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Qimera Source Menu

Qimera - Source Menu

The source menu lets you add data to your current project.  This data can be raw sonar files, processed point files, external navigation, external tides external sound velocity profiles or other ASCII time series data.

Add Raw Sonar Files

This will launch the Add Raw Sonar Files dialog to enable you to add raw sonar files to your project.

Add Processed Point Files

This will launch the Add Processed Point Files dialog to enable you to add raw processed point files to your project.

Import and Split Large Processed Point Files

This will launch a file browser to select Large Processed Point Files (ie ASCII XYZ files, B93 Files, and LAS/LAZ Files). If ASCII XYZ files are selected, then Qimera will launch the Custom ASCII File Configuration dialog. The file(s) will be extracted and split into multiple QPD files and loaded into your project as processed point files. 

  • The source file is a parent item and the multiple QPDs are added underneath.
  • If you split a large point file into into multiple QPDs, it changes how Qimera recognizes the file. For example, given a large B93 file. If it's not split up, Qimera recognizes the file as a B93 that was converted to QPD. If you split it up, then Qimera simply recognizes the file as if you were importing just a QPD file. Because of this, we don't allow certain operations.
  • We do not support Edit TPU setup after the fact for sources files with multiple QPDs.
  • We do not support Unloading after the fact for sources files with multiple QPDs.

Add Binary Navigation Files

This will launch the file browser to select either POSPac, POSMV, NavLab, SRH or SBTC files.  Then Qimera will launch the Navigation Import Configuration dialog to enable you to configure the incoming navigation data.

Add Tide Files

This will launch an open file dialog which will then open Qimera Add Tide File Dialog.

Import SVP Files

This will launch a file browser for batch importing of SVP files. Files must be of the same type. Kongsberg, Reason, Qinsy, Caris, Hypack and ASCII SVPs are all supported. Opens a file browser and then the Import Sound Velocity Profiles Dialog

Add QPD Files From Project

This option will allow you to import QPD files from another Qimera project.  This is considered a merge capability and is typically used when multiple projects have been processed and cleaned and the user wants to create a final surface for delivery.  This workflow is described in Qimera Production Line Processing.

Import Sub-Menu

ASCII Navigation

This will launch a file browser to select the ASCII navigation files.  Then Qimera will launch the Import ASCII Navigation dialog to enable you to import external ASCII navigation into your project.

Add QTM File

This will launch a file browser to select a QINSy Qloud QTM file. The QPD files will be extracted and loaded into your project as processed point files.

Add PFM File

This will import a PFM file for cleaning.  Qimera now natively supports legacy PFM files in by projected and geographic coordinate systems.  PFM files were previously used by the FM Hydro suite of tools.

Automatic Raw File Import

This will launch the Automatic Raw File Import dialog to automatically import, process and append raw sonar files to a growing Dynamic Surface.

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