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Qimera Layer Menu

Qimera - Layer Menu

The layer menu provides the ability to add other contextual data to your project.

Add Fledermaus SD

Add a Fledermaus SD object to the scene.  If the SD object is in a different coordinate system than Qimera, it will be re-projected to the project coordinate system. 

Import Grid

This option opens a file browser to select supported grid files to import. It will then launch the Import Gridded Data wizard that is used to create a Fledermaus Sonar DTM SD object.

Import Image

This option opens a file browser to select supported image files to import.  It will then launch the Import Image dialog that is used to create a Fledermaus Image SD object.

Import Points for Visualization

This option opens a file browser to select supported point files to import.  It will then launch the Import Points dialog that is used to create a Fledermaus Point SD object.

Import Lines

This option opens a file browser to select supported line files to import.  It will then launch the Import Lines dialog that is used to create a Fledermaus Line SD object.

Import CAD

This option opens a file browser to select AutoCAD DXF/DWG files to import.  As well as QGF QPS files.  It will then launch the Import CAD dialog that is used to create a Fledermaus Model SD object.
This option now allows selecting multiple files at CAD import. If multiple files are selected, the results are combined in the Loaded CAD file dialog.

Since .sd objects can only contain one object type per file (e.g. points in one file, lines in another), a CAD file is "exploded" into a points and a lines .sd files. And the objects are named the same as the layer they belonged to. These are added under a single group with the group name coming from the CAD file. Visibility can be controlled separately for points and lines as well using the normal mechanisms.

Support was added for color, labeling, and line thickness for DXF/DWG/QGF. 

Import ArcGIS Shape

This option opens a file browser to select ESRI Shape files to import.  It will then launch the Import ESRI Shape dialog that is used to create a Fledermaus SD object of the appropriate type.

Import Chart

This option opens a file browser to import an ENC chart file (.00*).  The ENC will be converted to a Qimera QNC file and added to the project QNC folder and the Charts layers in the Project Layers dock.

Load Route from QGF File...

This action allows setting the project's active route. The project's active route is used for displaying KP/DX values in various places throughout the Qimera interface. For more information, see the Project Layers dock.

If the project already has an active route, it will be replaced.

Create KP Marker Labels...

This action creates a point object labeling KP values along the project's active route at a specified interval. The action is only enabled If the project has an active route. For more details on routes and KP, see the Project Layers dock.

Create Static Grid

This option launches the Create Static Grid dialog. 

Create Line Object From Current Selection

If you have a spatial selection, this option will create an SD Line object of the selection and add it to the Project Layers Dock.

Create Route From Current Selection

If you have a spatial selection, this option will create an SD route of the selection and add it to the Project Layers Dock.

This action allows setting the project's active route. The project's active route is used for displaying KP/DX values in various places throughout the Qimera interface. For more information, see the Project Layers dock.

If the project already has an active route, it will be replaced.

Create Dynamic Cable/Pipe From Current Selection

If you have a spatial selection, this option will create an SD Dynamic Cable/Pipe object of the selection and add it to the Project Layers Dock.

Create Plane

This option will create a 2D plane and add it to the project. A file browser will open where the location and name of the plane can be specified.


This option launches the Export Contours dialog to create a contour object within the current project.  You can export from either a Dynamic or Static grid. 

Spot Soundings

This option launches the Spot Sounding dialog to create depth points within a current project. You can only export from a Dynamic grid. 

Grid Difference

This option launches the Grid Difference wizard to compute the statistical differences between two grids. 
It will then present the Grid Statistics dialog and insert a Fledermaus Sonar DTM SD object that is a representation of the differences between the two selected grids. 

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