Qimera 2.1.1 Release
5 February 2020
We're pleased to present Qimera version 2.1.1, a maintenance release addressing small issues. Read below for details.
Processing / Source Files
Resolved an issue where a warning was shown incorrectly when using GNSS heights.
Surfaces in Cleaning Projects will no longer include footprints from systems that were not used in the original master surface.
Soundings accepted in a cleaning project will now be accepted correctly in the master project when the edits are merged.
Improved the error message that appears when ray tracing dependent tools are invoked for files that don't support ray tracing.
Tide files that include very sparse data, one point per day for instance, will now work correctly.
SVP Crossfade will no longer cause a crash for mixed MBES and Laser data.
Tools and Editors
Swath Editor: When Auto Zoom is turned off it will now respect that setting when rejected soundings are toggled.
Center clicking with the mouse and dragging will no longer invoke a selection tool.
Improved the matching and visualization of water column files that are separate from the bathymetry source file.
Fixed an issue with some laser points not working correctly in the Swath Editor.
Sounding properties will now be updated in the Slice Editor correctly, even if a tool other than 'Explore' is selected.
Stopped a crash in the Patch Test Tool that occurred when loading data from submersible objects that had no associated depth or pressure.
The background colour of the 3D Slice editor window can now be changed.
Some laser data caused a crash in the Wobble Test Tool. This has been fixed.
Improved water column visualization for dual head MBES systems that have ping rate inconsistencies between heads.
Stopped a crash that occurred in the 3D Editor when 'Select File' was used.
Importing / Exporting
Fixed a geodetics issue that occurred during import of QPDs from a Qinsy project.
Exported coordinates from the Geopicking utility will now have an appropriate number of decimal places.
An incorrect geodetics warning that appeared when draping an image on the scene has been fixed.
It is now clearly stated that ASCII files are supported for tide import.
POS/MV files that start with a partial datagram will now import correctly.
Fixed a crash that occurred when exporting certain Kongsberg data to GSF.
Improved detection of corrupt surfaces and how they are recreated.
Fixed an issue where updates to surfaces were not being carried out properly after changing from Manual Updates to Always.
The CUBE Capture Distance setting names have been changed to match Survey Manager and DMagic.
Shading of surfaces created in Qinsy has been improved.
Setting TPU values when creating a CUBE surface is now much faster.
Fixed a problem that was stopping Dynamic Surfaces from being created in Qinsy projects.
Improved how focus is removed from the Vertical Exaggeration settings box in the scene.
Fixed an issue that affected installations on Mac OS where the separate QPS geodetics were not installed.
Stopped a crash that occurred when ENCs with revisions were imported.
Licenses that include the FM Midwater product will now be acknowledged correctly by Qimera.
The classification filter information now clearly states that this filter is intended only for LAS/LAZ type data.
Improved the information presented when the required version of OpenGL is not found.
Improved handling of a situation where a project is inadvertently created in the C:\ root folder.
If you are a Caris/QPS workflow please read the following how-to How-to Caris Licence check as QPS products do not currently support Caris 11 Licensing.