Import ASCII Navigation option of the Source->Import sub-menu in the Main Menu bar.
You'll need to first configure the ASCII fields via the Custom ASCII Configuration button which shows the Custom ASCII File Configuration dialog.
X Value, Y Value - these fields are used for importing Longitude/Latitude or Easting/Northing position pairs, both field must be mapped to import, these data are managed on the Position, Motion, Heading tab in Processing Settings Dialog
Roll, Pitch, Heave - these fields are used for importing vessel motion, these data are managed on the Position, Motion, Heading tab in Processing Settings Dialog, all three fields must be mapped to import
Heading - heading or gyro measurements, these data are managed on the Position, Motion, Heading tab in Processing Settings Dialog
Height - accurate heights, such as RTK, these data are managed on the Vertical Referencing tab in Processing Settings Dialog
Delayed Heave - filtered heave signal, such as TrueHeave, these data are managed on the Vertical Referencing tab in Processing Settings Dialog
Depth - depth measurements from sub-surface vehicles, these data are managed on the Depth tab in Processing Settings Dialog
What it Does
Generic ASCII data can be imported into Qimera using the ASCII importer tool.
General Description
Measurements such as position, motion, heading, height, delayed heave, and depth can be imported with the dialog.
The dialog has several sections, these are explained below.
You must have at least one Raw Sonar Files imported before importing ASCII navigation because the navigation data must be attached to a vessel.
Coordinate System of the Imported Data
Specify the datum of the data being imported. Navigation data will be converted to the project datum specified in the Project Properties Dialog.
Navigation data must be attached to a vessel. Simply select the vessel from the dropdown for which the navigation is being imported.
Position and Motion System Reference
All imported navigation data must be additionally attached to a new system. If you have not imported ASCII data previously in the project you will need to create new systems for import data types. Otherwise you can use previously configured systems. After systems are created they can be further modified in the Qimera Vessel Editor.
Creating a new System
To create a new system click the button next to the system drop down.
After after reviewing and accepting values in the New System dialog the new system should be shown in the dropdown. Check the data types that are to be extracted into the system.
Using an existing system
If you previously imported ASCII data the systems created during the import will be listed in the System drop down. Simply select the appropriate system and check the import data types.
Using an existing systems means all settings will be identical. If different uncertainty or offset settings for the system may be needed it is advisable to create a new system with copied settings.
When checked this option will make the imported systems take the highest priority in the Processing Settings Dialog.