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Qimera Export Menu

Qimera - Export Menu

The export menu allows you to export to various formats from raw files, processed point files, dynamic grids and static grids

Raw Sonar File

This sub-menu is active when Raw Sonar files are selected.


This will launch the Qimera Export Soundings to ASCII Dialog and will export the selected raw sonar files. 

to Processed Points

This will launch the Qimera Export Processed Points Dialog and will export the selected raw sonar files.

to GSF

This will launch the Qimera Export to GSF Dialog. If the file has not been processed, you will be asked to process the file first. The files will appear in the Export folder within the Project directory. 

to FAU

This will launch the Qimera Export to FAU Dialog. The files will appear in the Export folder within the Project directory. 


This option will export the selected sonar files to a QTR file for use with PREMO. You have the option to export all lines to a single file or individual files for each selected line. The files will appear in the project's Export folder.

To SD Points

This option will export the selected sonar files to SD Point objects.  Qimera will also pay attention to a spatial selection. You have the option to specify which systems to export.  Qimera will add a User Additional system for each multibeam head that will be the container for any water column picks that you add.  You also have the option to merge all the lines into a single SD and an option to automatically load the SD object to the scene.  Qimera exports the following attributes to the SD Point object:  X, Y, Z, Time, System, Ping, Beam, Intensity, Horizontal TPU, and Vertical TPU.

To SD Cluster

This option will export the selected sonar files to SD Cluster objects.  Qimera will also pay attention to a spatial selection.  You will see the same option dialog as you do when exporting SD Points.  You have the option to specify which systems to export.  You also have the option to merge all the lines into a single SD and an option to automatically load the SD object to the scene.

SD Cluster Export

If you have done water column picking of geophysical processes such as seeps, use this option to export only your water column picks (SystemName_UserAdditional) into a single SD Cluster object.  Then load this object into Fledermaus to do cluster analysis.  Remember you can do water column picking for all of your lines, then export all line picks into a single object using the Merge to single file option.

Track to ASCII

This will launch the Qimera Export Track To ASCII Dialog.

Processed Point File

This sub-menu is active when Processed Point files are selected.


This will launch the Qimera Export Soundings to ASCII Dialog and will export the selected processed point files. 

to Processed Points

This will launch the Qimera Export Processed Points Dialog and will export the selected processed point files.

to FAU

This will launch the Qimera Export to FAU Dialog. The files will appear in the Export folder within the Project directory. 


This option will export the selected sonar files to a QTR file for use with PREMO. You have the option to export all lines to a single file or individual files for each selected line. The files will appear in the project's Export folder.

Dynamic Grid

This sub-menu is active when a Dynamic Grid is selected.

to ASCII/Grid

This option launches the Qimera Export Grid Dialog to export the selected dynamic Grid to a number of different grid formats.

to Image

This option launches the Qimera Export Grid as Image Dialog, followed by a file browser dialog to select the filename of the exported image. 

to 3D PDF

This will open a file browser dialog to save the currently selected Grid as a 3D PDF. 

to KML

This option launches the Qimera Export Grid to KML Dialog to export the currently selected Grid to KML and KMZ formats. 

to Static Grid File

This will open a file browser to select the name for the exported Static Grid file.

to Static Grid Layer

This will launch the Qimera Export Static Grid Layer dialog.

to Soundings

This will launch the Qimera Export Grid to Soundings dialog.

to Shoal Soundings

This will launch the Qimera Export Shoal Soundings Dialog.

to Bag

This will launch the Qimera Export BAG Wizard.


This will launch the Output Grid dialog.

to BBH File

This will open a file browser to select the name for the exported BBH file.

BBH is an acronym for Basis Bestand Hoogte which is a format used by the Rijkswaterstaat (Dutch government) to store gridded data together with slope information in a database.

The export is only available for dynamic grids as it will require the sounding grid and the QPD footprints the grid is generated from.

For all footprints contributing to a grid cell a regression plane is calculated. From this plane, the slope parameters are calculated and needed for the export.
The calculation is only performed when 6 or more footprints are contributing to a grid cell.


BBH Versie 2.2,grid

Field description:






X ordinate of the center of the grid cell



Y ordinate of the center of the grid cell



Mean depth of all footprints contributing to the grid cell


Hit Count

The number of footprints contributing to the grid cell



The calculated standard deviation of the footprint depths contributing to the grid cell


Corrected SD

The corrected SD for the calculated slope


Slope Angle

The slope angle with respect to the vertical


Slope Direction

The slope direction with respect to grid north


Direction Coefficient X

The direction coefficient of the regression plane in the X-direction


Direction Coefficient Y

The direction coefficient of the regression plane in the Y-direction

Fields 6 until 10 are left empty when there are less than 6 footprints contributing to the cell.
Field 5 is left empty when less than 3 footprints are contributing to the cell.

Static Grid

This sub-menu is active when a Static Grid is selected.

to ASCII/Grid

This option launches the Qimera Export Grid Dialog to export the currently selected static grid to a number of different grid formats.

to Image

This option launches the Qimera Export Grid as Image Dialog, followed by a file browser dialog to select the filename of the exported image. 

to 3D PDF

This will open a file browser dialog to save the currently selected grid as a 3D PDF. 

to KML

This option launches the Qimera Export Grid to KML Dialog to export the selected grid to KML and KMZ formats. 

Scalar Object

This sub-menu is active when a Scalar Object is selected.

to grid

This option launches the Qimera Export Grid Dialog to export the selected scalar object to a number of different grid formats.

to Image

This option exports a GeoTIFF or JPEG with a world file for the selected scalar object.

Line Object

This sub-menu is active when a Line Object is selected.

to XYZ

This option launches the Qimera Export Line to XYZ Dialog, followed by a file browser dialog in order to select the exported XYZ filename. 

to KML

This option launches a file browser to select the exported KML filename. 

to DXF

This option launches the DXF/DWG Revision Dialog, followed by a file browser dialog in order to select the exported DXF filename.

to DWG

This option launches the DXF/DWG Revision Dialog, followed by a file browser dialog in order to select the exported DWG filename.

Point Object

This sub-menu is active when a Point Object is selected.

to File

This will launch a file browser to select the name for the exported file and the format type. In the file browser, use the 'Save as type' drop down menu to specify the file type.  You can save line objects as XYZ or KML file types.


This sub-menu is active when SVP files are selected.


This will output each selected SVP file to the export folder with the naming svpfilename.txt.  It will only contain depth (meters) and sound speed (meters/sec).

to Caris

This will launch a file browser to select the name for the exported file.  All selected SVP files will be combined into a single export file using the Caris format.  The extension of the file will be .svp.

to Hypack Version 2

This will output each selected SVP file to the export folder with the naming svpfilename.vel in the Hypack version 2 format.  It will contain a header line of "FTP NEW 2" followed by depth (meters) and sound speed (meters/sec) entries.

to Hypack Version 3

This will output each selected SVP file to the export folder with the naming svpfilename.vel in the Hypack version 3 format.  It will contain a header line containing latitude, longitude, time and date. An example would be "FTP NEW 3 39.123456789 -145.123456789 08:46 02/14/2018".  The header will be followed by depth (meters) and sound speed (meters/sec) entries.

Export s57

This will create an ENC file (.000) from the selected Chart layer in the Project Layers Dock.

Export Screen Capture

This option launches the Qimera Screen Capture Dialog dialog to save the current scene view to an image file.

Export to NOAA CSV Format

This option exports a CSV file containing metadata for each of the selected raw sonar files.  The metadata columns in the CSV file are:

MB Line Filename, Speed, HDG, Longitude Min, Longitude Max, Latitude Min, Latitude Max, Linear Distance, Min Time, Max Time, SVP File Applied, Julian Day, Date (UTC)

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