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Qimera Adjust Vertical Shifts Tool

How to Start

Adjust Vertical Shifts option from the Tools→Dynamic Grid Shifts menu in the Main Menu bar.

What it Does

This dialog is used to clear, set or change the different types of vertical shifts that are applied to a selection of files.  Qimera has 3 different vertical shifts that are combined to alter the Z position of the transducer which will then change the footprint positions.  You can review the shifts applied to each file in the Processing Settings Dialog

The other vertical shift tools are expected to be the primary interfaces for setting vertical shifts, but this tool is provided for those needing finer grained or more explicit control over their shifts.

General Description

  • Applying the Static Shift

    • When you click OK, the desired shift or clear will be applied to every transducer of every file from the selection above.  This means that every footprint will be changed by the desired amount in the Z (depth) direction.  Once the shifting is complete, Qimera will prompt the user to rebuild any of the affected Dynamic Grids.  The applied or cleared shifts can be reviewed in the Processing Settings Dialog.

  • Types of vertical shifts

    • Line Height Matching Shift

    • Static Vertical Shift

    • Varying Vertical Shift

      • Use the Varying Vertical Shift Tool to set this shift.   This shift may be different for every ping in each file based on the continuous displacement between a dynamic grid and a reference grid.

Files to Shift

This drop down controls the set of files the adjustment will be applied to.

  • The first entry, Selected Raw Sonar Files, will be enabled if one or more raw sonar files are currently selected in the Project Sources Dock. If selected, the adjustment will be applied to those files and only those files, regardless of which dynamic grids they are used in.

  • Further entries appear for each dynamic grid in the project. If selected, the adjustment will be applied to all raw sonar files in that grid.

Clear all vertical shifts

This option will entirely clear all the vertical shifts, setting them to zero and disabling their use in the Processing Settings Dialog.

Clear line height matching shift

This option will entirely clear the vertical shift calculated in the Line Height Matching Tool, setting it to zero and disabling its use in the Processing Settings Dialog.

Clear varying vertical shift

This option will entirely clear the vertical shift calculated in the Varying Vertical Shift Tool, setting it to zero and disabling its use in the Processing Settings Dialog.

Clear static vertical shift

This option will entirely clear the vertical shift calculated in the Static Vertical Shift Tool (or previously set by this dialog), setting it to zero and disabling its use in the Processing Settings Dialog.

Adjust static vertical shift by

This option will add the specified value to the vertical shift of each file individually.

Replace static vertical shift by

This option will set the vertical shift to exactly the values specified, ignoring any shifts set previously in this dialog or in the Static Vertical Shift Tool.

Applying the Static Shift

One satisfied with the selections made above, the user can click the Save Shifts button. Qimera will then prompt for confirmation, and then save the shift adjustment to all files chosen under Files to Shift. The user may then reprocess those files and see the dynamic grids update.

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