Qimera Export Track To ASCII Dialog
How to Start
- Track to ASCII... option of the Export→Raw Sonar File sub-menu of the Main Menu toolbar.
- Track to ASCII... option of the Source→Export sub-menu when selecting a file in the Project Sources window.
What it Does
This dialog can be used to export Vessel Tracks to ASCII with user configurable fields. The exported files, depending on the Reference Point selection, will be appended with '_cog_' and '_head_#' in the desired output directory.
General Description
Reference Point
There are two available reference point items that can be exported, Vessel COG and All Transducer Systems. The Vessel COG exports the track of the defined vessel centre of gravity for each source file. The All Transducer Systems checkbox will export the track of all systems/heads available in the source file.
Each field can be enabled or disabled by clicking the checkbox for the corresponding item. The fields can be moved by drag and drop or by selecting the desired field and using the Move Up and Move Down buttons. Global checking and unchecking can be performed using the corresponding buttons Check All and Uncheck All. The initial ordering of the Fields List is aphabetical and can be re-applied using Reset Order button. Once selection and ordering are completed the configuration will be saved when the Ok button is clicked. This configuration will automatically be loaded when the dialog is presented for all future instances.
Format Options
Selecting the Include Header checkbox will result in the final output file containing a header reflecting the selection in the Fields Group. The Header text will be preceded by '#' and include the selected Separator between the fields.
The Separator combobox allows the user to choose from a pre-set list or enter a custom, single character, separator. When selecting the Custom option a Textfield is displayed allowing the user to enter their desired separator.
Data Options
Selecting the Invert Z option will invert all height values.
Output Coordinate System
The output coordinate system allows the user to change the coordinate system that the resulting output will be referenced to. By default the project system will be set on launch.
Export Options
The user can select a output directory that the ASCII Track files will be written to. If a folder is selected that already contains files with identical names the user will be warned about overwriting.
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