This widget displays a top down view of the Dynamic Grid currently being edited. This widget is active whenever you are using the 3D Editor or Slice Editor. You can see and modify the current selection in this view as well as the 4D View. The Grid Edit Overview can additionally display an ENC for the area of interest, a Visited/Edited layer and a Partition Grid for Guided Editing operations. The Partition Grid can only be used when you are in Fixed Slice, Free Slice, and Rectangular selection mode. See the section on the 4D Scene Toolbar for more information on selection modes. You can opt out of using the Grid Edit Overview on the General Tab of the Preferences Dialog. Of note in the version 2.2 release of Qimera, the Grid Edit Overview has been redesigned to be more responsive and have a significantly lower memory footprint.
Grid Edit Overview Toolbar
Zoom to Grid
This will zoom the overview to display the extents of the Dynamic Grid.
Selection Mode
This mode allows you to change the current selection area directly in the Grid Edit Overview. You can only create a new selection in this widget. You do not have the ability to resize, rotate or drag a selection. Those behaviors must still occur in the main scene.
Partition Mode
This mode will show the partition layer and allow for guided editing. You can only use this layer in combination with the Fixed Slice, Free Slice or Rectangular selection modes. If you have not created a grid partition, you will be presented with the Partition Grid Setup dialog described below. See the section on Using Grid Partitions below for more information on using partitions.
Show/Hide Visited/Edited Layer
This will show/hide the visited/edited layer. Visited areas are a white transparent layer while edited areas are a red transparent layer. Use the Clear Visited/Edited option from the menu to clear it. The Slice Editor and the 3D Editor write to this layer.
Grid Edit Overview Menu
Select Colormap
Change the colormap of the Dynamic Grid. This colormap will be used only in the context of the Grid Edit Overview.
Show Track Lines
Show/Hide track lines associated with the Dynamic Grid. Lines can be used for Linked Editing as described in the section on the Slice Editor.
Show Lines
Show/Hide miscellaneous lines from the scene. Lines can be used for Linked Editing as described in the section on the Slice Editor.
Show ENC
This will show/hide the ENC layer. More information on ENCs can be found here.
Show Visited/Edited
This will show/hide the visited/edited layer. Visited areas are a white transparent layer, while edited areas are a red transparent layer. Use the Clear Visited/Edited option from the menu to clear it. The Slice Editor and the 3D Editor write to this layer.
Clear Visited/Edited
This will clear the visited/edited layer.
Select Mode
Changes toolbar to Select Mode.
Partition Mode
Changes toolbar to Partition Mode.
Generate Partitions
This will launch the Partition Grid Setup dialog shown below. Partitions can be either square or rectangular tiles. You must select the tile option, the maximum number of soundings allowed per tile, and optionally, a maximum tile size (square tiles only).
Examples of the two different partitioning types are shown below.
Square, 50k, 200m Limit
Rectangular, 50k Limit
Export Screen Capture
This will export an image of the current state of the Grid Edit Overview.
Using Grid Partitions
Grid partitions can be used to navigation the selection and systematically review and edit the entire grid. To move to a new partition tile, simply click in the desired tile and the selection will move. You can also use the movement shortcut keys (W, S, A, D) with the addition of the SHIFTkey to move the selection to another tile. Grid partitions can be used with the Fixed, Free, and Rectangular selection modes.
Remember that you can use grid partitions with either the Slice or 3D Editor. To stop using Grid Partitions, simply choose Select Mode on the toolbar or the associated Select Mode menu option.
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