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QPD items are only available for Export and not for Display, Driver nor Log File


It is recommended to set the Export Mode to Ping based in order to export all DTM QPD data:


More information about the Export Generic Wizard can be found here.

Parent Item
  • Default QPD (default)
    The QPD file that has the same filename as the selected database will be automatically used.
    Most useful when option 'Use Database storage name' is used in the online Session Setup:

    When there are two matching QPD files, one accepted by the Survey Manager and one not, then the not accepted one will be used.
  • [ Browse... ]
    The user must browse and select an existing QPD file.

Use the button to browse for a QPD file. The filename will be displayed in red when the (last) selected file is not found.

This option is only visible when the source is not the Default QPD.

Transducer:Select from the list with all possible transducers being used the one that should deliver the ping and footprint data.
  • Raw
    Original QPD data from an online recording or a replay session will be used.
  • Validated (default)
    Filtered QPD data (e.g validated using Qimera or the Validator) will be used.
Point Ids:
  • NONE, or leave <Empty>
    None of the selected 'Point' sub items will be used.
  • ALL
    The selected sub items will be repeated for all available points (or beams) for the current ping
    The center DTM point will be used for the selected 'Point' sub items.
    Formula used to calculate the center point number is: (Number of Points + 1) divided by 2.
    When your selected Transducer is the Detected Pipe, the Top of Pipe will be used.
  • Enter individual point id number, and/or comma and/or hyphen (or double-dot) separated.
    For example: "20-230" or "1,5,10,20-30" or "1-10,120,230-240", or "60..70, 80..90".
    Lowest possible point number is 1. The selected sub items will be repeated for each defined beam number
  • When your selected Transducer is the Detected Pipe, you should use the following Id:
    • 0: Seabed Left, 1: Trench Left, 2: Top of Pipe, 3: Trench Right, 4: Seabed Right.
      More convenient is to use:
    • TP for Top of Pipe
    • SL for Seabed Left, SR for Seabed Right
    • TL for Trench Left, TR for Trench Right

Sub ItemDescriptionValue Type

User defined text

Text Format
  • Normal Text
    Your own free plain text
  • Binary
    Enter one or more ASCII character codes, comma or space separated, in the range between 1 and 127.
    For example '2' for a binary STX character, '3' for a binary ETX character, or '13, 10' for CR+LF.
    See table ASCII Codes for an overview of all possible characters.

  • New Line
    Same as Binary but already formatted as '13, 10' (meaning CR+LF) and without a possible Field Delimiter.
    A Field Delimiter may be present when your layout purpose is for Export or ASCII Logging.


The file name of the selected (or active) QPD file

Show Full Path
  • Yes
    The filename preceded by the entire path name of the file location
  • No (default)
    The filename without path name of the file location

ReferenceValue depends on the Parent Items Reference property and will be 'Raw' or 'Validated'text

Ping Time

Time of the ping. Default in UTC, but you may use the Time Zone property to change this.time
Ping Counter

Internal issued incrementing ping counter.

Same value as seen as in the Validator Point Info pane, field: Ping (See all the way below).

(Used to be named 'Ping Number' in Qinsy v9.6.x and older)

Ping Number

Unique ping id as issued by the driver and stored in the raw databases.

Same value as seen as in the Validator Point Info pane, field: ID (See all the way below).

(Used to be named 'Ping Id' in Qinsy v9.6.x and older)

Object Id

Unique Id of the reference node of the object where the selected transducer is located on.

The same Id can also be seen as Object reference number in the right pane of Db Setup.

Will be empty when the Transducer is the Detected Pipe.

Object Name

Name of the reference node of the object where the selected transducer is located on.

Will be empty when the Transducer is the Detected Pipe.

Object Accepted

Value will be 'Yes' or 'No'.

Same value as seen as in the Validator Point Info pane, field: Accepted, when the mouse cursor is above an object track point (See all the way below).

Will be empty when the Transducer is the Detected Pipe.


Object Easting

Object Northing

Object Height

Grid position of the reference node of the object where the selected transducer is located on.

Easting and northing are always on Survey Datum, also known as Horizontal Datum. 

Height is always on Chart Datum, also known as Vertical Datum.

The values depend on the selected Reference property:

  • Raw
    The original values from the online recording or last replay session
  • Validated
    The filtered values from possible filter actions inside Qimera or the Validator.
    Values will remain empty when the object position status is Not Accepted

Will be empty when the Transducer is the Detected Pipe.


Object Latitude

Object Longitude

Geographical position of the reference node of the object where the selected transducer is located on.

Co-ordinates are by default on Survey Datum (or Horizontal Datum), but WGS84 (or ITRF2008) can also be selected.

The values depend on the selected Reference property:

  • Raw
    The original values from the online recording or last replay session
  • Validated
    The filtered values from possible filter actions inside Qimera or the Validator.
    Values will remain empty when the object position status is Not Accepted

Will be empty when the Transducer is the Detected Pipe.

Object DX

Distance across (DX) value for the object reference node location with respect to the current mainline.

Value remains empty when Reference property is Validated and the object position status is Not Accepted.

Will also be empty when the Transducer is the Detected Pipe.

Object KP

Kilometer point value for the object reference node location with respect to the current mainline.

Value depends on the selected Reference property (Raw or Validated).

Value remains empty when the current mainline is a POINT or when Reference property is Validated and the object position status is Not Accepted. or when the selected Transducer is the Detected Pipe.


Heading of the object where the selected transducer is located on.

When sub item reference property is grid, it will be the same value as seen as in the Validator Point Info pane, field: Heading (See all the way below).

Value remains empty when Reference property is Validated and the object position status is Not Accepted.

Will also be empty when the Transducer is the Detected Pipe.

  • True
    The heading value plus the grid convergence.
  • Grid (default)
    The heading value as is.




Motion of the object where the selected transducer is located on

Same value as seen as in the Validator Point Info pane, field Pitch, Roll and Heave (See all the way below).

Value remains empty when Reference property is Validated and the object position status is Not Accepted.

Will also be empty when the Transducer is the Detected Pipe.


Positioning Mode

Value (also known as Solution mode) coming straight from the Positioning System being used during the online acquisition of the DTM data.

Same value as seen as in the Validator Point Info pane, field: Position Mode (See all the way below).

Value remains empty when Reference property is Validated and the object position status is Not Accepted.

Will also be empty when the Transducer is the Detected Pipe.


The tide value that has been applied to the z component of the DTM points.

Value will be empty when no tide has been applied, or when Reference property is Validated and the object position status is Not Accepted, or when the Transducer is the Detected Pipe.

Transducer Id

System Id of the selected Transducer.

The value is unique and issued automatically when adding the system in the template setup.

Value will be -4 when the selected Transducer is the Detected Pipe.

Transducer NameSystem name of the selected Transducer.text
Transducer Accepted

Value will be 'Yes' or 'No'.

Same value as seen as in the Validator Point Info pane, field: Accepted, when the mouse cursor is above a transducer track point (See all the way below).


Transducer Easting

Transducer Northing

Transducer Height

Position of the selected transducer node location.

Easting and northing are always on Survey Datum, also known as Horizontal Datum. 

Height is always on Chart Datum, also known as Vertical Datum.

When the selected multibeam system has separate TX/RX elements, the node of the TX element will be used.

The values depend on the selected Reference property:

  • Raw
    The original values from the online recording or last replay session
  • Validated
    The filtered values from possible filter actions inside Qimera or the Validator.
    Values will remain empty when the transducer position status is Not Accepted

Transducer Latitude

Transducer Longitude

Geographical position of the selected transducer node location.

Co-ordinates are by default on Survey Datum (or Horizontal Datum), but WGS84 (or ITRF2008) can also be selected.

The values depend on the selected Reference property:

  • Raw
    The original values from the online recording or last replay session
  • Validated
    The filtered values from possible filter actions inside Qimera or the Validator.
    Values will remain empty when the transducer position status is Not Accepted.

Transducer Horizontal TPU

Transducer Vertical TPU

Horizontal and vertical component of the Total Propagated Uncertainty value for the selected transducer node.

Same value as seen as in the Validator Point Info pane, field: Horizontal/Vertical TPU when the mouse cursor is above a transducer track point (See all the way below).

Value remains empty when Reference property is Validated and the transducer position status is Not Accepted.

Transducer Depth

The depth of the selected transducer under the waterline.

Note that it is this depth that is used as starting point for SVP ray-tracing.

Transducer DX

Distance across (DX) value for the transducer node location with respect to the current mainline.

Value remains empty when Reference property is Validated and the transducer position status is Not Accepted.

Transducer KP

Kilometer point value for the transducer node location with respect to the current mainline.

Value depends on the selected Reference property (Raw or Validated).

Value remains empty when the current mainline is a POINT or when Reference property is Validated and the transducer position status is Not Accepted.

Nadir Depth

The water depth at Chart datum of the transducer node location and is a combination of the transducer node height and the height of the closest DTM point (nadir beam).

Value depends on the selected Reference property (Raw or Validated) and remains empty when Reference property is Validated and the transducer position status is Not Accepted.


Point Id

Unique point number. Lowest value is 1 (or 0 in case of Detected Pipe).

Same value as seen as in the Validator Point Info pane, field: Beam (See all the way below).

Notice that in the Controller Echosounder Settings, Exclude beams field you will have to use the same value.

When the Transducer is the Detected Pipe, the following values can be expected:
0: Seabed Left, 1: Trench Left, 2: Top of Pipe, 3: Trench Right, 4: Seabed Right.

Point Accepted

Value will be 'Yes' or 'No'.

Same value as seen as in the Validator Point Info pane, field: Accepted, when the mouse cursor is above a footprint data point (See all the way below).


Point Easting

Point Northing

Point Height

DTM point (or footprint) co-ordinate.

Easting and northing are always on Survey Datum, also known as Horizontal Datum. 

Height is always on Chart Datum, also known as Vertical Datum.

Same value as seen as in the Validator Point Info pane, field: Easting/Northing/Height (See all the way below).

The values depend on the selected Reference property:

  • Raw
    The original values from the online recording or last replay session
  • Validated
    The filtered values from possible filter actions inside Qimera or the Validator.
    Values will remain empty when the concerned point is Not Accepted

Point Latitude

Point Longitude

Geographical co-ordinate of the DTM point (or footprint).

Co-ordinates are by default on Survey Datum (or Horizontal Datum), but WGS84 (or ITRF2008) can also be selected.

The values depend on the selected Reference property:

  • Raw
    The original values from the online recording or last replay session
  • Validated
    The filtered values from possible filter actions inside Qimera or the Validator.
    Values will remain empty when the concerned point is Not Accepted

Point Horizontal TPU

Point Vertical TPU

Horizontal and vertical component of the Total Propagated Uncertainty value for the concerned point.

Same value as seen as in the Validator Point Info pane, field: Horizontal/Vertical TPU when the mouse cursor is above a footprint data point (See all the way below).

Value remains empty when Reference property is Validated and the concerned point is Not Accepted.

Point Quality

DTM point quality value. Always between 0 and 255.

Same value as seen as in the Validator Point Info pane, field: Quality (See all the way below).

Value remains empty when Reference property is Validated and the concerned point is Not Accepted.

Point Intensity

DTM point intensity value

Same value as seen as in the Validator Point Info pane, field: Intensity (See all the way below).

Value remains empty when Reference property is Validated and the concerned point is Not Accepted.

Point Slant Range

Slant range (3D, grid) between the transducer node location and the point

The value depends on the selected Reference property (Raw or Validated)

Value remains empty when Reference property is Validated and the concerned point is Not Accepted.

Point DX

Distance across (DX) value for the DTM point co-ordinate with respect to the current mainline.

Value remains empty when Reference property is Validated and the concerned point is Not Accepted.

Point KP

Kilometer Point (KP) value for the DTM point co-ordinate with respect to the current mainline.

Value depends on the selected Reference property (Raw or Validated).

Value remains empty when the current mainline is a POINT or when Reference property is Validated and the concerned point is Not Accepted.

Point Status

An integer number, a bit-wise value (flag) representing one or more possible states about the concerned point.

It is recommended to use the Mask Operator together with a Translation table to convert the individual bits into readable text:

For an overview of all possible states please refer to the Footprint Data Status Table.

Point Extended Status

An integer number, a bit-wise value (flag) representing one or more possible extended states about the concerned point.

It is recommended to use the Mask Operator together with a Translation table to convert the individual bits into readable text:

For an overview of all possible extended states refer to the Footprint Data Extended Status Table.


Several sub item descriptions refer to fields in the Validator Point Info pane:

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