. For details on opening projects, see Open Project.

Create Cleaning Project

This will create a project containing the area of interest and copies of the associated QPD files.  This capability improves workflow for large projects and is explained in the section on Qimera Cooperative Cleaning.

Apply EDITS from Cleaning Project

This will apply edits from a cleaning project and is explained in the section on Qimera Cooperative Cleaning.

Project Properties

This menu option will open the Project Properties dialog, this includes Survey Type/Description and Geodetic settings.

Encapsulate Project

This menu option will copy all Layer files and files in your Project Sources tree that are external to your project into a Sources folder in your project.  Qimera will also change all of the paths in the project xml file to be relative.  This will allow you to move your project to another file system.

Open Project Folder

Opens a system file dialog at the location of the project folder.

Close Project

This menu option will save and close the current open project.


This menu option displays the Preferences Dialog.

(Note that on Mac OS X, this menu entry is shown under the Qimera menu.)

Configure Shortcuts

This menu option displays the Qimera Configure Shortcuts Dialog.

Configure Custom Toolbar

Allows adding, removing and reordering the contents of the Custom Toolbar.


This menu option will quit Qimera. The currently loaded project will be saved before Qimera exits.

(Note that on Mac OS X, this menu entry is shown under the Qimera menu.)

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