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Qinsy - General

This page will cover several frequently asked questions related to Qinsy in general.




Display Icons

Can I make the icons in the toolbar bigger?

Yes that is possible via the following options:

  • This is available in several displays and not just the Console.

  • It can also be related to the settings of your actual display.
    If your display is a 4K display we suggest to set it to HD:


Were can I find documentation about Qinsy?

The documentation can be found in the software and on the website.


  • Knowledge base

  • Drivers Manual

  • Help

    • Press F1 in the dialog you have open to get more info on the buttons.


What should I do if the documentation does not open?

  1. Restart your PC;
    Sometimes this already fixes the problem.

  2. Run the application manually;
    Workaround in more detail can be found here

  3. If this does not work, please contact QPS support via Jira and share:

    1. Qinsy version used;

    2. Logfile found in C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Local\QPS\HelpServer

QGF file types

Were can I find which QGF file types support what type of data/information?

The following page gives you an overview of the different QGF file type used with QPS software:

Night Palette

Why is the Night Palette no longer available?

Since the Qinsy 9 release we have discontinued the night palette as the third party DLL hasn't been updated since 2011.
Please see: Qinsy - Night Palette (Dark Mode)

Patch test

Were can I find a tool for the Multibeam calibration (patch test)?

This can be found in the Survey Manager. The following How-to explains how that works:

Shortcut keys

What are the shortcut keys available in Qinsy?

The following page contains an overview of the shortcut keys in Qinsy:

Qimera also has an overview of the shortcut keys:

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