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Qimera Tools Menu

Qimera - Tools Menu

The tools menu allows you to launch specialized tools, manually execute specific operations on selected lines, or launch a number of plug-in based utility tools.

Vessel Editor...

This option launches the Vessel Editor.

SVP Editor...

This option launches the SVP Editor.

Navigation Editor...

This option launches the Navigation Editor.

Cable/Pipe Tracker Sensor Editor...

 This option launches the Cable/Pipe Tracker Sensor Editor tool. 

Patch Test Tool...

This option launches the Patch Test tool. 

Wobble Test Tool...

This option launches the Wobble Test tool.

Cable/Pipe TOP Detection Tool...

This option launches the Qimera Cable/Pipe TOP Detection Tool

Cross Check Tool...

This option launches Cross Check tool.

TU Delft Sound Speed Inversion...

This will start the TU Delft Sound Speed Inversion on the selected raw sonar files.

Dynamic Grid Shifts menu

Line Height Matching Tool...

This option launches the Line Height Matching tool.

Static Vertical Shift Tool...

This option launches the Calculate Static Vertical Shift tool.

Varying Vertical Shift Tool...

This option launches the Calculate Varying Vertical Shift tool.

Adjust Vertical Shifts...

This option launches the Adjust Vertical Shifts dialog.

Static Horizontal Shift Tool...

This option launches the Calculate Static Horizontal Shift tool.

Adjust Static Horizontal Shifts...

This option launches the Adjust Static Horizontal Shifts dialog.

Heave/Swell Removal Tool

This option launches the Heave/Swell Removal dialog.

Auto Process

This will launch any required processing as determined by Qimera's Dynamic Workflow.

Manual Processing

After any of the above processes are completed (except for spatial index updating), any Dynamic Grids containing these lines and set for Automatic Update will be updated.

Sound Velocity Correction

This will manually start a Sound Velocity Correction job on the selected raw sonar files.

Direct to QPD

This will manually start a Direct to QPD job on the selected raw sonar files. 

For Kongsberg .ALL and .GSF files this process is run automatically during import. In the event manual sounding solutions have been computed they can be reverted to real-time solutions using this menu item. 

Re-Nav XYZ

This will manually start a Re-Nav XYZ job on the selected raw sonar files. 

Re-Nav XY

This will manually start a Re-Nav XY job on the selected raw sonar files. 

Re-Nav Z

This will manually start a Re-Nav Z job on the selected raw sonar files.


This sub-menu is only available if a TCARI model has been imported with Qimera Add Tide Definition File Dialog. It allows for download/import and calculation of the TCARI tide solution.

Update Spatial Index

This will manually start an Update Spatial Index job on the selected raw sonar or processed point files. 

Rescan Time Series Data

This will manually start a metadata extraction job the selected raw sonar files. It will extract the original time series data such as position, motion, heading, etc.

Any edits you have done to the time series data for the selected files will be lost.

Delete Water Column Picks

This will delete all water column picks for the selected lines.  Any soundings you picked from the water column viewer will be lost.

Edit Processing Settings...

This will launch the Processing Settings dialog for the selected files.

Launch Swath Editor

This will launch the Swath Editor on the selected line.  If no line is selected, the first processed raw sonar file will be selected.

Launch 2D Slice Editor

This will launch the Slice Editor on the selected Dynamic Grid using the selected area.  If no Dynamic Grid is selected, the first Dynamic Grid will be selected.  If no area is selected, an area in the center of the Dynamic Grid will be selected using the Fixed Slice Selection mode.

Launch 3D Editor

This will launch the 3D Editor.


This sub-menu contains utilities shipped with Qimera. The sub-menu (the utility) name will reflect the process. There may be instances where utilities are unavailable depending on licensing options. 

QPS Plugins

This sub-menu contains plug-ins that can be used with Qimera. The sub-menu (the plugin) name will be the name of the 3rd party that created the filter. 

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