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Display specific settings

Display Layout is used by component DspGeneric.exe (Generic Display)
This display is available while working on-line or during replay.

Color Source:

  • Use S52 colors (Palette support)
    Only 16 different colors are available. These colors are influenced by the day/night palette of the Global Settings.
  • Use RGB colors
    140 colors are available (from file RGB.txt), but the colors will not be dimmed when the night palette is activated.

Background Color:

The background color of the display. Whether this color is influenced by the day/night palette of the Global Settings depends on the selected color source.
This setting can also be changed in the display itself, under Edit, Display Properties.

Font Name:

The default display font. The list depends on the available/installed fonts on the computer
This setting can also be changed in the display itself, under Edit, Display Defaults...
It is this font that will be used for a layout item when that item has font property [From Display]

Font Size:

The default font size.
This setting can also be changed in the display itself, under Edit, Display Defaults...
It is this size that will be used for a layout item when that item has font size property [From Display]

Font Color:

The default font color. This color is influenced by the day/night palette of the Global Settings.
This setting can also be changed in the display itself, under Edit, Display Defaults...
It is this color that will be used for a layout item when that item has font color property [From Display]

Update Mode:

  1. Time based
  2. Fix based
  3. System based
  4. Event based


Only available when Update Mode is System based
Select the system that triggers the display. I.e. whenever new data is detected for that system, the display will be updated.
Only one system can be selected, and that system must be part of one of the selected items in your layout.

Update Rate:

Only available when Update Mode is Fix or System based.
When Update Mode is set to Time based, you can use the Refresh rate option of the display itself.
Note that a valid Steered Node in the Controller is required in order to update the display when Update Mode is set to Time.


Only available when Update Mode is Event based
The following events that may occur during an on-line session are currently supported:

  • when a fix is generated
  • when start recording
  • when paused recording
  • when the database is splitted during recording
  • when stop recording
  • when touchdown event fires

The display will only be triggered (updated) once, whenever one of the enabled events do occur.

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