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Driver specific settings

Driver Layout is used by component DrvOutGenericUI.exe (serial output driver) or DrvOutGenericUIUDP.exe (network output driver)
These are only available on-line.

Output Mode:

  1. Time based
  2. Fix based
  3. System based
  4. Event based


Only available when Output Mode is System based
Select the system that triggers the update. I.e. whenever new data is detected for that system, the output update will be triggered.
Only one system can be selected, and that system must be part of one of the selected items in your layout.

Output Rate:

Only available when Output Mode is Time, Fix or System based


Only available when Output Mode is Event based
The following events that may occur during an on-line session are currently supported:

  • when coming online
  • when a fix is generated
  • when start recording
  • when paused recording
  • when the database is splitted during recording
  • when stop recording
  • when going offline
  • when eventing driver fires an event
  • when touchdown event fires


Free text and/or some binary characters.
The prefix text will proceed the very first item of the layout, but will not be delimited by that item (in case a field delimiter is used).
Supported binary characters:
'\TAB' = tab-character (ASCII 09), '\CR' = carriage return character (ASCII 13), '\LF' = linefeed character (ASCII 10)
'\STX' = stx-character (ASCII 2), '\ETX' = etx-character (ASCII 3)

Field Delimiter:

  1. [None]
  2. TAB
  3. SPACE
  4. COMMA
  5. [Advanced]

Advanced Delimiter:

Only available when Field Delimiter is set to [Advanced], meaning that not a 'standard' delimiter has been selected, or a combination of multiple delimiters.
The dialog for selecting a non-standard delimiter will show a limited (but most commonly used) list with delimiters to pick from.
In case your delimiter character is not present, you may change registry key
'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\QPS\QINSy\8.0\Utilities\GenericEditor\Settings\4_ShowAllDelimiters' from 0 to 1.


A checksum will be added just after the last field, prior to the termination character, but not delimited by a possible selected field delimiter.

  1. No
  2. NMEA (XOR)
    This checksum is the 8-bit exclusive OR of all characters in the message. A possible '$' start character will be excluded from the checksum.
    The outputted checksum code consist of two hexadecimal numbers, proceeded by a '*' character, so in total 3 characters.
  3. MODULO 256
    This checksum is the sum of all characters (ASCII code), and then modulo 256, so the result will always be a value between 0 and 255.
    The outputted checksum code will always consist of two hexadecimal numbers ('00' .. 'FF')
  4. CRC-16
    This checksum will be a crc-16 check for all characters in the message. A possible '@' start character will be excluded from the checksum calculation.
    The outputted checksum code will always consist of four hexadecimal numbers ('0000' .. 'FFFF')
    See for detailed information this page.
  5. CRC-32
    This checksum will be a crc-32 check for all characters in the message. A possible '#' start character will be excluded from the checksum calculation.
    The outputted checksum code will consist of eight hexadecimal numbers ('00000000' .. 'FFFFFFFF'), preceded by a '*' character, so in total 9 characters.


  1. [None]   - No termination character(s) added to the datastring
  2. CR+LF   - ASCII 13 + 10 (Carriage return + Linefeed)
  3. CR - ASCII 13 (Carriage return)
  4. LF - ASCII 10 (Linefeed)
  5. ETX - ASCII 3 (End Of Text)
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