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CSD - Timeplot Display

Timeplot Display

The Timeplot Display shows raw observation or computed data over a user specified period of time. Observations are displayed scrolling from right to left in a time series pane, with a numerical pane below showing last, maximum, minimum, count, mean and SD values (the statistics of the plot view).
Multiple observations of different type can be displayed in one screen, each with its own associated vertical scale and midpoint value, i.e. various scales exist simultaneously. Click on an observation in the lower pane to see what its vertical scale and mid value are set at.
A fix number can also be displayed.

Take the following steps to create and configure a Timeplot Display:

Go to “Options” on the menu bar of the Controller and select “Displays”, or click on the Displays icon

This opens the Display Manager.

Click on 
to open the Add Display dialog:

Select type “Timeplot Display” and enter a title name.

Pressing OK opens the Select Observations dialog on top of an empty Timeplot dialog:

Select the type of observation to display.

    • System raw data: Raw observation values from any one or more of the systems defined in the template database.
    • System results data: Computed system observations.
    • DTM result data: Computed echosounder results (primarily multibeam).
    • Computation results data: Results from the position calculation.
    • Node result: Computed node positions.

For dredging the observations likely of interest are:

    • System Raw Data: Dredging Sensors. For example mixture velocity, mixture density, volume, weight, hopper level, status and flag.
    • System Raw Data: Draft Sensors, motion sensors, pseudo-USBL, gyro and tide.
    • System Results Data: computed tide result.

Expand the tree objects and highlight an observation.

Click on
to move the observation from 'Available' to 'Selected'.

Highlight every nth observation in the list. When < Remove > is pressed, these observations are deleted.
This option can be useful when a large number of beams from a Multibeam echosounder were selected.


The previously highlighted items are deselected.


Repeat these steps to add observations. Multiple observations from different types may be added to the selection list.

Click here to see a listing of parameters associated with each observation type...

System raw data



Show the actual received raw values.

Quality indicator

Show the quality of the received data.

Delta value

Show the difference between two consecutive system observations.
For example System Raw Data - Motion sensor - Roll Observation followed by Delta Roll value.
This shows the differences between successive roll observations.

System results data



Show status.


Show residual.


Show W-test.

A priori SD

Show a priori standard deviation.


Show Marginally Detectable Error.

Ext Rel (2D)

Show external reliability.


Show age.

DTM results


Across distance from TD

Show across distance from transducer head.

Along distance from TD

Show along distance from transducer head.


Show Easting local coordinates.


Show Northing local coordinates.


Show beam which is corrected for sound velocity and motion.

Horizontal TPE

Show the trend of the horizontal TPE (Total propagated error or uncertainty) values for a selected beam.

Vertical TPE

Show the trend of the vertical TPE (Total propagated error or uncertainty) values for a selected beam.

Computation results


F-test value

Show value for F-test.

F-Test limit

Show limit for F-Test.

Number of iterations

Show number of iterations.

Number of observations

Show number of observations.

Number of unknowns

Show number of unknowns.

Number of rejections

Show number of rejections.

Node results
Easting/Northing/HeightShow Easting/Northing/Height in local coordinates for the selected node.
Latitude/LongitudeShow Latitude/Longitude in local coordinates for the selected node.
SOG/COGShow the Speed/Course Over Ground of the selected node.
HeadingShow the heading of the object upon which the selected node is located.
Pitch/RollShow the pitch/roll of the object upon which the selected node is located.
2D Distance Raw-FilteredShow the 2D distance between the raw and the filtered observation of the selected node.
Height Diff Raw-FilteredShow the height difference between the raw and the filtered observation of the selected node.

Select “OK” to complete the selection. The Timeplot dialog lists the chosen observations:

The values start to scroll from right to left. Initially vertical scales take on default values which in most cases need modification. Default colors may also need changing.

Double click on an observation to open the Edit Observation Settings dialog.

Modify color, maximum and minimum values appropriately. Check the numerical values for minimum, maximum and mean in the lower pane as a guide.

Opens the Select Observations dialog where changes are made to add and remove observations.
Opens the Observation Settings dialog. Click on an observation and press Edit.
Opens the View Properties dialog. All parameters are fairly self explanatory. If not, expand the link below.
Click here for a description of View Properties parameters...

Timeplot View


Draw lines between updates.

Connect points with a line, showing the picture as a graph.

Draw big dots

Show points using more pixels.

Draw grid lines

Draw a grid over the graphical view.

Autoscale vertical axis

Adjust vertical scale to fit observation automatically.

Zoom factor for axis

Enter a value. When zooming in, the vertical axis is shown N-times as large of small where N is the entered value.

Grid Definition


Timespan in seconds

Enter a value for the horizontal axis.

Number of cells on x-axis

Number of grid cells overlaying the graph in horizontal direction.

Number of cells on y-axis

Number of grid cells overlaying the graph in vertical direction.

Data Corrections


Show raw data corrected with C-O's

Apply corrections from the template database to raw data.

Numerical View


Show numerical pane with the following columns

Activate to show the numerical pane.


Name of the selected observation.


Show vertical axis scale.

Last Value

Show last decoded or computed value.


Show number of values in the graph.

Minimum Value

Show minimum value in the graph.

Maximum Value

Show maximum value in the graph.

Mean Value

Show mean value in the graph.

Standard Deviation

Show calculated standard deviation in the graph.

Format Definitions


Numerical Format

Pull down menu with various resolutions for numerical format.

Time Format

Pull down menu with various resolutions for time format.

Unit Definitions


Rotation Reference

Pull down menu with various rotation units. These units can be adjusted depending on the Selected Observations at point 3 above.

Speed Value Unit

Pull down menu with various speed units. These units can be adjusted depending on the Selected Observations at point 3 above.

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