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Qimera Export Grid to Soundings

How to Start

  1. to Soundings... option of the Export→Dynamic Grid sub-menu of the Main Menu toolbar. 

What it Does

This dialog is used to Export dynamic grid information to configurable ASCII output. 

General Description

After selecting a dynamic grid from the project layers, this option can be used to export dynamic grid information created from the source files used to build the grid. If you have selected an area with the selection tool the main work area you can limit the export to that region.


Each field can be enabled or disabled by clicking the checkbox for the corresponding item. The fields can be moved by drag and drop or by selecting the desired field and using the Move Up and Move Down buttons. Global checking and unchecking can be performed using the corresponding buttons Check All and Uncheck All. The initial ordering of the Fields List is aphabetical based and can be re-applied using Reset Order button. Once selection and ordering are completed the configuration will be saved when the Ok button is clicked. This configuration will automatically be loaded when the dialog is launched. 

Format Options

Selecting the Include Header checkbox will result in the final output file containing a header reflecting the selection in the Fields Group. The Header text will be preceded by '#' and include the selected Separator between the fields. 

The Separator combobox allows the user to choose from a pre-set list or enter a custom, single character, separator. When selecting the Custom option a Textfield is displayed allowing the user to enter their desired separator. 

The Time Format can be modified when the Date Time field is selected in the Fields list. There are several predefined formats that can be selected or the user can enter their own format in the combobox. An ASCII example of the selected format output is displayed below the Time Format combobox.  The Time Format expression can be separated by any ASCII character the user chooses. The last used Time Format will be saved and loaded by default when the user selects 'OK' to start the export.  

The following formatting options can be used when manually creating a Time Format




the hour without a leading zero (0 to 23 or 1 to 12 if AM/PM display)


the hour with a leading zero (00 to 23 or 01 to 12 if AM/PM display)


the minute without a leading zero (0 to 59)


the minute with a leading zero (00 to 59)


the second without a leading zero (0 to 59)


the second with a leading zero (00 to 59)


the milliseconds without a leading zero (0 to 999)


the milliseconds with leading zeros (000 to 999)

AP or A

AM/PM display (upper-case)

ap or a

am/pm display (lower-case)




the day as number without a leading zero (1 to 31)


the day as number with a leading zero (01 to 31)


the abbreviated day name (Mon to Sun)


the full day name (Monday to Sunday)


the month as a number without a leading zero (1-12)


the month as a number with a leading zero (01-12)


the abbreviated month name (Jan to Dec)


the full month name (January to December)


the year as two digit number (00 - 99)


the year as a four digit number (2018)

Data Options

Selecting the Invert Z option will invert all height values. Currently this corresponds to Footprint Z, Transducer Z and Vessel Z. 

Selecting the Filter Soundings... Button allows additional filtering options by launching the Filter Dialog.

Filter Dialog

The Filter dialog allows filtering data prior to exporting. All user selections will be saved on export excluding the Scope of Record and Systems list for all future exports. 

Scope Of Record

If a selection is made using one of the selection tools in the main work area, this option will allow the user to export based on that selection or the entire area. If the scope of record option is not visible your selection may have been cleared prior to launching the dialog.

Base Record Selection On

Filter soundings based on All Soundings, Accepted Soundings or Rejected Soundings. 

Refine Selection

Filter soundings based on flags applied by the user at a previous processing stage.


In the case of a multi head system a filter can be used to remove additional data collection systems by unticking the corresponding system box.  

Output Coordinate System

The Output Coordinate System is used to change the coordinate system that the resulting output will be referenced to. By default the project system will be set on launch. 

Export Options

If multiple files are selected for export these can be merged into one single export file using the Merge radio button or written to individual files using the Convert each file individually radio button. Folders and files can be created using the corresponding browse buttons or entering text into the fields following your operating system convention. 

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