After setting the General Layout Information and Display Specific Settings (Overview - Display button), proceed to select items under Setup Data, General Data, Settings, Raw Data, Result Data and DTM.
Then return to the Overview - Layout button to configure the display.
Display Button
When creating a new Generic Display the Layout Editor defaults to Overview - Display.
Make selections and enter parameter values.
Layout Purpose cannot be changed when the Layout Editor is activated by creating a Generic Display from the Display Manager when online, i.e. Controller-Options-Displays. Locking options are: Not Locked, All Settings Locked (no settings can be adjusted in the lower pane), Only Layout Settings, Only Data Settings. When the Editor is invoked online by the Generic Display, the loaded database is always the current template database.
Click here for a description of all items...
Layout Purpose:
The purpose of the layout can only be changed when the Generic Layout Editor has been started from the QINSy Console
Driver The Driver Layout XML file must be saved in subfolder \Drivers\Definitions\Output of the QINSy Public Files folder: C:\Users\Public\Documents\QPS\QINSy\Drivers\Definitions\Output
Display The Display Layout XML file will be saved in subfolder \XML\Display of the current Project's Settings folder, or in the current Support Settings folder
Log File The Log File Layout XML file will be saved in subfolder \XML\LogFile of the current Project's Settings folder, or in the current Support Settings folder
Export The Export Layout XML file will be saved in subfolder \XML\Export of the current Project's Settings folder, or in the current Support Settings folder.
Notice that the subfolders are automatically created when installing QINSy, or when adding a new project in the Console.
The QINSy Public Files folders are easily accessible via the Tools pull-down menu in the Console, or using shortcut key Ctrl+Alt+Q. The Project's Settings folders are also easily accessible via the Tools pull-down menu in the Console, menu item Explore Project Folder....
Layout Locking:
Not Locked
All Settings Locked - When locked, no settings can be adjusted in the lower pane.
Only Layout Settings
Only Data Settings
Layout Version:
Free text. Not mandatory You may enter "now" to get the today's version number, using QPS's version number notation. The layout version will be visible to the user when selecting a layout in the Generic Output Driver.
Layout Name:
Free text. Not mandatory, but recommended. The layout name will be visible to the user when selecting a layout in the Generic Output Driver, in the Controller's Session Setup, Storage, Log File, or when selecting a layout in the Export Generic Wizard. When you created a new layout and save the layout xml the first time, by default this layout name will be used for the xml filename.
Additional Information:
Free text. Not mandatory Additional information about the layout will be visible to the user when selecting a layout in the Generic Output Driver, or when selecting a layout in the Export Generic Wizard.
The QINSy database that is used to extract the data settings (e.g. which Node Id, System Id, etc.) from.
When the editor is started from the Console, the loaded database is either the active template database, ór the last one loaded. This depends on the 'Always load active template at startup'-setting, which can be find under View Properties, General.
When the editor is invoked (always online) by the Generic Output Driver, the loaded database is always the current template database.
When the editor is invoked online by the Generic Display, the loaded database is always the current template database.
When the editor is invoked during replay by the Generic Display, the loaded database is always the active replayed database.
When the editor is invoked by the Export Generic module, the loaded database is always the first one visible on the first Export Wizard page.
Make selections and enter parameter values to control the general appearance of the display.
In choosing Color Source be aware:
Use S52 colors (Palette support). Only 16 different colors are available. These colors respond to the day/night palette of the Global Settings.
Use RGB colors. 140 colors are available (from file RGB.txt), but the colors will not be dimmed when the night palette is activated.
Update Mode options are:
Time Based - use the Refresh rate option in the display itself. Requires a valid Steered Node in the Controller.
Fix Based - updates the display at one of several fix intervals, i.e. every fix, every second fix, every fifth fix, etc. (see drop down list). Fix mode is set in the Controller - Settings - Session Setup - Fixing.
System Based - Select the system used to trigger the display, i.e. whenever new data is detected from that system, the display is updated.
Click here for a description of all parameters...
Color Source:
Use S52 colors (Palette support) Only 16 different colors are available. These colors are influenced by the day/night palette of the Global Settings.
Use RGB colors 140 colors are available (from file RGB.txt), but the colors will not be dimmed when the night palette is activated.
Background Color:
The background color of the display. Whether this color is influenced by the day/night palette of the Global Settings depends on the selected color source. This setting can also be changed in the display itself, under Edit, Display Properties.
Font Name:
The default display font. The list depends on the available/installed fonts on the computer This setting can also be changed in the display itself, under Edit, Display Defaults... It is this font that will be used for a layout item when that item has font property [From Display]
Font Size:
The default font size. This setting can also be changed in the display itself, under Edit, Display Defaults... It is this size that will be used for a layout item when that item has font size property [From Display]
Font Color:
The default font color. This color is influenced by the day/night palette of the Global Settings. This setting can also be changed in the display itself, under Edit, Display Defaults... It is this color that will be used for a layout item when that item has font color property [From Display]
Update Mode:
Time based
Fix based
System based
Event based
Only available when Update Mode is System based Select the system that triggers the display. I.e. whenever new data is detected for that system, the display will be updated. Only one system can be selected, and that system must be part of one of the selected items in your layout.
Update Rate:
Only available when Update Mode is Fix or System based. When Update Mode is set to Time based, you can use the Refresh rate option of the display itself. Notice that a valid Steered Node in the Controller is required in order to update the display when Update Mode is set to Time.
Only available when Update Mode is Event based The following events that may occur during an on-line session are currently supported:
when a fix is generated
when start recording
when paused recording
when the database is splitted during recording
when stop recording
when touchdown event fires
The display will only be triggered (updated) once, whenever one of the enabled events do occur.
This page shows the layout of all items selected so far. Saving the layout writes an XML file to the \CurrentProject\Settings\Display folder.
The display layout can be re-configured.
One of the ways to to do this is to highlight an item and use the and buttons to rearrange the layout order. Another option is to use the mouse in the actual display to drag and drop individual or blocks of items.
By default only a limited number of columns (General Columns) are shown in the layout overview.
Right clicking anywhere in the table pops up a menu with options, one of which is to add mode columns (Display Columns). The following Display Columns can be added:
The properties for any individual item are accessed by:
either double clicking on an item.
or highlighting an item and pressing .
In each case the definition page for that item is opened. Some properties are directly editable in the layout table.
Save the layout. Our example initially looks like this:
Properties Button
In the Layout Editor click on the Properties button.
Save Icon acts as Save As: the icon Save As opens a Windows dialog. When unchecked this icon is a Save button. The existing XML is then saved in its current location. Show Tooltips where applicable: Default is ON, meaning tool tips are shown when hovering the mouse over an icon. Grid Cell Combobox Alignment: governs location of Items, Sub Items, and Formats.
Make selections on the General tab of the View Properties dialog.
Make selections on the Colors tab of the View Properties dialog.
Make selections on the Defaults tab of the View Properties dialog.
In addition to the changes that can be made in the Layout Editor itself, Items can also be moved around within the main Generic Display dialog itself. The next image illustrates what happens when you click on an item, in this case 'BHD Pontoon CoG Sounding Grid', and drag to another location; the whole block of text below this item is also picked up and moved.
This means you have to separate blocks of text as illustrated in the next image where 'Date' was clicked and the block of text below was moved with it as the mouse was dragged to the left.
In this next image you see that there are several blocks created. Of course the idea is to move items around so related data are clustered. In order to accomplish this you may have to separate individual items so each can be moved independently. Once an item is isolated from other items it can be moved individually from then on, even when positioned right under another item.
As an example the display could end up with the layout shown in the next image.
Next it might be useful to highlight certain items with larger text and/or different colors. Using the right click menu select Display Properties. Modify one or more of the parameter values and notice that the changes apply to all items in the dialog.
In order to change individual items, either double-click on the item, or right click on the item and select Layout from the menu. Each method takes you to the appropriate page of the Layout Editor. In the item Properties pane, modify any one or more properties.
The Display and More Properties parameters offer the following options:
If User Defined is selected under More Properties, you can click on the browse button which opens the User Defined Format Specifiers dialog where all font related items can be changed for the individual item.
Here you can use predefined specifiers, your own text, spaces and tabs to define the label and position of the item value.