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Qimera Status Bar

The Qimera status bar appears at the very bottom of the main Qimera window. It contains the following sections:

Information About the Cursor Position

As the cursor is moved over the 3D scene, the leftmost (and largest) section of the status bar shows information about the point underneath the cursor. The exact information shown will depend on the types of data present in the project and immediately beneath the cursor. In the screenshot above we see:

  • XY position: This is a simple 2D coordinate shown in the project's projected units. The coordinate's precision can be changed in the preferences.

  • Z position: If there is an object underneath the cursor, a Z coordinate will be displayed in the project's vertical unit.

  • Z position in alternate units: An alternate depth unit can chosen in the preferences. If it differs from the project's primary vertical unit, the Z position will be displayed in that unit and inside parentheses.

  • KP/DX: If the project has a Route layer, the cursor position relative to that route will be shown. To display this information, Qimera calculates the position on the route nearest to the cursor position. KP represents the "along track" component of that position, shown as the distance along the route of that point in project units divided by 1000. DX represents the "across track" component of the position and is displayed in project units. "Across track" refers to the perpendicular distance between the cursor and the route.

  • Geographic position: This is the XY position converted to the project's projection's underlying geographic coordinate system. The name of the coordinate system is shown in parentheses. The formatting of these coordinates can be changed in the preferences.

  • Layer properties: Some layer types, such as dynamic grids or scalars, may have additional properties to display about the cursor position. For example, in the screenshot above we can see that dynamic grid cell under the cursor has a sounding density of 28.

Additionally, some cursor modes may use this space to instead show mode-specific information. For example, in measure mode, information about the current measurement line is displayed (shown below).

Auto Import Status

This indicator shows the current status of the Automatic Raw Sonar Import feature. If active, the tool tip will show the folder currently being monitored for automatic importing.

Tile Loading Status

The next section contains the Tile Loading status.  During Dynamic Grid use, grid tiles are streamed from disk at various levels of detail based on the tile's distance from the eye-point.  Depending on the size of the grid, loading high detail tiles can be a time consuming process. This section indicates the streaming progress.

Memory Usage

The next section displays the total amount of memory that Qimera has allocated for its own use.  Typically the bulk of this will be made up of the grids you have created or ancillary contextual objects you have loaded.  The widget goes from green, to yellow, to red indicating how much of the available memory you are using.

Background Job Status

The final section contains an indicator to show that a background job is currently running.  If you don't have the Activity Monitor window visible, this provides an indication that background jobs are running.  If a red "X" appears on the widget, an error has occurred during processing and you should check for any error messages in the Activity Monitor log window.


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