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Qimera Scene Menu

Qimera - Scene Menu

This menu provides control over the current scene by providing a number of actions available in the Qimera 4D Scene Toolbar and allows you to save screen captures or an encapsulated Fledermaus Scene object.

2D View

This option changes the scene to be viewed from above.  Navigation can be accomplished by using the mouse.  To navigate, use the mouse to Left-Click-Drag to pan throughout scene.  Use the mouse-wheel or Center-Click-Drag to zoom in/out of the scene.  Also use a Center-Click to re-center the scene.

3D View

This option changes the scene to behave as if it were on a turntable.   Use the mouse to Left-Click-Drag left or right to rotate the scene.  Use the mouse to Left-Click-Drag up or down to pitch the scene.  Use the mouse-wheel or Center-Click-Drag to zoom in/out of the scene.  Also use a Center-Click to re-center the scene.

Zoom to Scene

This option zooms out to the extents of all objects in the scene.

Zoom to Selected Objects

This option zooms out to the extents of all selected objects in the scene.

Center View on KP...

This will prompt you to enter a KP value along the project's active route and then move the view to be centered on that KP position. If the project does not have a route, the action will be disabled. For more details on routes and KP, see the Project Layers dock.

Tool Modes

Explore Mode

This is the primary cursor mode used for navigation in the scene as described above.  Each tool mode can be overridden by holding down the SHIFT key to return to navigation behavior.

Rectangular Select

When in this mode, Left-Click-Drag to draw a selection box.  This selection mode has specific capabilities that are described in detail in the section on the Main Toolbar.

Polygon Select

When in this mode, Left-Click to draw the vertices of a polygon selection.  Click on the first point to close the selection.  This selection mode has specific capabilities that are described in detail in the section on the Main Toolbar.

Freehand Select

When in this mode, Left-Click-Drag to draw a selection area.  This selection mode has specific capabilities that are described in detail in the section on the Main Toolbar.

Fixed Slice Select

When in this mode, Left-Click-Drag to draw a selection overview with slice box.  This selection mode has specific capabilities that are described in detail in the section on the Main Toolbar.

Free Slice Select

When in this mode, Left-Click-Drag to draw a selection overview with slice box.  This selection mode has specific capabilities that are described in detail in the section on the Main Toolbar.

Scroll Select

When in this mode, Left-Click and drag a shape to define a selection area.  This selection mode has specific capabilities that are described in detail in the section on the Main Toolbar.

Create Profile

When in this mode, Left-Click-Drag to draw a profile over a grid.  This selection mode has specific capabilities that are described in detail in the section on the Main Toolbar.

Measure Distance

When in this mode, Left-Click-Drag to over a grid and see the distance displayed in the status bar.  This selection mode has specific capabilities that are described in detail in the section on the Main Toolbar.

Selection Movement

These modes control a spatial selection in the scene that are typically used for editing soundings by the 2D Slice Editor or 3D Editor.

Adjust Selection Geometry

This will launch the Adjust Selection Geometry dialog shown below.  Depending on the type of selection, different sections will be enabled or disabled.   Also, see more information on the Qimera Selection Movement Toolbar.

Step Forward

This will move the current selection or slice in the direction of the selection arrow forward by approximately 90%.

Step Backward

This will move the current selection or slice in the direction of the selection arrow backward by approximately 90%.

Step Left

This will move the current selection or slice left of the direction of the selection arrow by approximately 90%.

Step Right

This will move the current selection or slice right of the selection arrow by approximately 90%.

Rotate Counter-Clockwise

This will rotate the current selection or slice anti clockwise by 1 degree.

Rotate Clockwise

This will rotate the current selection or slice clockwise by 1 degree.

Increase Size

This will increase the size of the current selection or slice by 20%.

Decrease Size

This will decrease the size of the current selection or slice by 20%.

Jump to End

If you have a scroll selection, this moves the slice to the end of the selected scroll line.

Play Forward

This will move the current selection or slice by 90% forward by the step interval time.


This will pause auto-movement of the selection.

Play Backward

This will move the current selection or slice by 90% backward by the step interval time.

Jump to Start

If you have a scroll selection, this moves the slice to the start of the selected scroll line.

Center Selection on KP...

This will prompt you to enter a KP value along the project's active route and then move the selection (and the view) to be centered on that KP position. If the project does not have a route, the action will be disabled. For more details on routes and KP, see the Project Layers dock.

Scene Bounding Box

Show Scene Bounding Box

This option will Show/Hide the outer bounding box of the entire scene

Show Scene Bounding Walls

This option will Show/Hide the scene walls if the scene bounding box is shown.

Show Scene Bounding Coordinates

This option will Show/Hide the scene coordinate display.

Navigation Widgets

Show 3D Turntable Widgets

This option will Show/Hide the interaction widgets in the Main Visualization Window.

Show Ruler Marks

This option will Show/Hide the tick marks and labels that are drawn along the turntable widget axis indicating the distance along the axis.

Show Rotation Angles

This option will Show/Hide the compass direction angle that is displayed by the top widget and angle of declination that is displayed by the left widget.

Show Scroll Bars

This option will Show/Hide the scroll bars for the Main Visualization Window.

Show Colormap Legend

This option will Show/Hide the colormap overlay on the scene when a Dynamic or Static grid is selected.

Show Object Selection Markers

This option will Show/Hide the selection highlight markers at the corners of an object's extents in the scene.

For all the other options, please see the section on the Qimera 4D Scene Toolbar.

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