Select a raw source file with Cable/Pipe Tracker Sensors and select Tools → Cable/Pipe Tracker Sensor Editor...
What it Does
This dialog allows you to edit and smooth any pipe tracker sensor data. When changes are saved and the dialog is closed the changes will be written back to the QPD files. If these QPD files are related to any dynamic grids present an update will be performed on the associated grids. Smoothing Filter changes will be written back to any associated Dynamic Pipes. Accepting/Rejecting/Clipping sensor data will not remove dynamic pipe nodes and it is recommended that you re-process any dynamic pipes manually after saving any of these edits.
The dialog toolbar contains everything you need to interact with this dialog and its associated plots.
This is the primary exploration mode of the tool. All the plots are linked, therefore exploring in one plot will match the horizontal span in another plot. As you move your cursor over the plot, the label in the lower left of the window will update to show information based on the selected Source data and Ancillary Plots.
Zoom In
When in zoom mode, simply click and drag an area of the plot to zoom into. At any time, you can Shift-Click to pan the plot to a new location. Vertical scale zoom can activated by holding the Ctrl key and using the mouse wheel.
Reset Zoom
If you have zoomed into an area of the plot, this button will zoom out to the extents of all the plot data. This will reset all plots due to their zoom/scroll linkage.
Save Edits
Selecting this button will save any edits you have made. Once changes are saved the undo/redo stack will be cleared.
Reject Selection
This button places the cursor in Reject Selection mode. Use the selection style and selection area drop down buttons to modify the selection style. Rejecting in one plot will reject the same time based data in all of the plots. This includes sensors that are not currently plotted.
Accept Selection
This button places the cursor in Accept Selection mode. Use the selection style and selection area drop down buttons to modify the selection style. Accepting data in one plot will accept the same time based data in all of the plots. This includes sensors that are not currently plotted.
Selection Style
This button changes the selection style of both the Reject and Accept buttons. Clicking this will cycle through each of the styles, or long pressing will give you a drop down menu to select the style.
Selection Area
This button changes the selection area of both the Reject and Accept buttons. Clicking this will cycle through each of the options, or long pressing will give you a drop down menu to select the option.
Range Selection
This button changes the selection tool to Selection Range mode which can be used for Smoothing Filters and Clipping Filters depending on the plot type selected.
If you have a Range Selection on the Depth and Across plots you will be able to Manage and Run the Smoothing Filters. Any smoothing will only be applied to the Depth and Across data.
If you have a Range Selection on any of the ancillary plots this will enable the Manage Clipping Filters and Run Clipping Filters. Any clipping filters will reject its associated Ancillary data and therefore reject time based samples in all available data.
Smoothing Dialog
The Smoothing Dialog allows you to configure and perform smoothing operations on specified data. A smoothing preview will be shown in the main dialog when Show Preview is checked. The preview will be updated with all changes made to the settings. Selecting the Smooth button will apply your settings, smooth your data and close the dialog. Selecting cancel will not apply and close the dialog. All smoothing changes are added to the Undo/Redo stack for the duration of the Cable/Pipe Tracker Sensor Editors lifetime.
The Smoothing Algorithm options are;
Boxcar Averaging - a moving average filter who's size is based on the Window Size sample count.
LOWESS - Locally Weighted Scatterplot Smoothing uses non parametric least squares to fit a line to data samples based on the Window Size sample count.
The Window Size offers an approximation of time based on the sample count used in the smoothing algorithm.
The Maximum Gap value allows you to smooth across data gaps within or between lines. The smoothing of a sample will never consider samples on the other side of gaps larger than this value. It should be noted that this does not fill in points that have been rejected by the user and all edits will remain intact.
The Affected Data radio buttons allow you to select what data the smoothing algorithm will be applied too.
The Operation radio buttons allows you to select which smoothing operation you would like to perform. Smooth Current Values will smooth the current data which may contain previously smoothed data. Smooth Original Values will remove all previous smoothing and apply smoothing to the original data. Remove smoothing will remove all previous smoothing.
The Show Preview checkbox will show/hide a smoothed representation of your data in the main dialog.
Manage Clipping Filters
This will launch the Clipping Filters dialog that allows for the configuration of filters that apply to Ancillary data. Each available filter will displayed and can be enabled or disabled using the checkbox and its limits modified using the associated spin boxes. Filters are defined as Clip Inside, Clip Outside or Keep and can be identified by the text in the combo boxes. Only filters related to available Ancillary Data will be visible so you may not have all the available options displayed in the image below. You can export the dialog as an image for reporting using the Export Window as Image button.
Run Clipping Filters
This button will run the current Clipping Filters (accept/reject). If no Range Selection is made it will run on the full extent of the data. Clipping filter are applied in the same way as the Accept and Reject selection tools in that it will apply the edits to all sensor data both visible (plotted) and non-visible (not plotted). You can Undo / Redo all filters in the order in which they are checked in the Manage Clipping Filters dialog.
This will undo the last operation. The undo buffer is pseudo-infinite and limited only by memory. So it will undo each edit in sequence. The Undo buffer clears when you save your edits. If you have run multiple Clipping Filters they will be stacked in the order as shown in the Manage Clipping Filters dialog.
This will redo the last undo operation. The redo buffer is pseudo-infinite and limited only by memory. So it will redo each edit in sequence. The Redo buffer clears when you save your edits.
Plot Point Size
This button will change the point and line size drawn in the plots. If you click and hold the button, it will display a menu where you can select point sizes between Small and XX-Large. Simply clicking will cycle through all sizes.
Toolbar Menu
Save Edits
This item will save any edits and will clear any undo redo items.
Vertical Layout
This item will convert the dialog into a vertical layout form.
Horizontal Layout
This item will convert the dialog into a horizontal layout form.
Export Plot as Images
This item will export all visible plots as images to a user specified directory. Note that this will not export non-visible sensor data and 'only' the visible plots on screen.
Revert to Original
This item will revert all smoothing, clipping and edits applied to the selected System and Beam number and all current unsaved edits will be lost. The data will be reverted to its original form.
Show Original
This item will show/hide the original data represented as a line. This data line cannot be edited or manipulated in any way and is for visual purposes only.
Show Grid Lines
This item will show/hide plot gridlines.
Detections Comboboxes
The Detections Comboboxes list the Systems and beams available in the source data that can be plotted. Switching system or beam will require saving or discarding any unsaved changes.
Ancillary Comboboxes
The Ancillary Comboboxes list the Ancillary data this is available to plot. If no ancillary data is present in the source files these comboboxes will be set to 'None'. If you wish to only observe a single plot you can manullay set the other comboboxes to 'None'. Switching Ancillary comboboxes does not require saving of the data.