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Footprint Data Extended Status

110x00000001processedSuspectFootprint is marked as suspect during processing.
220x00000002exStatusExtraSoundingFootprint is marked as an additional sounding (multiple detection).
This is the second (or higher) footprint result of one single MBES beam.
340x00000004exStatusExtraUserSoundingFootprint is marked as an additional sounding by a user.
480x00000008exStatusInterpolatedSoundingBottom detection failed for this beam, sounding was interpolated from its neighbors.
This flag is taken from a Kongsberg *.all file. Footprint may be used for seabed imagery, but should not be used for bathymetric purposes.
5160x00000010exStatusBlockedNadirNew filter flags - reserved 16 bits for new filters.

92560x00000100exStatusFilterFilteredSpline is gone and has been consumed by this bit.
105120x00000200exStatusFilterCubeDeprecatedThis can be reused when we feel ready.
1340960x00001000exStatusIgnoreBlockingThis is used during filtering to optionally ignore the original blocking.
1481920x00002000exStatusCubeCustomHypothesisCube Custom Hypothesis.
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