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Hookup Operation - Qinsy and OrcaFlex Method

Qinsy and OrcaFlex Catenary method

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  1. Open dialog Controller, Session Setup, Anchors, Settings

    - Select for Catenary Method: OrcaFlex.

    - Select for the OrcaFlex Model File: Hookup Operation - QINSy.yml

    - Enter the Global Origin Co-ordinates: Should be close to the rig location (within degrees accuracy)

  2. Open dialog Controller, Session Setup, Anchors, Rig and Tug Setup

    - Select the Rig Chain Line object for each fairlead winch

    - Select the Work Wire Link object for each tug object.

  3. Open dialog Controller, Session Setup, Anchors, Anchor Setup

    - Select for the Anchor Deployed Line object the Anchor Deploy Line.

    - Select for the Preset Mooring Line object the Preset Mooring Line.



Anchor state: Dropped (Hooked).

  • OrcaFlex will use the Preset Mooring Line object to calculate a catenary wire between tug and anchor.
    The Work Wire Length observation will be used for the length of the first section for the preset mooring line object.



Anchor state: Dropped (Hooked).

  • OrcaFlex will use the Preset Mooring Line object to calculate a catenary wire between tug and anchor.
    The Work Wire Length observation will be used for the length of the first section for the preset mooring line object.

  • OrcaFlex will use the Rig Chain Line object to calculate a catenary wire between rig and tug.
    The Rig Chain Length observation will be used for the total length (all sections) for the rig chain line object.



Anchor state: Dropped (Deployed).

  • OrcaFlex will use the Anchor Deploy Line object to calculate a catenary wire between rig and anchor.
    The Rig Chain Length observation will be used for the length of the first section for the anchor deploy line object.

  • OrcaFlex will use the Work Wire Link object to calculate a wire between tug and the Anchor Deployed Line.
    The Work Wire Length observation will be used for the unstretched length for the work wire link object.



Anchor state: Dropped (Connected).

  • OrcaFlex will use the Anchor Deploy Line object to calculate a catenary wire between rig and anchor.
    The Rig Chain Length observation will be used for the length of the first section for the anchor deploy line object.

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