The Navigation Editor allows basic inspection and cleanup of horizontal and vertical position data.
To launch the editor, select the source files of interest in the Project Sources dock and choose Navigation Editor... from the Tools menu. The tool will then load the primary horizontal and vertical position times series for those files and display them in a pair of plots. Each source file is assigned its own colour, which is also displayed next to the file in the Project Sources dock to help identify and distinguish between files.
Functionally, the Navigation Editor is very similar to the Time Series Editor dock, but provides addition functionality more specific to navigation editing. The most obvious difference is the 2D plot, which allows viewing X and Y data together for ease of inspection and editing. Below it is the height plot showing the corresponding Z data. Each plot has its own toolbar providing options for editing and navigation. For information on plot grid navigation and editing, see the Qimera Plotting Grids documentation.
A status line at the bottom of the dialog show information about the location the mouse cursor is currently over.
This is the primary exploration mode of the plots. Click and drag to pan.
Zoom In
Click and drag a rectangle to zoom to.
Reset Zoom
Reset the plot to its initial zoom level, making the entire range of data visible.
This will save any edits done to the time series. Saving edits will trigger a reaction from the Dynamic Workflow engine, marking the affected files for reprocessing.
Synchronize XY/Z Edits
If checked, as it is by default, any mode changes or edits performed in the XY plot are automatically performed in the Z plot and vice versa. For example rejecting a few seconds of height samples will automatically reject all corresponding horizontal position samples as well. If you would prefer to treat the two plots as completely independent, just uncheck this option.
Editing Tools
These work identically to how they do in the Time Series Editor dock, allow samples to be rejected and for holes to be cut in the time series.
These tools allow selecting an area of samples for filtering. In the XY plot a rectangular area can be selected. In the Z area a one-dimensional time span can be selected. Holding the Alt key while selecting allows selecting multiple disjoint areas. If the Synchronize XY/Z Edits button is checked, this selection will be mirror across both plots.
Move Mode
This tool allows you to shift a selected number of points in the height plot. The samples within the selection window will be highlighted. Then, with the mouse inside this selection area, you can click and drag the points to their new desired location.
The Smoothing Dialog allows you to configure and perform smoothing operations on specified data. A smoothing preview will be shown in the main dialog when Show Preview is checked. The preview will be updated with all changes made to the settings. Selecting the Smooth button will apply your settings, smooth your data and close the dialog. Selecting cancel will not apply and close the dialog. All smoothing changes are added to the Undo/Redo stack for the duration of the Navigation Editors lifetime.
The Smoothing Algorithm options are;
Boxcar Averaging - a moving average filter who's size is based on the Window Size sample count.
The Window Size offers an approximation of time based on the sample count used in the smoothing algorithm.
The Maximum Gap value allows you to smooth across data gaps within or between lines. The smoothing of a sample will never consider samples on the other side of gaps larger than this value. It should be noted that this does not fill in points that have been rejected by the user and all edits will remain intact.
The Affected Data radio buttons allow you to select what data the smoothing algorithm will be applied too.
The Operation radio buttons allows you to select which smoothing operation you would like to perform. Smooth Current Values will smooth the current data which may contain previously smoothed data. Smooth Original Values will remove all previous smoothing and apply smoothing to the original data. Remove smoothing will remove all previous smoothing.
The Show Preview checkbox will show/hide a smoothed representation of your data in the main dialog.
Plot Point Size
Click to quickly cycle through available point sizes. Click and hold access a menu allowing you to directly choose a size.
Both plots contain menus allowing access to the following actions:
Save to Image
This option allows saving the current contents of the plot to an image file.
Revert to Original
This action will be enabled if any modifications have been, allowing the data to be rolled back to its original state. This operation cannot be undone and any previous edits will be lost, so a confirmation dialog is shown.
Show Original
This item will show/hide the original data represented as a line. This data line cannot be edited or manipulated in any way and is for visual purposes only.
Show Rejected
This item will show/hide rejected data points.
Show Grid Lines
This option will show or hide the grid lines in the plot.
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