SBG Systems
Find your system, corresponding driver and useful links below.
Useful links for Inertial Navigation Systems
How-to Applanix - POS MV - Setup with Qinsy
How-to Geodetic Items
How-to Timing in Qinsy
How-to Heading from multiple Positioning Systems
How-to Height - Tide and RTK
How-to Use/Setup RTK Tide
How-to Import Binary Navigation
Inertial Navigation Systems
Preferred drivers
Elipse2 - A
Pitch Roll Heave Sensor
Miscellaneous System
Gyro Compass
Position Navigation System
Time Synchronization System
Ellipse2 - D
Ellipse2 - E
Ellipse2 - N
Ekinox2 - A
Ekinox2 - D
Ekinox2 - E
Ekinox2 - N
Ekinox2 - M
Ekinox2 - U
Apogee - A
Apogee - D
Apogee - E
Apogee - N
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