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Qimera ENCs

Use the Qimera Preferences Dialog to change the render attributes of the ENCs. To turn on the display of the ENCs, see the Qimera Grid Edit Overview Dock or Qimera Scene Menu documentation.

Qimera displays a processed version of ENC with the extension .QNC.  QNCs are generated using the QPS ENC Administrator tool.  See the documentation on the ENC Administrator Tool for more information.  When Qimera is installed, a default set of world overview maps are added to the following location:

C:\Users\Public\Documents\QPS\Shared\Charts\World Overview

If you add additional ENCs using the ENC Administrator, simply create a folder inside the above folder when doing the conversion.  These maps will be automatically used by Qimera projects.  ENCs are used in Qimera for contextual information only and are not intended for navigation purposes.  They can be display in the Surface Edit Overview window as well as the main 4D Scene when in 2D mode.  As you zoom in or out of the scene, the detail level will automatically change as shown in the images below.


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